writers inspiring writers

Get inspired! Receive free daily quotes from authors, poets, and copywriters to give you insights, motivation, and inspiration to help you be successful in your own career.

This is our gift to you to jumpstart your creativity, get your mind racing, boost your spirits, and help the right words flow for you each day. Every quote featured was hand-picked by a member of the American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI) team or was suggested by a current user of the app.


  • Daily inspirational quote from a top writer
  • Ability to favorite, share and save quotes
  • Quote suggestion tool for you to add your favorite writing quote to the mix
  • Available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

About American Writers & Artists Inst.

American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI), www.awai.com, has been publishing direct-response copywriting and travel writing and photography home-study programs since 1997.

Our mission is to help people develop the critical writing skills for financial security, independence and freedom. We equip members with the tools and connections necessary to land clients, start working professionally, and earn money fast from their writing.

Our free writing jobs site, DirectResponseJobs.com, connects businesses with skilled AWAI members. It’s a one-of-a-kind site focused exclusively on freelance and in-house jobs within the direct response industry.

For a complete list of our home-study programs or more information about AWAI, visit us at www.awai.com or call us at (866) 879-2924.

Downloading the App

Writers Inspiring Writers is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

Click here to download it from the Apple App Store.

Turning New Quote Notifications On or Off

Writers Inspiring Writers uses Notification Center to send you a daily alert each morning when a new inspirational quote is available in the app.

You can customize these notifications, including whether to play a sound or display an alert, just badge the app icon to show there is a new quote, or completely turn off the notifications at any time by going to Settings > Notification Center on your device.

Apple provides the following help with using Notification Center.

Saving Your Favorite Quotes

The daily inspirational quotes you see in the app will be available for a limited time, but you can save them to your Favorites list by pressing the star-shaped favorite button at the bottom of each qoute. Quotes that you add to your Favorites will remain there even after they are no longer on the Recent Inspirations list. You will be able to view them any time unless you remove them from your Favorites list by pressing the star-shaped favorite button again.

Please Note: If you delete and re-install the app, your Favorites will not be saved.


You can share any quote in the app several different ways. You can create a Facebook or Twitter post by pressing the corresponding button. The quote will automatically be added to your post and you will be able to edit it before you submit. You must have a Facebook or Twitter account enabled on your device before sharing.

If you want to share a quote with just one person, you can also create an email right from within the app by pressing the email button. Again, the quote will automatically be added to your email and you will be able to edit it before you hit send. You must add an email account to your device before sending email from the app.

If all else fails, you can easily copy a quote by pressing the copy button. A message will appear confirming that the quote was copied, and you can then exit the app and paste the quote into your Notes app or anywhere else that you are able to type on your device.

Contact Us

If you have any other questions about the Writers Inspiring Writers App or American Writers & Artists Institute, please feel free to contact us by phone or online.