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New Discovey from B2B Expert and Coach Gordon Graham…

Now You Can Say Yes to the Top 12 Well-Paying Content Writing Projects… And Make Money Faster as a Writer (Even If You’ve Never Written That Type of Project Before!) Plus, you’ll do such a great job on each project, clients will come back asking for more and more…

Dear Reader,

Imagine you’ve just finished writing a 500-word article for your client…

You turn it in, and the client loves your writing.

In fact, they love it so much, now they want to give you more paid assignments!

You can hardly believe it. Your writer’s dream of a full schedule and a full bank account is finally coming true.

But then that happiness suddenly turns to fear.

Your client asks you to write something you’ve never done before, like a case study or a white paper or a PowerPoint presentation.

Of course, you want to say YES because you love working with this client.

And you don’t want to pass up the chance for another paid project. Nor do you want to let your client down.

But the problem is, since you’ve never written one of these before, you’re not sure what to do.

Well, that’s where I can help.

I’m going to show you how to write every one of the 12 most popular B2B content projects that clients ask for today. And I’m going to get you started learning how to write them in the quickest time possible.

But that’s not all.

I’m also going to teach you how to pick the projects that match perfectly with your natural writing style and interests. That way, you don’t have to learn a new way of writing to become an in-demand B2B writer.

I’ll tell you how it’s possible to accomplish all of this in a minute. But first, let me explain why writing for B2B is a smart decision.

The B2B Market Is an Insatiable, Content-Hungry Beast!

Without a doubt, business has changed dramatically over the past few years.

Especially when it comes to how companies attract buyers from other companies, or what’s called Business-to-Business (B2B) marketing.

In the old days, a B2B firm could place an ad in a trade magazine. Or make cold calls to business buyers from morning to night. Or rent a big booth at a trade show.

But none of those methods work like they used to.

For starters, they’re really expensive. Buying space in a trade journal could run as much as $6,980 for a full-page ad. And sponsoring a booth at a trade show costs $40,000 to $60,000, depending on size and location. Not including salespeople to man the booth, airfare, hotels, and restaurant meals. All that costs a fortune.

The fact is, these days, customers don’t trust ads, telemarketers, or salespeople. Most business buyers prefer to do their own research.

And that’s where the Web and Google come in. People go online first to find whatever they’re looking for. This happens with consumers, and it happens with business buyers too.

In fact, studies show that nine out of 10 buyers check out a company’s website before they make a purchase.

Google has changed the way businesses sell to other businesses: Every B2B company must now produce content to stay high in the list of Google search results.

For example:

  • 91% of B2B businesses use content to promote their company
  • 80% of decision-makers prefer to get company information via a series of articles instead of an advertisement
  • 89% of customers begin their buying process with a search

What this means is, businesses need relevant and relatable content… and they need tons of it!

But most businesses don’t have the time or the skills they need to keep up with their content needs. Take a look at this chart from It shows just how often B2B companies rely on outside writers:

A Chart Showing Outsourced Writers Compared to In-House Writers

Yes, that’s right… about two out of three B2B companies outsource creating content to freelance writers. This means the majority of all B2B firms are always looking for reliable writers to write their content.

But there’s a shortage of skilled B2B content writers. And the situation is only going to get worse.

You see, the B2B market is skyrocketing. In 2014, it was worth $690 billion. And right now, it’s on course to be worth $1.18 trillion by 2021.

That’s great news for us writers.

Because it means there will continue to be far more B2B businesses needing content than there are trained writers to produce it. The balance will stay in our favor.

In fact, I hear from B2B marketers every week who are desperate to find a writer to help them. They don’t know anyone… or the ones they know are booked solid for months out, just like I am.

So, Who Am I… And How Do I Know This?

Gordon Graham

I’m Gordon Graham, and I’m not one to brag… but when it comes to writing B2B content, I’ve been there and done that.

I’ve been writing content since 1984. (That’s 34 years. Wow! Where does the time go?)

I’m known as “That White Paper Guy” because I’ve worked on more than 265 white papers since 1997. That works out to 12 white papers per year for the past 21 years.

Why does that matter?

In the B2B world, white papers are considered the crème da le crème of content writing projects. It takes time to learn how to do them correctly. Yet companies are more than happy to pay top dollar to those few writers who can write white papers. (If you’re not familiar, a white paper is a persuasive, authoritative, in-depth report on a specific topic that presents a problem and provides a solution.)

I’ve made as much as $10,000 for writing one — and $20,000 for managing a team to produce one on a tight deadline.

But I don’t just do white papers. In fact, I’ve written tons of other B2B content projects.

These include hundreds of case studies, not to mention blog posts, e-books, newsletters, press releases, slide decks, and even entire websites.

A few of my other accomplishments…

  • I edited the leading newsletter for software executives for five years,
  • I taught technical and marketing writing at two universities.
  • I’ve given close to 100 workshops and webinars on professional writing.
  • I wrote a book called White Papers for Dummies.
  • I won 14 awards from the Society for Technical Communications (STC).

And perhaps most important… I was the VP of Marketing for a successful software start-up. In three years, I helped us grow our revenues from $250,000 to $14 million.

Most businesses are happy if they grow at 10% a year.

Yet with my help, the company achieved an astonishing growth rate of 998%.

How did I do it?

I hired writers to create content for my company: case studies, newsletters, web pages, and white papers.

In essence, we used that content to “eat the lunch” of much larger, much richer competitors. After that, I helped write the business plan and created the PowerPoints used to sell the company at a good value.

So I’ve been “walking the talk” for almost 35 years.

The top expert in writing white papers, but his expertise doesn’t stop there!
An Image of Charlotte Hicks
Gordon Graham is widely known as the top expert in writing white papers, but his expertise doesn’t stop there. With his vast experience in content marketing, Gordon is well versed in all types of B2B content.
Charlotte S. Hicks

I could go on, but this isn’t about me… it’s about you.

Because when you learn what I can teach you about B2B content writing, you’ll be able to take on any content projects your B2B clients need. With complete confidence.

But you may be wondering…

What Content Do B2B Clients Need?

No matter what industry they’re in, every business needs a lot of good quality content. And there are 12 popular types of content that most B2B companies need.

I know from my years of experience what 12 projects my clients ask for most often.

But I also checked the annual surveys that the Content Marketing Institute has taken since 2010. Every year, these 12 types of content top the list of what companies use most:

Blog Posts
Placed Articles
Press Releases
Case Studies
Slide Decks
Video Scripts
White Papers

Learning how to write these 12 key pieces of content gives you a firm foundation for building your freelance writing business.

And there are a few ways you can go about that:

  1. You can specialize in one or two of these in-demand projects, or
  2. You can offer a comprehensive content package to your clients.

Of course, how you run your business is entirely up to you.

But I have a few recommendations on which way works best.

Keeping It in the Family

I can tell you from my personal experience, knowing how to write more than one or two types of content is the fastest way to build your writing business.

There are several reasons why.

First, if you specialize in only one or two types, that limits your potential income.

You’ll constantly need to search for clients who need the one or two things you can write. You also run the risk of being known as a “one-trick pony”… a writer who can only do one thing.

Second, and this is the most important reason, each type of content belongs to a larger family of writing projects. Understanding that can help you land more paid projects of your favorite type.

What I mean is that each piece of content you write can easily be linked to further content projects your client needs. You see, many of the 12 top content projects require certain writing traits.

This idea of grouping together content projects is an insight many writers miss… even those with years of experience. It’s not their fault. I’ve never seen anyone else link content projects together the way I do.

It’s actually a discovery I made a few years ago. While working with many different clients, I began to notice how different types of content shared similar characteristics.

For instance, writing a blog post is similar to writing an e-newsletter article. Both require an attention-grabbing headline, strong opening, and good body copy. And both of these are a lot like writing a light, engaging e-book.

All three of these provide content meant to be viewed on a screen. And because of these similarities, these projects can be grouped together in the same “writing family.”

Let me show you what I mean.

Let’s say you love to surf the Web, get your news online, and socialize with friends on video chats, and you often find cool new websites to share.

And because you like doing things online, then you are best suited to what I call the Screed Family, which includes writing blog posts, e-books, website content, and e-newsletters.

How do you know for sure if this family of writing projects is right for you? That’s easy. Just answer a few simple questions, such as…

  • Do you like to write fast and finish projects in a day or two?
  • Do you preview your drafts on the screen to see how they will look?
  • And do you love to see the results up on your screen quickly?

The Screed Family Tree

The Screed Family Tree

But what if you don’t feel like you belong to the Screed Family?

No problem. There are three other content writing families you could easily belong to:

  • The Paige Family
  • The Earhart Family
  • The Einstein Family

And in just a few minutes, I’ll tell you more about each one of these writing families, and how to find out which one is your perfect match.

But first, let me answer a question I often hear from writers considering the B2B market…

“How do I know if I’m doing it right?”

In other words, how can I avoid making a complete fool of myself, especially if it’s a project type I’ve never done before?

The way I see it, there are two ways you can find out how to write B2B content.

You can start searching online, with a generic query something like “How to write a case study.”

You’ll get results, all right. The only problem?

You’ll get inundated with conflicting opinions on what it takes to become a well-trained case study writer.

And you can spend hours sorting through all this “information” trying to find what you need.


You can flatten your learning curve by listening to a proven, working writer with well over 30 years of experience.

Someone like me… who has years of experience as a successful and well-paid B2B content writer.

Having been in the content market for so long, I’ve seen the mistakes writers often make… heck, over the years I’ve made lots of mistakes myself.

And I remember how hard it was for me to get good information when I first started… that was years before we had the Web to search.

I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I did. And I don’t want you to take years to figure it out on your own through trial and error like I did.

That’s why I’ve gathered my best tips, insights, and shortcuts and put them all in one convenient place so you can start working as a B2B content writer as fast as possible.

The Most Widely Respected Crash Course in B2B Content

I’ve taken my 34 years of content writing experience and created what’s become the most widely respected course of its kind, Crash Course in B2B Content.

My course has helped hundreds of writers’ master B2B content projects with ease and confidence. And many of the people I have helped over the years often write to tell me how happy they are with their decision to become an in-demand B2B writer.

Writers like Holly Helscher, who says,

Gordon Graham was terrific in how he outlined 12 critical services needed by B2B companies. He included the time each service would take, the range of fees charged, and everything in between. I refer to this course over and over again in my freelancing business. I have told everyone who has ever asked me about it that it is well worth the time and money.

And Howard Dolt writes,

Since Gordon goes into detail and is very thorough for 12 different projects that B2B clients are likely to ask for, I feel confident that I can successfully handle any of those projects. My confidence has been the biggest benefit. Not only are there webinars, but he also has samples and a walkthrough video for each project. I would advise any fellow AWAI members interested in B2B to sign up for this course. When a client asks for a specific project, we can go right to that project, click on it, and have everything we want or need at our fingertips. This provides a high level of confidence to take on any project!

Judy Strong says,

This has given me a clear understanding of the content pieces used in B2B copywriting. The detailed information is organized and thorough. At a glance, I can see the value and uses of each kind of content. I can decide exactly what type of content would serve a particular project. This is information you’ll use again and again.

And Karen Briggs says,

Having Crash Course in B2B Content in my arsenal is like having a secret weapon. This program is like having Gordon walk you through nearly any type of content writing project. It's given me the confidence to accept projects, whether I've done it before or not. I would not hesitate to recommend it to another member. If you have never written a certain type of content before, this program will help you get it right, from research to pricing.

I could go on sharing more stories like these because I just love to hear them.

But let me take a few minutes now to explain how I put together such an in-depth crash course on writing B2B content.

Designed to Get You Up to Speed Fast

Crash Course in B2B Content is organized into 12 easy-to-follow modules.

Each module focuses on one of the 12 types of content. This allows you to quickly get up to speed on how to write that particular type.

Remember that scenario I shared with you at the beginning of this letter… when a client asks you to write something you’ve never done before, like a case study? And how you’re hesitant to say Yes because you’re not sure how to do it?

Well, I’ve solved that problem for you. With the Crash Course, you go straight to the Case Study Module. Everything you need to know to get started writing one is right there.

That module is put together so you can easily go through it in 60 minutes and learn what you need to do a great job and get paid for writing your first-ever case study.

Beyond the “how to do it” tips, I’ve included tons of links to further samples and handpicked articles, updated so you’re working from the most current thinking.

Because each module is available the moment you need it, your B2B knowledge and content writing skills can grow as fast as you need to learn.

Each module includes:

  • A detailed overview, so you know exactly what’s involved with that type of content project. When your client asks if you know how to write “blank,” you can say YES. And when you take on the project, you’ll come across as a true professional.
  • Simple ways to find potential and obvious add-ons to the project you’ve been given by your client. For instance, if you’re writing a case study, why not suggest that you create a slide deck featuring many of their case studies all pulled together? Your client will appreciate that you’re concerned about their success, and they’ll see the value you bring.
  • Multiple samples of successful content projects — including an in-depth video walkthrough of a sample of each type. You’ll have plenty of real-world examples to compare your own work to. And you’ll see what several finished projects are supposed to look like.
  • Guidance on the scope of work involved, the fees you can expect to earn, and the kind of clients that need each project type. You’ll never have to wonder about what to include in your bid, or worry about what a good price is for that project. I come right out and tell you!
  • Super-practical tips on researching, writing, and delivering successful B2B content pieces, all based on my decades of experience. It’s like having an expert looking over your shoulder, making sure you’re doing it the right way.
  • And so much more…

The aim of Crash Course in B2B Content is to provide you with everything you need to know about each of the 12 in-demand content projects so you can succeed in B2B content as quickly as possible.

Let’s Peek Inside the Course…

So, let’s have a quick look at each of the 12 modules. This way you can see the opportunity available to you, including how much time is required, and the potential income you can make for each one!

Module 1: Blog Posts

B2B companies use their blog to discuss issues in their industry, to share information about their business, and to explain how to get the most from the products or services they offer.

Blogs work best for Google when they have fresh content added regularly. So, it’s rare for a B2B company to want only one blog post. The truth is, they need a steady flow of new blog content — sometimes several new posts a week!

That’s good news for writers. A blog provides a great opportunity for regular, repeat work with one client.

Blog Post Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time

Blog Post

600 to 1,200 words

Easy to Medium

$250 to $500 each

4 to 6 hours

Module 2: Case Studies

B2B companies use case studies to describe how their product or service helped an actual customer solve a business problem in the real world.

Case studies are a powerful form of social proof — like an extended testimonial — designed to remove any doubt or hesitation around a prospect’s buying decision.

Very few business owners have the skills to present case studies in an interesting and compelling way. But as a content writer, this is your superpower!

Case Study Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time

Case Study

800 to 1,200 words


$1,000 to $2,000 each

16 to 20 hours

Module 3: E-books

B2B e-books aren’t like e-books of popular novels. B2B e-books are light and lively primers with lots of graphics that enable B2B companies to share their insights, enhance their reputation, and generate fresh leads.

Again, very few business owners have the skills to write e-books for themselves. So, there is plenty of opportunity for writers to create e-books for them.

E-Books Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time


12 to 50+ pages

Medium to Hard

Depends on length, scope, expertise $2,000 – $7,000

Depends on scope

Module 4: E-newsletters

An e-newsletter is a message sent regularly to subscribers on a B2B company’s email list. When the company sends out regular messages with useful content, it builds the relationship with their subscribers.

And it’s a way of keeping their brand “top of mind” during a lengthy buying decision.

The only problem is: Once a business starts a monthly e-newsletter, they have to keep producing it. That’s a huge burden for most businesspeople, who just can’t come up with a regular, well-written e-newsletter on a regular schedule.

This is why they hire freelance writers like you to take the pressure off them. Another great thing about e-newsletters: That publishing schedule keeps your client coming back for repeat business, again and again.

E-newsletters Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time


500 to 700 words

Easy to Medium

$500 to $1,250+ per issue, plus one time set up fee of $3,000+

2 to 3 hours

Module 5: Infographics

Infographics are an excellent way for businesses to engage their readers more actively, using eye-catching graphics.

An infographic sums up a mass of data in a simple visual. And when they’re done especially well, they go viral. I’m sure you’ve seen your share of really neat infographics on the internet or social media.

The problem for most businesspeople is they don’t have a mass of data at their fingertips — and if they do, they don’t know how to pull it into an appealing design.

Good B2B content writers can boil everything down into bite-sized chunks of facts and insights. And if you work with a designer for the visuals, you’ll be a winning combination.

Infographics Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time


1 to 2 pages of text with visuals


$750 to $1,000 for research and text, plus $750 to $1,000 for design

(more research than writing) 18 to 20 hours

Module 6: Placed Articles

Placed articles help businesses promote themselves by appearing on popular websites and in trade publications and magazines.

Many placed articles are opinion pieces where an author expresses their view on some topical trend or issue.

These articles need to be well-written and compelling. Sometimes they’re picked up from a blog post, or excerpted from a white paper.

This is where professional B2B writers come in, and the fee you earn reflects the importance of this piece of content.

Placed Article Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time

Place Article

750 to 1,500+ words

Easy if repurposed; Medium if written from scratch

Fees vary from $1,500 up to $3,000

10 to 15 hours

Module 7: Press Releases

B2B companies use press releases to catch the attention of journalists, editors, and bloggers interested in news from the firm. Then those media types convey that news to their audiences.

Of course, anyone in the media gets buried in press releases, so there’s a particular way these need to be written and formatted.

To make sure that a press release gets noticed, it must be written by someone who’s familiar with the format, someone who won’t waste a word. That’s great news for you — once you know the format!

Press Release Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time

Press Release

1-2 pages or 500 words max

Easy to Medium

$250 to $500 each

1 to 4 hours

Module 8: Slide Decks

When B2B companies present their ideas and products at trade shows or industry events, they often use PowerPoint presentations, also known as slide decks.

Lots of slide decks are available online as slide shares or downloads too.

But when a presentation is boring or confusing, it can do more harm than good.

This is why businesses need B2B writers who can create clear and crisp presentations that don’t put the audience to sleep.

Slide Deck Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time

Slide Deck

Varies, average 10 to 20 slides for 30 to 60 minutes plus Q&A

Easy to Medium

$100 to $125 per slide (basic template), $200 to $250 per slide with speaker’s notes, $400 to $500 per slide (high-end design)

1 hour per slide (text only) 2 hours per slide (full production and speakers notes)

Module 9: Speeches

Executives from B2B companies sometimes get invited to give talks at industry events. Speeches are an effective way to get their message out to a large audience at once. But if the speech isn’t compelling, the opportunity is wasted.

This is why business owners hire professional B2B writers to write speeches for them.

As writers, we understand how to combine the right words with the right tempo to capture the audience’s attention and make a speech memorable.

Speech Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time


160 spoken words per minute × 15 to 20 minutes = 2,400 to 3,200 words total

Medium to Hard: 1 minute takes 1 hour research + writing

$100 to $350 per minute, average $200. $4,000 to $8,000 total, average $5,000

1 minute = 1 hour of work (20 – minute speech = 20 hours work)

Module 10: Video Scripts

Everyone loves watching videos on the Web — if they’re done right. So video is another great way for businesses to get their message out to a wider audience.

But every video needs a script. And that’s where content writers come in.

We know how to sort through the clutter, tell a story with visuals, and make the company’s message memorable to experience.

Video Script Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time

Video Script

Short: 30 seconds to 5 minutes max, average 2 1/2 minutes

Medium to Hard

$500 research and $100 to $150 per minute, or $1,000 to $2,000 total

Depends on the scope of the project

Module 11: Websites

The company website is the storefront of any B2B business, so it needs to look good. And it needs to sound good too.

Every word on every web page needs to communicate clearly and earn its keep.

But once again, very few business owners write their own websites. It’s far faster and easier for them to hire a content writer who can write engaging and informative web pages for them.

Website Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time


Varies from 5 to 25+ pages. Always quote by project, not by page

Medium to Hard

$750 to $1,250+ for sitemap and $250 to $500+ per page. Extra for design/coding

4 to 6 hours per web page

Module 12: White Papers

White papers are my favorite!

The reason I like white papers so much is that if you can write a white paper… you can write pretty much any other kind of content project.

White papers are persuasive essays that use facts and logic to promote a particular B2B product or service.

As you can imagine, white papers take a lot of research.

And in this module, I’ll tell you how to get started and the best tactics for writing persuasive white papers.

White Paper Opportunities at a Glance…

Content Type

Typical Length

Effort Involved

Typical Fees

Typical Writing Time

White Paper

3,500 words average

Hard: Takes time, requires detailed research

$2,500 to $10,000, average $4,200 for text-only plus design & graphics $1,000+

40-50 hours (across 2 to 4 weeks)

So, there you have it, a glimpse inside each module, including the effort involved for each type of content project, the time required, and the range of fees you can earn.

Obviously, the more experience you get, the faster you can work. And the more you can charge clients.

And as the name Crash Course in B2B Content implies, all the modules cover exactly what you need to know to get started learning and earning money right away.

A painless way to level up your skills in a new niche fast
An Image of Jen Adams
Gordon is more than 'just' a successful B2B writer. He's one of the few who can clearly explain exactly how to connect with clients, win new projects, and complete the work in a high-quality way that quickly builds you a solid, sustainable income. Plus, with his straightforward teaching style, learning from Gordon is a painless way to level up your skills in a new niche fast.
Jennifer Adams, Freelance B2B Copywriter and Managing Editor of The Professional Writers’ Alliance

A New Writing Future is Waiting for You

What you’ll learn in Crash Course in B2B Content is really the starting point of creating a viable, long-term B2B writing career.

Maybe your goal is to replace your regular income as an employee stuck in an office cubicle with the fees you earn as an in-demand B2B writer.

But how do you go from just starting out to making that kind of money? And is it realistic?

Let me walk you through an example of how that can happen. That way you can see what kind of writing career awaits you.

Let’s say you determined you belong to the Screed Family. And a client approaches you to write four blog posts. You’ve never written blog posts before, but you say “YES” anyway because you know all the details are in the Blog Post Module of Crash Course in B2B Content.

You take the project on, and the client pays you $2,000.

They like your writing so much, they ask you to do four more blog posts. That’s another $2,000 in your bank account.

And since you did such a great job with those initial blog post projects, they ask you to write more blog posts for them. In fact, you wind up writing four blog posts every month. This is entirely possible because remember, B2B companies need a lot of blog posts.

If you do this for 12 months running, you’re getting $24,000 in writing income from that one client for that one type of content alone.

But remember, your goal is to replace your income. So that’s not enough… yet.

Enter Client #2…

Another client asks you to write an e-book for their company. Of course, you say Yes because once again, all the details on how to write one are in the E-book Module in the Crash Course.

And since writing e-books is in the Screed Family of writing projects, you know your breezy writing style fits perfectly with this type of content project… so you now have one more reason to say Yes.

For this project, your client pays you $5,000.

But it doesn’t end there.

Client #2 also wants you to write a monthly E-newsletter for them. Because this too fits with your writing style — and it’s another member of the Screed Family where you write for the screen — you can handle it easily.

So you say Yes. And to make sure you do it properly, you go to the E-newsletter Module in Crash Course in B2B Content which walks you through how to write it.

Since it’s the client’s first e-newsletter, they pay you a fee of $3,000 to get everything set up. And for each additional E-newsletter you write, you get paid $1,000.

Turns out you wind up writing 12 monthly E-newsletters. That’s a total of $12,000. Plus your $3,000 setup fee, your total income from Client #2 so far is $20,000.

And every month you’re writing one e-newsletter for Client #2 and four blog posts for Client #1. That’s doable in the evenings or on weekends, while you hold down your full-time job.

Enter Client #3…

And now that you have more content writing experience under your belt, another client comes along and asks you to write two blog posts every week for them. Of course, you say Yes.

And now you’re earning $4,000 a month from Client #3, which is another $48,000 a year.

So far, your yearly income adds up to a whopping $92,000.

And if you’re like most people, that more than replaces your full-time pay as an employee. After all, according to Business Insider, the median household income nationwide is < $59,039.

But to get all that writing done, you’re working every evening and Saturday. As soon as the next client asks you to write for them, your biggest decision might be whether it’s now time to leave your 9-to-5 job behind, so you can work full-time as a freelance B2B writer.

Do you see how quickly the money piles up? And how one project almost magically leads to another? And how you didn’t have to learn a new way of writing to earn this kind of money if you stick to the kind of projects that make you happy?

Set Your Own Goals…

The great thing about writing B2B content is that you can set your own goals. No one can tell you how much is too little or too much business.

So if you’re dreaming of a six-figure income, you can quit your full-time job, and just add another client… or do more for the clients you already have.

For example, you could rewrite the content on your current client’s website.

They’ll be happy to pay you $1,250 for the initial site map. And on top of that, you’ll get paid up to $500 for each page of content you write. In no time at all, you’ll reach six-figures. All from writing for the screen, which you love.

And remember, you’ll know how to do all these content projects with confidence because the details are in the Crash Course.

But what if you like your full-time job? What if your goal is just to earn a few thousand dollars on the weekend, in your spare time?

Well, that’s easy to do too.

Write a video script for a client in a few hours and earn anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000. Or earn $5,000 writing an e-book in a couple of months of your spare time.

No matter how much money you want to earn, one thing is absolutely clear: Writing B2B content is a smart decision.

Go from Dreaming to Doing

If you really want to become an in-demand writer…

If you want to say YES without hesitation to writing any one of the top 12 B2B in-demand content projects…

If you really want to kick-start your writer’s life

Then it starts with your decision to get Crash Course in B2B Content.

In no time at all, you’ll know how to write the top 12 most pressing B2B content projects including:

  • Blog Posts
  • Case Studies
  • E-books
  • E-newsletters
  • Infographics
  • Placed Articles
  • Press Releases
  • Slide Decks
  • Speeches
  • Video Scripts
  • Websites
  • White Papers

And best of all, whatever content project type you choose, you don’t have to learn a new way of writing. Just pick the content projects that match your natural writing style.

Use My “Skill Finder” to Find Your Perfect Match

When you sign up for Crash Course on B2B Content, not only will you learn how to write the 12 top projects in the fastest time possible. You’ll know how to pick the projects that match your natural writing style, talent, and interests.

That’s because included in the Crash Course is The Four Families of B2B Content guide.

With this guide at your fingertips, you’ll be able to easily and quickly find out what content projects match perfectly with your unique writing skills.


Each section of the skill-finder guide is broken into the four distinct Family Trees of Writing Projects. And in each section, there are seven questions, all designed to help you determine the type of B2B content projects best suited for your natural writing talents, skills, and interest.

There are four different writing families to choose from:

  1. The Screed Family — writing for the screen
  2. The Paige Family — writing for the page
  3. The Earhart Family — writing for the ear
  4. The Einstein Family — writing for the eye

I’ve already given you a glimpse of the content projects that fall under the Screed Family, so let’s take a brief look at the others and see which one is right for you.

Let’s start with the Paige Family.

Are you the kind of person who loves to read books? Did you enjoy writing essays in college? Do you like digging into new topics to find out new information, facts, and figures?

If you like doing all these, our research says you belong to the Paige Family, or writing for the page. Doing case studies, press releases, and white papers would be a great fit for your writing talents.

Or maybe that doesn’t sound right. Do you love to listen to podcasts or talk radio? Or do you play an instrument and like listening to music? Have you even dabbled in sound editing software?

Sounds like you belong to the Earhart Family, or writing for the ear.

If so, writing speeches and video scripts would fit nicely with your writing skills and interests. And writing speaker’s notes for a slide deck would be a natural for you too, since you love writing words intended to be spoken aloud.

Hmmm… maybe you like to go to art galleries? Do you tend to flip through magazines paying more attention to the images than the words? Do you enjoy beautiful landscapes, or impeccable décor in a home or office?

You might find that you prefer writing the text that goes with visual content. Creating infographics, slide decks, and video scripts may be closely aligned with your talents.

If so, it looks like you belong to the Einstein Family, writing for the eye.

As you can see, no matter what your interests, experience, or talent, there’s a type of B2B content that fits naturally with what you like to do most.

Using The Four Families of B2B Content, you’ll easily be able to determine which type of B2B content projects are ideally suited for you. And when you discover which ones match your natural writing style, you’ll get up to speed much faster.

That’s because the time you spend actually writing feels effortless. It’s as if time flies by quickly because you like what you’re doing.

You’ll also find a handy chart called Using Your “B2B Content Family” to Take Control of Repurposing to help you decide exactly which projects suit your needs and availability.

And even better, you’re getting paid handsome fees to write content projects you like best.

You’ll find all the details on how to uncover the family of content writing projects that match your natural writing style and interest in The Four Families of B2B Content guide and chart, which you’ll have immediate access to when you sign up for Crash Course in B2B Content.

But there’s more.

To make sure you’re absolutely confident you’ve chosen the family of writing projects that fits with your natural writing style, talent, and interests, you’ll also be invited to join me in a special BONUS webinar.

During the webinar, I’ll walk you through each Family, describe the content projects involved with each one, and show you the seven questions that help determine the projects best suited to your writing style and interests.

By the time we’re done, you’ll know without a doubt which of the four families is best for you.

The details on the date and time of the webinar will be sent to you as soon as you join Crash Course in B2B Content.

An Investment in Your Future

By now, you’re probably thinking, all this sounds great — but how much does it cost?

Well, you’ll be glad to know that your investment in this one-of-a-kind learning opportunity is just $497. At that price, it’s a bargain.

That’s an investment of $1.36 a day over a year… in most cities, that’s less than half the cost of a cup of coffee. And that’s a drop in the ocean compared to how much you can earn as a B2B content writer.

In fact, you could earn back your investment with your first paid project! For example, write one e-newsletter and get paid $500 or more.

Or write an e-book for $5,000. Write four blog posts for $2,000. At this rate, you’ll make back your investment many times over.

Remember too, this is EXTRA money we’re talking about… money you might have turned down because you weren’t sure if you should say Yes to a project you hadn’t done before.

But thanks to your decision to invest in Crash Course in B2B Content, you can say YES every time.

So, if you’re ready to start getting paid to write B2B content, then just click the orange button below.

YES! I want to get paid to write B2B content!

I said ‘Yes’ first and then opened the Crash Course…
An Image of Lee Nourse
With ‘Crash Course in B2B Content’ on my docket, I feel confident enough to meet client requests to do types of projects that are new to me. Like the slide deck copy I was asked to write two weeks ago. ‘Crash Course in B2B Content’ and read through the chapter on slide deck copy. I use other sources too, but always check ‘Crash Course in B2B Content’ first to see what Gordon Graham advises.
Lee Nourse, B2B Copywriter

More Incentives to Get You Started Right Now…

As an AWAI member, you deserve the very best. And I want you to be comfortable with your decision to become an in-demand B2B content writer.

So I’m going out of my way to make this offer the absolute best it can be.

When you join Crash Course in B2B Content, I’m going to include FOUR additional bonus gifts worth more than $200. I created each one to help you reach success as a B2B content writer as quickly as possible.

FREE Bonus #1: Desk Reference Guide (A $19 value)

This one-sheet-wonder gives you a quick reference for the 12 types of B2B content. You’ll see all the key information you need at a glance: the definition of each project, how companies use them, how many words they contain, and how much you can charge for writing one.

With this valuable resource by your computer, you can quote projects with confidence and clarity.

FREE Bonus #2: Dive Deeper into Content Writing (A $29 value)

You don’t have to search the Web to get more information on B2B content projects, because I did it for you! This handpicked set of links to 50+ articles helps you go deeper into each of the 12 Key Content types.

For example, you’ll find links to intriguing and helpful resources like these:

  • 8 mistakes even professional content writers make (and how to avoid them)
  • 49 blogging tips, with an easy-to-use checklist
  • 21 dumb mistakes to avoid when you’re writing your first e-book
  • 7 tips for creating remarkable infographics
  • And so much more

Every type of content is listed alphabetically, so you can quickly zero in on the resources you need most.

FREE Bonus #3: Content Marketing 101 Quick Start Webinar (A $59 value)

Every business needs relevant and relatable content, and they need writers like you to write it. But do you really understand why? Or are you a little confused by “content marketing”?

Watch this quick-start webinar, and in less than 15 minutes, you’ll have a solid understanding of what drives B2B content and why clients need your help to keep up with their growing needs for more.

FREE Bonus #4: Repurposing B2B Content: The Easiest Money You’ll Ever Make (A $99 value)

So, you’ve written your project, and you think you’re finished. Not at all! There’s so much more you can do with that first piece of content. You can repurpose it into other pieces of key content in many different ways.

You get paid each time you recycle content into a new format.

And the best part is, there’s no selling.

You don’t have to wait for a new client to come along and make them a pitch. You don’t have to get set up in the accounting system of a new company. You don’t even have to meet a new team.

You just ask your client, “Could you also use a ____? Or, “Shall I do that for you?”

Often, they’re delighted at your suggestions. All you have to do is name your price.

Since you already know your piece inside-out, you’re the expert who can best redo it as another piece — often with no further research. It’s just editing a few sentences or paragraphs.

This 36-minute webinar explains how repurposing content you already wrote can be the easiest money you’ll ever make.

Plus, you’ll also have access to my Guide to Upselling/Repurposing that shows you how to leverage the relationship you already have with your client. It makes it a no-brainer for your clients to hire you to write more content for them.

It’s a simple way to turn one project into multiple projects — and get paid for each new project you take on.

Remember, all four of these bonuses are yours FREE when you invest in Crash Course in B2B Content.

No risk to Try!

To help give you complete peace of mind and confidence in your decision, Crash Course in B2B Content comes with a “Rock Solid 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.”

Enroll in Crash Course in B2B Content today. Dive deep into the 12 modules, listen to my step-by-step explanations… and explore the hundreds of resources and examples I’ve included.

Go out and win clients, using the typical fees list I give you to make sure you price the project right… and turn your clients into loyal, repeat clients using the Guide to Upselling/Repurposing.

Do all this for the next 30 days knowing that if for any reason you feel Crash Course in B2B Content hasn’t lived up to your expectations or helped you say “Yes” to more projects… then simply call the friendly team at AWAI’s Member Services for a prompt and courteous full refund. No questions asked.

So, Let Me Ask You…

If an industry expert with 30+ years of experience knocked on your door and asked if you’d like to learn how to get paid to write the most popular B2B writing projects on the market today…

Would You Send Him Away?

Right now, I’m offering you the chance to tap into my knowledge, experience, and expertise to accelerate your writing career and land one paid project after another to fill up your schedule… and your bank account too.

Way back when I started, there wasn’t anything like the Crash Course in B2B Content. The learning curve was steep and confusing. Much of what I learned came from trial and error.

Had Crash Course in B2B Content been around back then, I would have saved myself a lot of costly mistakes and blunders. And made more money much faster.

Many of my friends and colleagues tell me the same thing. They wish the course was available when they got started. It would have saved them time and helped them make more money faster too.

My learning curve would have been greatly reduced
An Image of Lee Nourse
“I’ve excelled as a B2B copywriter for more than 20 years, but my learning curve would have been greatly reduced had I been able to take Gordon Graham’s Crash Course in B2B Content when I was starting out. I highly recommend that you take his Crash Course in B2B Content for two simple reasons. 1) It’s a wonderful program and you’ll learn a ton; and 2) If you don’t, someone else will and they’ll have a big advantage over you.”
Casey Demchak, B2B Copywriter and Consultant

So, it’s time to decide.

And the way I see it, you have two options…

Option #1: You can ignore everything you’ve read here and keep doing things the hard way. You can continue to say “No” to clients who are practically begging to give you money just because you’re not sure what to do.

And perhaps worst of all… you may even give up on your dreams of living the writer's life. Meanwhile, your colleagues and peers will continue to build up their knowledge and be willing to try new projects.


Option #2: You can try Crash Course in B2B Content, go through the modules that interest you most, listen to the presentations, watch the video walkthroughs, read the bonus materials, and check out all the other resources.

You can find out which type of content projects match your natural writing style. And you can quickly start doing some of the 12 most in-demand B2B writing projects with ease and confidence.


  • Having the all confidence in the world to say “Yes” to a project — even if you’ve never written that type of content before
  • Being the go-to writer for your favorite clients, helping solve their growing need for more content
  • Only needing a few good clients to earn a great, steady income
  • Being offered a retainer deal because your client doesn’t want to lose you

But most of all, imagine the feeling you’ll have knowing that you are living the writer’s life you’ve always dreamed about. The life you deserve.


You’ll have plenty of time to review your order on the next page

It’s waiting for you. Let’s unlock your true writing potential starting today.


Gordon Graham
(That White Paper Guy)

P.S. From this day forward, you’ll be able to say YES without hesitation to the top 12 in-demand writing projects in B2B today. Everything you’ll learn in Crash Course in B2B Content, including how to pick the right projects that match your unique writing talents, skills, and interests… along with all four free bonuses (valued over $200)… is designed to get you up and writing in the fastest time possible.

Don’t let this opportunity slip by. Go here NOW to secure your spot in the Crash Course in B2B Content.


You’ll have plenty of time to review your order on the next page

I’ve learned the most about how to write engaging and persuasive marketing content from Gordon Graham!
An Image of Lee Nourse
The industry expert I’ve learned from the most about how to write engaging and persuasive marketing content is Gordon Graham. He understands how to maintain the right balance between educating the reader and shifting their thinking about an issue or idea. Just an absolutely brilliant guy… and an excellent teacher to boot! If you can get your hands on any of his training, jump at the opportunity.”
Ed Gandia, Business Coach and Copywriter