“Ten years ago, I walked into Bob Bly’s Getting Clients
event as a total newbie copywriter. I knew nothing about finding clients, let alone how to convince them to pay me big bucks.

“I walked out three days later with decades of
Bob’s experience “downloaded” into my brain …

“His proven business secrets turned me into a six-figure copywriter in just 11 months … and I’ve increased my income every year since.”

– Joshua Boswell

Now It’s YOUR Turn to Absorb 35+ Years of Bob Bly’s Experience and Kick-Start Your Copywriting Career in a Matter of Hours …

But You Won’t Have to
Leave Home to Do It!

Hello, Star Copywriter!

Joshua Boswell here.

I’ve been a six-figure freelance copywriter for almost ten years now …

And after launching my own successful business — and talking with, coaching, and encouraging hundreds of beginning copywriters — I can say this for certain:

Creating a successful freelance copywriting business depends on ONE thing:

Getting clients!

(After that, building your business is simply a matter of doing good work for all those clients, so they favor you with repeat business year after year.)

But if you’re like I was at the beginning … and you have no foggy clue how to get someone to pay you to write copy for them …

Or, if your freelance business could use a serious jump-start …

Then today is your lucky day!

See … something very exciting happened recently that’s going to make all the difference in the next year of your freelance business.

This is a very rare something … an event like Halley’s Comet that only comes around once in a very long time … with one key difference:

I’ve been told that it’s never, ever, ever going to happen again.

This is the something that can make all of the struggles … confidence issues … questions, qualms, and queries you may have about kick-starting your copywriting business and getting clients … disappear for good!

I can say that with my hand over my heart because this one something changed my life forever ten years ago …

It made it possible for me to live the abundant, stress-free, schedule-free writer’s life I’m living now.

It utterly transformed me from a newbie copywriter (maybe like you are now) into a full-fledged, working copywriter.

I went from a total nobody to a respected, well-known, “go-to” copywriter, working for incredible fees that only writers with decades of experience can command.

All that …

From nothing to six-figures …

In just 11 months.

And that’s why I’m so excited for this moment.

Because I truly believe this is the moment YOUR life will change.

You see, this “something” isn’t actually a something at all. It’s a someone.

Bob Bly — whom McGraw-Hill calls “America’s Top Copywriter” — has written for over 100 clients over the span of his career.

And now, he’s here to give you the BEST of the “getting clients” secrets he uses to consistently earn an average of $600,000+ per year!

You see …

In 2014, after nine long years of my begging, pleading, pestering, and prodding … Bob finally agreed to come out of his copy cave and put on his Getting Clients Weekend again …

Not just once … but twice! (Once in Baltimore in 2014, and once in Bob’s home borough of Weehawken, New Jersey in 2015 … it was a miracle!)

100 lucky duck copywriters were able to get the same transformative learning experience … effectively leap-frogging ahead of the unfortunate souls that missed out …

And it was the event of a lifetime … but it will never, ever, ever happen again.

If you don’t know Bob, he’s a Master Copywriter, genius marketer, and one of the most generous, humble teachers you’ll ever find.

But it’s not just a treat to hear him speak.

It’s a very rare, very expensive treat. Like truffles or caviar at a five-star restaurant.


Bob is so ridiculously busy, he hardly ever leaves his writing hidey-hole.

And, he really doesn’t like to travel.

He just likes writing.

In fact, he spends 12 hours at his desk every day …

Researching, writing sales copy, and talking with his clients …

Plus … he puts out a twice-weekly e-newsletter on direct-response marketing …

Has multiple books under contract with his publishers at all times …

Writes articles for a variety of publications …

Runs a six-figure Internet information marketing business “on the side” …

And in his spare time, he even writes science fiction.

And he’s been doing nothing BUT writing, getting clients, and marketing himself for the past 36 years …

To the tune of a VERY healthy six-figure income … and a net worth well into seven-figures.

So you can bet when Bob comes out of his cave to speak, even the world’s greatest copywriters stop to listen … and take notes.

And he’s not just an excellent copywriter. He’s one of the best in the world at marketing himself. (At least, that’s what Master Copywriter Mark Ford says!)

I only go through this long-winded, wide-eyed fanboy tirade to really emphasize how incredibly rare and special this opportunity was … to sit down and hear the uber-master of client-getting spill all his secrets.

Especially because after the 2015 event, it was officially retired. (And I’ve been warned that no amount of my begging, pleading, pestering or prodding would work, so I’d better just clam it.)

But …

Considering how quickly my own success came after this event, I really, really wanted Bob to help more newbies like me attract and close amazing clients, make tons of money, and have a great lifestyle.

And Bob agreed.

Those 100 lucky writers weren’t enough …

The incredible value of jumping ahead of the copywriting game by decades  … using Bob’s crucial tricks, key techniques, and a binder full of forms, agreements, and lists he said you can “legally steal” and use …

It was just too much of a treasure to tuck away in the AWAI vault without giving you a fair shot at it.

That’s why I’m very happy to report that Bob Bly’s 2015 Getting Clients Home Study program is yours for the taking … until it goes back into the vault again on May 22nd at midnight.

I’m quite serious … this page will be taken down at midnight on May 22nd.

Bob’s program will not be listed in the AWAI catalog.

It won’t be available anywhere.

Now is your only chance to get it.

Just a fair warning! I’m going to tell you all about the excellent deal you’ll be getting in just a minute.

But first, a most important question:

Are you ready to “download” 35 years of proven client-getting secrets directly into your noggin?

Isaac Newton said, “If I have been able to see further, it is only because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.”

I am offering you the same opportunity today.

 … Even if you have never been paid to write in your life.

 … Even if you have no idea where to start.

 … Even if you’ve been trying to build your business for a while now.

You can “stand on Bob’s shoulders,” learn from his decades of experience, and have everything you need to jump-start your copywriting career in a matter of hours.

You won’t even have to make your own mistakes — Bob’s already made every mistake in the book, and he’ll show you exactly how to avoid each and every one.

In fact, in his own words …

If there’s a mistake … he’s made it.

If there’s a pitfall, he fell into it.

If there’s a deal to be soured, he’s soured it.

But …

He has also had the time — 35 years of 12 hours per day — and spent the money — tens of thousands of dollars — in order to learn from his mistakes and figure out how to make it all work.

If that isn’t impressive enough, think of it this way.

It’s often said that when you’ve practiced your craft for 1,000 hours, you’re competent.

Hit 10,000 hours and you can call yourself a master.

Bob Bly has spent somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 hours doing nothing but writing, marketing, and landing clients. (Seriously, he outsources everything else — from mowing the lawn to even billing his own clients!)

He’s not just a master. He’s the master of masters. The uber-guru, sensei, emperor of masters!

With Bob by your side, you’ll zip past the costly delays and frustrating pitfalls … and shoot straight to the head of the class!

While other copywriters are floundering, you’ll be soaring with the eagles in the high country.

Oh, and believe me, the air is much nicer up here! The lifestyle is incredible and the money is great.

So you might as well get on with it and live the writer’s life sooner rather than later.

I did it … and you can too.

The bottom line is you don’t have to struggle to learn the secrets of running a successful freelance copywriting business.

Proposals. Negotiations. Client terms, agreements, contracts. Self-marketing campaigns. Working with clients successfully.

Every “business aspect” about copywriting you’ve ever worried about, Bob has a trick, technique, or secret template for …

Everything he’s developed over the past 35 years of hard trial and error can be yours.

But it won’t take you 35 years to learn …

Now, you can “download” his 35 years of copywriting experience directly into your brain … and start using it immediately to attract all the clients you can handle …

In a matter of hours. (About 15 hours … around 2 days!)

Seems too fast, right?

It’s not. This is the clearest path to getting clients I’ve ever seen … and it comes directly from the man who invented getting clients. (Okay, not really — but he sure gets clients like the man who invented getting clients!)

As if it could get any better …

Bob Bly’s Getting Clients Home Study
is a complete guide not just to getting clients …
but building the framework of a serious
and lucrative copywriting business.

In his own words:

“I’m going to tell you and give you everything I know about succeeding as a freelance copywriter, with an emphasis on getting clients, but also how to write copy that makes clients happy … how to set up the business … everything.”

– Bob Bly

Let me give you a little taste of what you’re going to find in the program.

There are 16 recorded sessions — and for the sake of time, I’ll tell you about them by theme, not necessarily where they are in the program.

Let’s start with the Launch Sessions, where Bob lays out the 10-step roadmap to launching and building a successful business asset.

As you listen to Bob, you’ll discover there’s a pattern to success. There’s a clear path to profits for copywriters … even if you’re a newbie and feel clueless right now, you won’t in a matter of hours.

You’ll see the road to success really isn’t mysterious or complicated. It’s actually very simple.

Bob will show you that you just need to put one foot in front of the other … and if your feet are pointed in the right direction, before long, you’ll be working with high-paying clients and truly living the writer’s life.

Seeing that pattern from the 30,000-foot-view of a man with 35 years of experience will give you confidence.

During this session, you’ll also discover …

  • The very, very first step you should take, before doing anything else …
  • 10 reasons why now is the best time to take the leap into full-time freelancing … or to be a copywriter in general … and 7 advantages beginning copywriters enjoy over all the pros …
  • The top 10 (mostly free) things you need to succeed as a freelance copywriter today …
  • The story behind Bob’s own business launch … and the simple — but proven — letter you can “swipe and deploy” to do the same …
  • Bob’s 10 Tips for Freelance Copywriting Success, including why you don’t have to be a great copywriter to succeed …
  • And the 10 steps to launch your freelance copywriting business — this 15-minute section was worth almost the entire weekend!

    Step-by-step, Bob lays out exactly what you need to go from novice copywriter to working for clients and really building an asset out of your freelance business.

The next thing you’ll need to figure out before you start landing clients is deciding which clients you want.

“Everything I show you in this program is not theory. It’s been tested. I’ve spent thousands of dollars over the life of my career figuring everything out. I’ve tested many things that work and many things that fail. This is what works.”

— Bob Bly

That means picking a niche … or a particular industry you’d like to target.

When he started out, Bob focused primarily in high tech and B2B copywriting … later he branched out into health, financial, and business opportunity … but he’s one of the few Master Copywriters that’s worked in practically every niche out there — from real estate and manufacturing, to travel and insurance, to beauty products and jewelry.

Welcome to the Niche Master’s Sessions!

During these sessions, Bob reveals …

  • The answer to the frequently asked question, “Should I niche or be a generalist?” …
  • 18 niches he’s scoped out and given the check of approval … if you’re not sure where to start thinking about niches, this list will save you hours of research and uncertainty!

“As the conference went on, some things were clarified in my mind. My niche list went from six niches to three.”

— Wes Fahlenkamp, Attendee

  • Two methods for finding, defining, and deciding on your niche (including a 10-question quiz that helps you find YOUR ideal niche) …
  • How to know if your niche is too small …
  • How to evolve your niche strategy for the long haul …


12 ways to dominate your niche and establish yourself as the GO-TO copywriter in it.

This is essential to the long-term scope of your business.

Let me show you what I mean.

Imagine you’re a marketer in need of copy for a second.

Who do you go to for emails?

Well, it’s obvious. You go to Jay White — he wrote the book on emails.

Who do you go to for white papers?

Gordon Graham. Duh. He’s “that white paper guy.”

Who do you go to for web writing?

Easy! Nick Usborne. He’s the pioneer of web copywriting.

These Master Copywriters have made themselves the answer to the question, “Who’s the best copywriter for [niche]?”

It brings them more and more clients, so their expertise grows and grows … not to mention their prestige, and yes, income!

(But don’t worry if you want to go into emails, white papers, or web writing … not only are these niches big enough for the sharing, Bob has five great reasons you don’t need to worry about competing with the “biggies” in our industry.)

The truth is, you can do the same for your niche.

Now, we’re already getting into some “thick” info, and I hope you’re starting to see how valuable this experience is going to be for you.

But don’t worry — and don’t feel overwhelmed. None of the information Bob has to share is complicated.

In fact, much of his advice is so “common sense” that you’ll probably go, “Why didn’t I think of that?!” (I know I did!)

Bob’s wisdom is simple — but profound. It’s the best of his best … and that means you’ll get to take one giant step over all the pitfalls, headaches, and heartaches that can sometimes accompany starting and building up a new business.

After you’ve soaked up all the goodness … all it takes is action, persistence, and patience.

It’s not that you couldn’t figure it out on your own. But do you want to take 5 … 10 … even 15 years of making mistakes and getting there at a snail’s pace …

Not to mention spending (or missing out on) the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to do it …

Or do you want to get to six-figures in 11 months, like I did?

That’s what I thought!

So, let’s dive right in to the Finding Clients Sessions, which is exactly what you’ve been waiting for.

In these sessions, Bob will show you his “Roadmap to Lead Generation,” which includes …

  • How to come up with a “lead-generating” funnel for yourself … including a letter you can “swipe and deploy” … the two offers you should make … the best place to run print ads for your services … and how to get super-sized ad space for FREE!
  • Where to find hundreds of your most qualified clients — and get their contact info — for pennies on the dollar, if not free …
  • The best group to join to get more business …
  • How to add a “thin credential” to make yourself an expert … and instantly open the doors for more clients that instantly say, “You’re hired!”
  • How to attract (and pre-qualify) more leads … and the one sentence you can use to keep clients in the pipeline, even if they have an in-house creative team or “no projects at this time” …
  • How to boost your exposure and expertise to get potential clients to come to you … so you can spend less time filling your pipeline, and more time enjoying the flood of clients!

"If you asked me who the number one 'sell yourself' master in the world is, I'd have to say it is, without question, Bob Bly."

— Mark Ford, Best-Selling Author and Entrepreneur

And that’s just the beginning.

Here’s a secret:

A huge part of finding clients is actually not finding them … but making them come to you.

Trust me, it’s a lot easier that way!

That’s why the Self-Promotion Sessions are one of the keystones to this program — and crucial to your success.

In these sessions, Bob reveals …

12 Proven Self-Promotions for Freelance Copywriters

Bob’s favorite spots, techniques, and systems for generating leads … including examples of the ads, landing page layouts, offers, and devices that have worked best for him — and he wants you to borrow!

10 Tips for Writing an Irresistible Lead Magnet

For your website and self-promoting efforts, you should have some kind of “lead magnet,” a valuable piece of information you trade for a potential client’s contact information.

The lead magnet simultaneously provides value and persuades the reader that you are the only one for the job — making your first contact conversation much smoother.

How to Only Work With Clients You Like

If you feel like you’ll take any client you can get at the moment … wave buh-bye to that feeling!

When you have Bob’s secret to only working with clients he likes … on projects he is personally interested in … and, of course, can pay him the mondo-fees he’s worth … you’ll never feel like you “have” to take a client because you need the money!

Then you’ll get into something “insanely useful,” as I like to say …

Bonus: “The Brochure That Never
Gets Thrown Away!”

Bob Bly has written 80+ books, with the majority published through “traditional” publishing houses.

Now, we know that Bob wouldn’t waste time — ever. So why has he spent so much time in a supposedly “dead” medium?

Because no one throws away a book — and it establishes your credibility instantly, even if the client doesn’t read the thing. Bob says he’s been “hired instantly” because of his books.

During one of the sessions, Bob speaks candidly about self-publishing versus traditional publishing — and how you can get ahead of the pack with a query letter layout that will help you land an agent … and get your first book published.

The step-by-step guide to creating the “ultimate”
freelancer’s website — that keeps leads coming in
and your pipeline overflowing!

The lead magnet is the first step in self-promotion.

The next step is to put up a killer website that funnels and pre-qualifies your traffic, proves your expertise, acts as your online portfolio, and much, much more.

Bob has the big ideas and little tricks you need to do it. (In fact, he says, if you want to completely steal his website as part of this home study … and insert your name and samples … you can!)

Queue up the Kick-Butt Freelance Website Sessions when you’re ready to take this step and you’ll learn …

  • How to optimize your website so you can be easily found on Google
  • The exact pages you should have on your website — and what to put on them
  • The “site sweet spot” for your primary offer — and one sneaky technique for getting the click …
  • The “gated widget” trick for secondary lead generation …
  • How to up response rates on your forms (this trick works for both your site and client websites!) …
  • The one section to add to your website that eliminates the client’s ability to turn you into a “dancing monkey” and puts you back in control of the conversation and relationship …
  • The secret to Bob’s portfolio success — and the answer to the question, “How many examples and testimonials should I add?”
  • The “technical stuff” that actually matters — everything else you can safely ignore … and more!

And he does all of this with full disclosure.

Bob will show you exactly what works, what doesn’t, and the results he’s gotten from his tests over the years that prove it!

Now, I mentioned earlier that this program is also a full business framework.

By that I mean everything that’s not the writing … Everything that goes into creating, structuring, and running the business.

All the “little things” that aren’t necessarily difficult … but have the potential to hold you back.

These Framework Sessions will help you …

  • Come up with a business name …
  • Choose a domain name for your website …
  • Set up your office — what you DO and DON’T need for your working space — and Bob’s “I learned it the hard way” advice for keeping everything safe and efficient!
  • Manage your time effectively and work efficiently …
  • Gather a virtual team: these seven people can help make your business run smooth as butter … while you focus on what you do best: the writing!
  • The seven basic documents you need to get your business going. (Hint: Bob is going to give you the templates for them!)
  • Learn to treasure your time like the gold in Fort Knox, by avoiding these eight time-sinks …
  • And, you’ll discover how to put together the “top” of your sales pipeline by creating your very own lead magnet!

Plus —

Bob’s #1 Secret for Getting More Done, Making More Money, and Generally LOVING Life …

Okay, I’m going to give you Bob’s #1 secret — and his “reason why” for working the way he does …

Outsourcing! He calls it “assembling the team,” and outsourcing all the things you’re not good at, not an expert at, or simply don’t enjoy doing.

You make money thinking, writing, and reading or doing research. Not keeping your books or trying to figure out your small business taxes.

Bob gives you THE LIST — of people, places, and things you need in order to make your freelance business a breeze.

Cut through the uncertainty, the lack of confidence,
and make your copywriting career
SIMPLE with Bob’s 35 years of experience

Now, part of your “framework” is going to be how you manage your clients.

“There is no improving on Bob Bly.” — Terry Smith, former Marketing Communications Manager of Westinghouse, who showed up at the event to brag about Bob. Terry hired Bob to write for Westinghouse right out of college.

That’s where the Client Management Sessions come into play!

These are the things you might run into as a writer at one point or another, and how to deal with them …

Over 15 different situations you might run into — from difficult clients to dealing with projects you have little to no experience with —

  • How to respond to people who ask about your experience — and you don’t have a million clients.
  • The order of work — including the one thing you should always have before you start working …
  • How to avoid annoying your client with these billing mistakes …
  • How to prepare manuscripts …
  • How to answer the question, “Do you only write copy?” and how to avoid bending to the pressure of doing something you don’t know how or don’t WANT to do …


The 12 Most Common “Annoyances”
About Working With Clients …
And How to Deal With Them!

If you’ve ever tried to explain what it is we do as professional copywriters … not to mention why we’re worth every penny of our fee … you’ll want to print out Bob’s THREE solutions to most client questions and have them on hand!

Plus, he shows you the five “checks” you need to make sure the client is right for you.

And, Bob’s unique self-marketing tip that ensures you will never have to deal with any of these problems in the first place!

Plus, get the answers to the questions that might have you scratching your head right now, like …

“Why would a client hire little old me — when they could have someone like Bob? (Or Joshua!)” … Remember, you’ll learn there’s five reasons you shouldn’t worry about the presence and competition of “big” copywriters …

“Why should I continue marketing — even when I have too many clients to handle?”

“What’s the number one most valuable, go-to strategy that will launch my career fast?”

“How can I prove I can do the job, even if I don’t have writing samples in that particular industry or medium?”

“How do I set fees?” (Even though Bob flat out gives you his fee schedule, which you can cut by 30% and post to your website, he also gives you tips and tricks for quoting individual projects … and how you can use your fee schedule to qualify clients, so you don’t waste your time!)

“How do royalties work?”


“How do I get off the ‘drill-and-bill’ hamster wheel?”

That’s one of Bob’s favorite questions to answer … and he has …

12 Ways to Increase Your Copywriting Income, the ins and outs of working harder and smarter, raising your rates, and the habits of millionaire copywriters — plus four new “profit centers” that a writer can easily add to his/her freelance business to increase income without adding extra hours to the clock …


The vastness of Bob’s wisdom has no bounds … and now is your chance to basically have Bob build your business — for a fraction of the cost (and time).

Get the “Best of Bly”: His boiled-down, concentrated
master plan, created from 35 years of experience … for a
of the price that it cost him (and me!).

Let’s get down to brass tacks …

If you are serious about getting a simple, commonsense action plan that lets you “fill in the blanks” … and gets you where you want to go the fastest, then order today.

But if you’re planning on just “putting it on the shelf” to add to your library, or “look at later” … then I’m sorry, but this program isn’t for you.

Because frankly, you just aren’t ready to make the commitment to copywriting and to start getting clients.

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

My point is … you wouldn’t put gold on a shelf to collect dust, would you?

Well that’s what this program is. Gold.

Bob has spent tens of thousands of dollars, from his own pocket, trying and testing and failing and succeeding. (Not to mention, he says, the dollars he’s lost on clients he didn’tfind and land!)

And I paid nearly $5,000 to attend his first event ten years ago to get all of the secrets he paid dearly for … (and it was worth that, hundreds of times over!)

And we even gave the 2014 and 2015 live event attendees a break — they “only” paid $3,000 to come get these secrets … and I’m confident they’ll find success when they make the commitment and take action.

But you won’t pay anywhere near that today. Not even close!

Before I get to the price though, there’s one more huge, time-saving bonus I forgot to mention:

Bob Bly’s Copywriter’s Toolkit

This toolkit has been invaluable to me over the years.

And not just in the monetary, “a minute saved is a dollar earned” kind of way.

I mean in the sheer confidence it’s given me … especially when I was just starting out.

Knowing that I have access to any template, agreement, form letter, layout, or sample to guide me made me feel instantly like a “real professional.”

No, it wouldn’t have been “hard” for me to create my own proposals, briefs, brochures, scripts, ads, cover sheets, and contracts …

But knowing that Bob’s were the best … and he’d spent years perfecting them for me … made me confident that what I was sending to clients was the best it could be.

With Bob’s toolkit, all you have to do is fill in the blanks — and voila! Instant invoice, tricky terms of agreement, and loophole-free contracts.

Master Copywriter John Forde calls this “the million-dollar toolkit,” and I agree. I use something from Bob’s toolkit at least once a week! Bob says you can have “unlimited” use of dozens of his forms as is, or you can tweak them to fit your own business. (Just remember to put your name on them, not Bob’s!)

Here are just a few of the insanely useful, time-saving forms included:

  • A general fee schedule
  • Lead-generating sales letter
  • Bio sheet
  • Testimonial sheet
  • Non-disclosure agreement
  • Standard copywriting agreement
  • Client contract
  • Client questionnaire
  • Idea starters checklist
  • Invoice template
  • Referral request letter
  • Prospect questionnaire

I think you can see how useful this toolkit will be to you …

Bob regularly charges $79 for this toolkit … and you’ll have all 170 pages of it (and the pain-staking labor that went into it) for free!

Okay, I just had to tell you about that!

But now, back to telling you about your investment for the home study …

You won’t pay anywhere near $3,000 for Bob Bly’s Getting Clients Home Study like the live event attendees did …

In fact, I actually spoke with Bob and asked him what he thought we ought to charge for the home study program.

He said between 30% and 50% of the live price is fair. I agreed. $1,000 to $1,500 seemed right for the incredible, treasure trove wealth of secrets he laid out that weekend.

But then Rebecca Matter, AWAI’s President stepped in and said,

“I want everyone — newbie and experienced copywriters alike — to be able to benefit from Bob’s experience. Price shouldn’t be an objection!”

So she came in with her ninja sword and chopped OUR totally reasonable price in half — saying the price should be just $495!

Just $495 for the

  • Launch
  • Niche Master
  • Finding Clients
  • Self-Promotion
  • Kick-Butt Freelance Website
  • Framework
  • and Client Management sessions …

In total, over 15 hours of recorded one-on-one time with THE expert on getting clients … ?

It was an incredibly generous offer.

But then she thought some more about how to get this treasure chest into your hands even faster and easier …

And came up with this:

If You Order By May 22nd at Midnight,
You’ll Invest Only $295 — and Save a Whopping $200!

That’s right.

You can thank Rebecca for this mind-boggling discount, because I would’ve charged you a cool $1500 for it and felt generous doing it!

As you’ve seen, Bob’s wisdom is beyond worth it. (Land just one client with his techniques and you can recoup your entire investment, most likely multiple times over!)

Now … a while ago … I mentioned the Getting Clients Home Studyis about to be wrapped up in velvet and gently laid back into the AWAI vault …

Where it will be put under chains.locked with a key and guarded with big, snarling dogs.

It may come back out again … and it may not. (And if it does, it may be at one of those higher prices I suggested.)

It definitely won’t be listed in the AWAI catalog.

And, on May 22nd at midnight, this page will be taken down.

Basically, it’s safe to say that NOW is your last guaranteed chance to get “the best of Bly” for an insanely good deal.

I strongly recommend you order your copy now …
and save yourself $200 … before it goes away for good!

Now …

I’ve already given you a taste of what’s included in the program — and believe me, it’s just a taste. I could go on for another 20 pages!

But let me put this into Hi-Def, 3D, full color for you.

No matter where you are right now …

If you’ve been “at it” for years or you discovered copywriting yesterday  …

You’ll be able to rocket your copywriting career 35 years ahead of the game.

You can start as an old pro.

You don’t have to spend the 100,000 hours that Bob did figuring everything out.

You don’t have to spend the tens of thousands of dollars making mistakes.

You don’t have to wonder where to go, what to do, or how the heck you should get your first client … and keep them coming so you always have projects in your pipeline.

You can swipe Bob’s secrets …

“Steal” his techniques …

Literally take out his name and put yours in on the forms and documents he’s providing …

And build the entire framework for your business …

(And by “build” I mean “fill in the blanks” … it’s a lot of effort! He said sarcastically … )

All in a matter of a weekend!

No headaches. No years of stress. No heartache.

No more confusion or wasting time not living your ideal lifestyle because you don’t know what to do!

It’s like a rocket shuttle to the moon, while everyone else is climbing up the ladder!

Just breathe it in … the confidence of knowing you have a plan that works — if you work it.

One caveat …

I’m not promising “overnight success.”

There’s no such thing in our business (or life, right?). Copywriting isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme. It never has been — and no one has ever said it was.

But I “swiped and deployed” Bob’s secrets — pretty much ripped off his entire website, fee schedule, and even some of the colors — and made six-figures in 11 months.

That is proof positive. And it’s about as “overnight” as you can get.

And now that Bob has had another nine years of experience to add since the event I attended, I bet you can have even faster success.

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Not to mention … he’s also brought in his “secret weapon.

Bob Bly’s “Secret Weapon” shows you
how to negotiate your way into (or out of) anything!

Have you seen the show “Shark Tank”?

It’s where up-and-coming entrepreneurs pitch their blooming businesses to a panel of billionaires … and try to get them to invest.

Basically, it’s hardball negotiations on steroids.

Some people get destroyed because they don’t know the ins and outs of negotiating … and they’re uncomfortable taking a stand and talking numbers.

Well, Bob has his own personal “shark” … and he invited her to his 2014 Getting Clients Weekend to show attendees (and now, you!) how to talk numbers, terms, and proposals confidently — without flinching.

It’s the Negotiation Sessions — including “The Art and Science of Pricing + Talking Money with Clients” with Ilise Benun.

Ilise is a master marketer in her own right and she spends a good chunk of her time negotiating with clients on Bob’s behalf. (Remember, Bob writes. That’s it!)

She presented her and Bob’s steadfast rules for negotiating.

Basically any situation you might come up against is covered in this home study program!

I mean:

  • How to use the initial conversation with a potential client as a discovery process … and the one question to ask that will tell you immediately if they’ll be able to pay your fees …
  • How to structure “packages” so you get the project you want, at the fee you want, and most importantly, the client gets the copy he needs  …
  • The one question to ask to bring up money for the first time, without sounding “greedy” or “impatient” …
  • How to use your fee schedule to pre-qualify clients …
  • How to give an estimate, write an agreement, and present a proposal …
  • And, probably one of the most important things to know … how to overcome client objections.

By the way … did you know you can charge money to go to meetings? Bob does — and you should too!

Remember, your time is gold — and you should get paid for it.

As Bob says, “You’re not a dancing monkey. Get paid for your time. Your attitude should be that you’re not desperate, and you don’t care if they don’t become your client. They need you, not the other way around!”

That’s just one of the many secrets you’ll discover in the Negotiation Sessions.

So to sum up …

That’s 16 recorded sessions of business-building expertise … that you can basically “download” into your brain …

Bob’s Copywriter’s Toolkit that … yes, at face value is only $79, but when you start making $100 … $200 … $300 per hour, and you’re saving hours and hours every week because of this toolkit, it’s worth FAR more …

And the special bonus session with Ilise Benun on how to rock your client negotiations like a shark!

All of this for just $295!

Order Now!

Are You Ready to Jump 35 Years
Ahead of the Game … In Just Hours?

Bob’s plans work. His ideas are proven. His techniques are solid. He’s worked with over 100 clients for goodness’ sake!

He is proof … I’m proof … and so are the hundreds of other copywriters who have taken Bob’s advice.

All you have to do is work the plan. Take action on his boiled-down framework.

And this is guaranteed under the terms of AWAI’s Ironclad, “Take It To The Bank” 100% Satisfaction, Money-Back Guarantee:

Go through the material. Absorb all of Bob’s secrets. Put the plan into action and work the system persistently. Use it for a full year. If you feel that you haven’t become a more confident professional copywriter … and you don’t know how to get all the copywriting clients you want or need … then please call AWAI’s Member Services. They will give you a prompt, courteous refund. No Questions Asked!

Click here to get started now.

Don’t put it on the shelf and say “I’ll get to it when … ”

Do it NOW!

Seriously — dedicate a weekend to going through everything. Lock yourself in your office with a mini-fridge and a coffee maker, and just go to town.

Walk out on Monday morning with a confident copywriting success plan.

Implement your plan.

And then write like the dickens and get that copywriting career of yours off the ground! Or, if you’ve already been at it a while, launch your business to the stratosphere!

As Bob says, “You beat 90% of the competition just by showing up! The other 10% is a dog fight.”

But please, don’t hesitate on this.

If you wait until May 23rd at 12:01 a.m. … then decide you want Bob’s foundational, career-boosting advice … it’ll be too late.

Unless you want to fight the snarling dogs for it. (It’d be worth it.)

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Order now. “Download” the information from Bob’s brain and get started.

To your FAST success,

Joshua T. Boswell
Six-Figure Copywriter

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P.S. Check out some of the testimonials from attendees that were there to witness the greatest client-getting event of the year … and that back me up when I say that Bob is the BEST!

“ … 35 years of experience we never have to repeat … ”

“Prior to attending the event, I was struggling with completing a few spec and challenge assignments. However, my greatest struggle was working through the process of finding clients who would pay.

“Before the event, I was really getting pumped up. I realized Joshua left the seminar nine years ago and never stopped moving forward. I figured if Joshua could do it, and Bob was willing to share 35 years of his experience, we all can do it.

“Just imagine Bob was willing to share 35 years of his experience that we never have to repeat. That places those who attended the seminar 35 years ahead of the game, over those who did not attend.”

— Amin Muhammad
Baltimore, Maryland

** Update: Amin went on to win a $15,000 contract from Weiss Research at AWAI’s 2014 Bootcamp. Congratulations, Amin!

“I am ALL-IN.”

“I knew that if I was going to be successful, I had to start actually building a business (and not just study copywriting), so I immediately signed up for the Bob Bly event when the sales letter came out. I am ALL-IN.

“There is so much material to learn and building any business is hard work. I have to admit to feeling a bit overwhelmed before the event and even though I’ve built a business in the past, I felt stalled. No one knew I had aspirations to write — I wasn’t sure how to go about announcing that and actually get clients.

“I went to Baltimore to get a roadmap to launch my copywriting business and attract clients. I am completely satisfied that this was delivered and that I received more value than I paid for. Now it is up to me to get out there and do it.”

— Peter Kavanagh
Perth, Ontario

“Bob is fantastic!”

“I felt like I was missing a piece of the puzzle … AWAI provides excellent training, articles, e-zines, etc., but I lacked the direction and confidence on how to approach clients.

“I heard Joshua talk about how Bob helped him launch his very successful career and, well, the name of the program says it all.

“Bob’s anecdotes were very helpful both for their information and for my confidence on how to talk to clients.

“That missing puzzle piece came to me Sunday afternoon and I returned home with the confidence that I can and will have a great copywriting career!

“Bob is fantastic!”

— Nancy Olenic
Woodstock, Georgia

 … so much to put into practice … ”

“When I saw Bob's weekend workshop, I knew I had to sign up for it! Was thrilled to be there learning from Bob! He is just a regular guy with so much knowledge and skills, and he was so eager to pass on so much to us. Definitely gave me so much to think about and put into practice.”

— Kashi Yatto

“ … the best seminar I had ever attended … ”

“I was skeptical because of other non-AWAI events I'd attended before — the-big-hype-low-on-delivery type of things.

“This seminar was a pleasant surprise and I went up to Bob personally to tell him it was a great event and that it was the best seminar I had ever attended.

“I left with a lot of fantastic info.

“I will use the customer acquiring and negotiation techniques — I am confident about the rest of the procedure.

“Also, having Ilise was an important part of the seminar. Very good insight from the ‘negotiation lady.’

“My personal view on the seminar is that it should have been described as some sort of complete business in a binder.

“There was much more info (and good info) than I expected and Bob is such an ‘easy-to-approach, no-ego type of guy,’ that he was sort of just one of the guys.

“No doubt he is generous to a fault with sharing his info and a very talented teacher of his craft.

“He showed the simplicity behind things that looked complicated at first glance.

“His teaching method was simplicity in action.”

— Victor Leppky
Edmonton, Alberta

“Bob and Ilise provided all the resources I was looking to obtain … ”

“I did not have the processes, tools, or confidence to talk to a prospect with confidence. Bob and Ilise provided all the resources I was looking to obtain so I can get on the level playing field as any other copywriter. I certainly got it, now I need to take action and implement that makeover myself.”

— Venu Sripada
Sterling, Virginia

“ … made connections I didn’t know I was missing … ”

“Before this event, I was confident in my skills but not sure how to be confident in positioning my services. I knew Bob was the expert at commanding top fees, and I was hopeful I could learn from him.

“I'd been reading Bob's e-newsletter for years, and I've always been impressed by his expertise. I knew that I could easily pay for the cost of the event many times over in a single month if I used his training well.

“Hearing him in person explain what I need to do helped me make connections I didn't know I was missing. I wanted a clear, actionable plan to land top clients and dramatically boost my earnings as a copywriter, and I certainly got it! I've actually already begun to implement Bob's training, and I'll be sending out letters to potential clients this week.”

— Matt Hall
Salt Lake City, Utah

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American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924