Special Announcement!
Bob Bly relents and agrees to one more
“Getting Clients Weekend.” Full details below …

“In 2005, I went to a Bob Bly event.
I knew nothing … no copywriting experience at all.

“3 days later, I came out with 26 years
of proven copywriting business secrets.

“It was more than enough for me
to become a six-figure copywriter in
11 months … and increase
my income every year for over 10 years.”

~ Joshua T Boswell

Could Bob’s upcoming event be your opportunity to do the same?

Hi … Joshua Boswell here.

You might know me from different emails, articles, videos, events, and webinars with AWAI.

I’m not an AWAI employee … I’m a freelance copywriter, just like you.

And, I bet I started out just like you as well …

I got a letter in the mail from AWAI telling me I could “retire this year and still make more than most doctors” … by writing a “simple letter.”

It was an amazing promise … one I desperately wanted to believe.

I’d never heard of copywriting (I thought that’s what attorneys did … duhhhhh).

But, I did have a burning desire to get out of debt, work from home, and make TONS of money. From what I could see, copywriting fit the bill.

Plus, I liked writing and secretly thought I was an amazing wordsmith.

So, I jumped in.

I found out two things pretty quickly …

First, I was actually just an okay writer …

And second, I didn’t have a FOGGY CLUE about how to get people to pay me for my okay writing.

If I was going to “retire this year” and “make more than most doctors” … then having no clients was a problem.

I tried to sell an article to my wife, but she was just as broke as I was!

I tried to talk my cousin into paying me to write for his window business, but he didn’t know what copywriting was … and, for some odd reason, my explanation that I wrote “junk mail” didn’t inspire him much.

I tried to give away my writing to a local charity … but the executive director and a board member got into a fight about what the fundraising letter should say. They duked it out for a while and somehow I got lost in the scuffle.

Finally, in desperation, I tried to call Agora and see if they had any “extra” projects … after all, AWAI said in their letter that there was more work in the industry than there were good copywriters. These companies were desperate for writers. I assumed the publishers at Agora would be excited to hear from me …

Yeah … umm … well … apparently they weren’t THAT desperate for writers!

Does any of this sound familiar? :-)

The bottom line is that I was a serious newbie without a hope in the world of finding clients to pay me big money and help me make my dreams come true.

Really, Really, Awkward Conversations
(But, wow!, were they worth it!)

I flopped around in despair for about a month.

This was not going like I’d expected … which was especially depressing since I’d spent my last $49 (plus borrowed another $250 from my in-laws) to buy the copywriting program.

(Can you say “awkward”? That’s the conversation between me, my wife, and my in-laws explaining that I’m going to be a millionaire … I just can’t find any clients … lol)

It was during this moment of mass desperation that I received another letter from AWAI …

Some gal named Katie Yeakle was telling me about some guy named Bob Bly and that Bob was the uber-guru meister of finding high-paying clients AND convincing them that you’re a sure bet … even as an utter newbie.

As you can imagine, my eyes were as big as saucers and I lit up like a Roman candle on the 4th of July.

I realized right away that all the copywriting genius in the world would never do me any good if I couldn’t figure out how to land high-paying clients.

So, I swallowed my pride … and ventured into “AC II” (that stands for Awkward Conversation Number Two … ) with my wife and in-laws.

AC II started off worse than I thought it would … “You want to borrow ANOTHER $5,000 to do that copywriting thing that already isn’t working out for you?!?!”

But, it ended up much better than I thought it would … “You’re crazy, but we’ll give you the money anyway … and if you don’t pay it back (which we fully expect you won’t), we still love you because even if you’re a broke bum, you’re really nice to our daughter.”


I was headed for Miami to meet the uber-guru copywriting marketing meister, Bob Bly!

Walk in Clueless and Broke …
Walk Out Brilliant and Rich

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine what was waiting for me there.

As I said before … I literally walked in knowing nothing about copywriting and how to find clients …

And I walked out with all the forms, strategies, insights, techniques, and secrets Bob Bly had paid dearly for over the course of more than 26 years of being a six-figure copywriter.

If there was an industry pitfall … he’d fallen in it.

If there was a big blunder you could make … he’d blundered.

If there was a sour contract to be had … he’d soured it.

But also …

If there was an awesome client to be found … he’d found how to find it.

If there was a sweet deal to be had … he’d found how to sweeten it.

If there was big money to be made on royalties … he’d earned them time and time again.

In short, I discovered that Bob Bly was, in fact, an uber-guru meister … especially when it comes to attracting and landing GREAT clients … even if … no, ESPECIALLY if … you’re a total newbie and know nothing (like I was).

My three days with Bob completely transformed my life (I’ll tell you more about that in a minute).

But, it wasn’t just me …

A few months ago, I found my original three-ring binder from the event. It had a roster of attendees. I read it with great delight and found that, like me, many of my fellow attendees have gone on to have awesome careers as writers.

Today, many of us are living the writer’s life, and have been for years.

Nine Years of Wandering in the
“Bob Bly Desert” …

I loved that event so much that I eagerly looked forward to attending the next year.

I mean … using the secrets Bob shared with me during that event spared me eating crow in front of my wife … and allowed me to gloat ever-so-slightly in front of my in-laws … seriously, I was nice about it! (“See, Mom and Dad … because of copywriting, now I’m nice AND rich! Here’s your money back … plus interest! Your daughter is in good hands!”)

So, I called up AWAI and asked if I could pre-register for the next year’s event …

They said “No.”

I assured them that, unlike last time, my credit card would approve the charge (yeah, that was like AC III … not fun).

They still said, “NO” … and then explained that they weren’t having another one the following year …

Or the next …

Or the next …

Or the next …

That first year I attended Bob Bly’s “Getting Clients Weekend” was 2005 … about 10 years ago. I’ve been a solid six-figure copywriter ever since (thank you, Bob!!!) … and I’ve pestered Katie and Rebecca every year since to hold another of these events.

I really, really wanted Bob to help more clueless, newbies like me attract and close amazing clients, make tons of money, and have a great lifestyle.

But, the answer was always, “No!”

Bob was literally so busy with speaking, writing, selling books, and being a massively in-demand copywriter that he just couldn’t make time.

(I think I drove Katie nuts with my emails, “When can we do a Bob Bly weekend again? Huh, huh, huh??? How about now? Now? NOW?!?”)

The Clouds Break and
the Heavens Open …

Then, finally, with some very careful planning, last July, a wonderful miracle happened … Bob agreed to do another “Getting Clients Weekend.”

It was a SMASH HIT. The event literally sold out in a matter of days.

Immediately, a waiting list was started. We had to turn away dozens and dozens of very hopeful copywriters. They wanted to attend Bob’s event and discover how to bring in clients like Bob had taught me … but there was only so much room … and it was full.

Sadly, we shut down registration.

So, naturally, I thought that was the end of it. Those on the waiting list would just have to wait … well … forever.

A few months after the event, it was still bothering me. “What about all those eager writers that really want the writer’s life, but need Bob’s help to land high-paying clients? How are they going to get ahead?”

Well, apparently I was not the only one bothered by the limited space …

It seems that it was bothering Katie too … and Rebecca … and most of all, Bob …

You have to know that Bob is the nicest, most generous guy I know. He’s the real deal. Still, last time it took almost a decade to get him to put on another “Getting Clients Weekend.”

So, you can imagine my great surprise … and joy … and elation … when I got an email from Rebecca …

“Joshua, Bob has agreed to do one more Getting Clients Weekend. Can you help us tell everyone about it?”

Boy, oh, boy! Would I ever!!

So, here’s my very special announcement …

AWAI has been able to pull off the impossible … or maybe it is just that the great cosmic tumblers have fallen into place … or maybe the copywriting gods have smiled favorably upon you … or … I don’t know what …

But whatever it is, you can count your lucky stars and rejoice because Bob Bly has consented to hold one last “Getting Clients Weekend.”

I shot him an email about why he agreed to do it one last time. Here’s what he said:

“I am not doing speaking gigs or seminars anymore BUT I will make an exception for AWAI because I love copywriters and helping them succeed. Plus, we had to turn away a lot of people from the event last July in Baltimore and that bothered me. BUT, just to be clear … I DO NOT plan on doing these forever, so if anyone wants to attend, please tell them now is the time.”

So, let me be clear … NOW is the time to attend!

Before I tell you the full details, I need to brag about my friend Bob Bly.

“Bob Bly is the best in the industry at selling himself as a copywriter. No one else even comes close.” ~ Mark Ford

There’s no copywriter on the planet like him …

(and he’s the kind of humble guy that would swat me and tell me to sit down and clam-it if he heard me saying all this about him!)

 … so you really should know all about him before you come spend a weekend with him discovering how to land high-paying clients (even if you are a newbie!).

Here’s what I know about Bob Bly …

I’ve watched Bob closely for almost 10 years.

The first thing you should know is that Bob is one of the nicest, most practical, down-to-earth, generous people I know. He’s got a great marriage, loves his children, and puts 100% of his heart into everything he does.

He’s full of wisdom … the kind of wisdom that comes from being in the trenches and living and breathing his trade.

Some people teach, but have never actually done what they teach (you know the kind of people I’m talking about … I lovingly call them “well-meaning hypocrites” … and avoid them like the plague!).

Not Bob. Everything he teaches, he lives.

That’s important to note because when you come to this weekend with him, you won’t be getting random theory or puffed-up bluffery … nope! You’ll get the pure, current, practical stuff that cranks out huge profits in real-time, today.

I know some authors who strut around like stuffed peacocks because they’ve published a book. Others act like they walk on water because they’ve got two or three titles under their belt.

I’m happy for those folks … it’s a big deal to be published.

But, that’s chump change compared to Bob Bly …

Would you believe me if I told you he’s the author of more than EIGHTY books (yep, you read it right … that’s 80 published books)! And, he never brags or gloats about it. He just shrugs and says, “Isaac Asimov published over 500.”

To which I say, with a little pat on his shoulder, “Sure, but Stephen King has only published 51! You rock!”

Check out some of these cool titles …
  • Magnetic Selling: Develop the Charm And Charisma That Attract Customers And Maximize Sales
  • Bly on Direct Marketing
  • The Copywriter's Handbook
  • Blog Schmog: The Truth About What Blogs Can (and Can't) Do for Your Business
  • Getting Started as a Freelance Writer
  • 88 Money-Making Writing Jobs
  • The Marketing Plan Handbook: Develop Big-Picture Marketing Plans for Pennies on the Dollar
  • Start Your Own Home Business After 50
  • Secrets of a Freelance Writer: How to Make $100,000 a Year

Of course, Bob has not ONLY published books on business. He’s got a big heart and a sense of humor as well. For example, look at these book titles …

  • Count Your Blessings
  • The Science in Science Fiction: Astonishing Predictions from the World's Greatest SF Writers
  • The "I Hate Kathie Lee Gifford" Book

and my personal favorite …

  • All-American Frank (A discourse on the hot dog! Amazing!)

Just from the book titles, you can see what an amazing, versatile, brilliant man Bob is. I wish I could give you all 83 titles, but we’ve got to move on …

Author … and Copywriting Genius …

Of course, Bob is more than just an author of books …

He’s also one of the most respected and influential Business-to-Business copywriters in the world.

He was voted one of the 50 most influential people in sales lead management by the Sales Lead Management Association. And, he received a Golden Echo Award from the DMA.

I recently went on to his website and looked up his client lists. He has his client list categorized … Publishers, Technology, Business-to-Business (B2B), etc. … I looked under the B2B category and he has 93 clients listed! Plus, his site states “Partial Client List” — meaning he hasn’t even listed everyone! (Gasp … what-the?? … AMAZING!)

Among those clients are companies like Grumman Corporation, Westinghouse, AT&T, Sony, Bulova (I LOVE those watches!), and Allied Signal.

Of course, he does more than B2B and has dozens and dozens of B2C companies listed. I won’t bore you with the details, but it ranges from health food companies, to financial newsletter publishers, to chemical companies, to exotic resorts, to military groups, to nonprofits, and more.

I’m not kidding when I say that Bob has written for, consulted with, or done training for just about every major industry in the world.

This is a big deal for you …

Why would you come to an event and listen to a guy that knows nothing about your industry or how to find clients in that industry?

Bob’s extensive, real-time, current versatility makes him the perfect uber-guru meister to learn from.

Are you beginning to see why, almost 10 years ago, I was able to walk in with an empty head and walk out with a bag of secrets that has made me millions? (Thanks for that too, Bob!)

Author … Copywriting Genius …
AND Client-Finding Powerhouse!

Okay, so Bob can clearly write …

But I hope you figured out that he didn’t get all those clients and publish all those books just by being a nice fellow and a great writer.

No way!

It should be crystal clear to you that Bob is a kick-butt-and-take-names kind of a marketer.

Just to hammer that point home, I decided to count up the list of all Bob’s client’s, in every category, listed on his website …

I came up with just shy of 400!!!

And, remember, this is just a “Partial List” (more gasping … more stunned silence … amazement … and unhealthy hero worship … the man’s incredible!)

You have to wonder HOW exactly he got all those clients?! Especially when it feels like clients are so blasted elusive!

Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore!

That’s because you’re going to join Bob for his third-ever “Getting Clients Weekend.”

In a minute, I’ll give you full details on this exciting event. You’ll see that — just like last July — Bob is going to open the barn doors and let ALL the cows out (that’s country talk for ‘he’s going to give you ALL of his best marketing, client-attracting, client-closing secrets!’).

And I Quote …
Here’s the “Big Promise” …

When Rebecca asked me to tell you about Bob’s last ever “Getting Clients Weekend,” I wrote him an email …

In that email I said, “Bob, can you tell me what the ‘Big Promise” is for this event? I mean what can I tell attendees they’ll get by the time they go home?”

Here’s what he said … and I quote …

“After leaving this event, you will have essentially learned in one weekend what it took me 36 years and tens of thousands of dollars to discover through hard trial and error about earning a six-figure income and accumulating a seven-figure net worth as a freelance copywriter.” ~ Bob Bly

Read that again and really give it some thought.

Bob is saying that he’s going to take 36 years of experience, trial and error, victories, lessons-learned, and wisdom …

Boil them down until he has the MOST powerful, MOST critical, MOST helpful, MOST profitable secrets, strategies, and techniques …

And then deliver them to you on a silver platter for your fun and profits …

In just 2½ days!

Enemy #1: Uncertainty

I’ve only been around the copywriting block for 10 years now. It’s not forever, but it’s long enough to see some patterns.

I’ve seen copywriters that have rocked and won big-time. They have amazing lifestyles and generous incomes.

I’ve also seen copywriters that get started … and fade away without ever making a dime.

What makes the difference?

In a word: Confidence.

Uncertainty about what to do next is Copywriter Enemy #1.

Uncertainty creates frustration, disappointment, fear, and ugly persecution from well-meaning friends and family members (especially in-laws!).

New copywriters are usually the most uncertain about finding clients.

It is understandable.

Most have never been copywriters … and they certainly haven’t tried to go out and find clients … let alone worry about navigating the waters of contracts, negotiations, retainers, and all the other ins-and-outs of running a freelance business.

Even though the uncertainty about landing clients is understandable, it does not make it any less financially deadly.

No clients … no money … no writer’s life.

It’s that simple.

Now, just imagine that you have the confidence of Bob Bly every time you approach a potential client. Do you think that will make a difference in your income?

I can tell you from personal experience … YES! It most certainly will.

That is what this special event is all about … giving you 36 years of experience and confidence in just 2½ days.

Wrap Up 36 Years of Confidence
And Here’s What it Looks Like …

"NO ONE shares more valuable content and deep insights for ridiculously low prices than you."

—Bill Merrow

"I find your newsletter and your products enjoyable to read or listen to, but most importantly, filled with valuable, actionable information. I’m attending your Info Marketing Boot Camp in January and look forward to meeting you in person."

—Christopher Spaulding

"If you asked me who the number one 'sell yourself' master in the world is, I'd have to say it is, without question, Bob Bly."

—Mark Ford (also known by his pen name, Michael Masterson)

"You are awesome! I will always come to you first for the products that I need. You have class, integrity, brilliance, naturally gifted, and you are second-to-none! I am impressed with and appreciate your prompt response."

—Adella Pugh

"Once in a blue moon, you get the chance to meet a living legend, one of the great men who has shaped his chosen field. In my unending pursuit of powerful marketing, I came face-to-face with just such a man. Robert Bly is America's Top Copywriter and a genius marketer. He's authored over 80 books for McGraw-Hill and others, and gets paid more per-word than nearly every author in America. Like all great men, he is a teacher and mentor extraordinaire. He freely shares the secrets of turning marketing into money."

—Dick Larkin

"The best writing teacher in the business!"

—Tom Peric

"Bob, your stuff is always so good that even though I'm retired now, I have to read it!"

—Gary Bencivenga

"You are someone I've grown to admire greatly. You share your knowledge with and encourage people in achieving their dreams, trying new things, and learning tricks of the trade. It's a rare 'guru' in our world today who is thoughtful and kind enough to help up-and-comers find the path to success. In my opinion, you are the very best. I'm grateful to you."

—Linda Capriotti

"During the past 20 years, Bob Bly has become one of America's leading direct-response copywriters. He has probably done more to teach other writers the craft of effective and persuasive writing than anyone else."

—Roger C. Parker

"After considering a number of high-level marketing professionals and reflecting on the matter for several weeks, I made the decision to ask Bob Bly to share the stage with me for my Twin Keys to Wealth-Building Conference. The reason I chose Bob is because I am convinced that he can deliver more tangible value to conference attendees than any other marketing or Internet expert on the planet."

—Robert Ringer, best-selling author

"I love your emails. Read every single one of them as they come in."

—Dr. Paul Hartunian

"I have huge admiration for your work. You're one of the few guys out there selling real information — and selling it at a reasonable price! I think what you're doing is head and shoulders above others."

—Mark Joyner

So, what will you get from Bob during this landmark event?

I’m seriously tempted to give you the ENTIRE agenda … but that'd be like telling you what you’re getting for Christmas and ruin the fun of unwrapping all the goodies.

Let me just whet your whistle …

Day One:
“The Bob Bly Story”

You arrive into Weehawken, New Jersey on Friday, March 20.

Weehawken, New Jersey is just outside of New York City and close to three major airports. It’s super easy to get there.

The first night, Bob takes the stage and walks you through “The Bob Bly Story,” highlighting almost 36 years of being a six-figure copywriter.

He shares the ups, the downs, and key underlying secrets to consistently and confidently making big money as a copywriter, year after year after year.

As you listen to Bob relate his remarkable journey, two things will happen to you …

First, you’ll see that even the best-of-the-best make mistakes, have setbacks, and struggle at times.

Yes, Bob is mind-blowingly awesome today … but like all of us, he didn’t start that way.

This will burst the illusion of perfection for you.

It will give you hope.

It will tell you, “Hey, I don’t have to be perfect or some super-human freak of nature to make this work. I can just be me with all my flaws and frailties and STILL live the writer’s life in all its glory.”

Self-doubts are created when you don’t feel good enough. So, this opening session with Bob will kill the “I’m not good enough” myth and infuse you with confidence.

Second, as you listen to Bob, you’ll discover that there is a pattern to all of this. There is a clear path to profits for copywriters … even if you’re a newbie and feel clueless.

You’ll see that it’s really not that mysterious or complicated. It’s actually very simple.

Bob will show you that you just need to put one foot in front of the other … and if those feet of yours are pointed in the right direction, before long, you’ll be working with high-paying clients and living the writer’s life.

Seeing that pattern from the 30,000-foot-view from a man with about 36 years of experience will give you confidence.

It’s like seeing the box top of a big puzzle …

Suddenly you clearly see what you’re building and that there’s a pattern.

With that clear picture in your mind, you’ll move forward confidently and rapidly … hey, you might even have fun doing it!

There’s one other benefit you’ll get from hearing Bob’s Story …

You’ll feel the thrill of standing on the shoulders of a giant!

Do you remember that quote from Isaac Newton?

He said …

“If I have seen further, it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

This means that many of the costly mistakes Bob has made in his career, you’ll get to step over.

You’ll zip past the delays and pitfalls.

You’ll race past the costly learning curves and shoot to the head of the class!

While other copywriters are floundering in the pits of despair and uncertainty, you’ll be soaring with the eagles in the high country.

Oh, and believe me, the air is much nicer up here! The lifestyle is incredible! The money is great!

So you might as well get on with it and live the writer’s life sooner rather than later. Bob’s Story will help you do that.

Okay … so that’s what you’ll get from the first night.

You could go home right now and be happy, right?

Yes! But Bob’s not nearly done with you …

Day Two:
Putting Rocket Boosters on Your Dreams

Saturday morning will begin by fitting you out for rocket boosters.

He’ll give you details on what it really takes to make a strong, consistent six-figures in today’s marketplace.

I love that Bob is not going to show you what he did and spin the yarn with you about “the good old glory days” … rather, you will see what is and isn’t working right now, today.

From there, you’ll launch into a series of concentrated, powerful sessions covering things like …

  • To niche or not to niche?
  • Choosing a business name …
  • Setting up your website …
  • Having the right contracts, forms, and paperwork (you’ll need these when clients say, “YES”) …
  • Setting up efficiency systems so you can get the job done quickly and enjoy the writer’s life daily …
  • Secret strategies to promoting your business with minimal effort and maximum rewards …
  • Eliminating freelance pitfalls and annoyances …
  • 10 resources for attracting high-paying clients …

Of course, that is just a whistle-whetting summary. Every activity has been created to transfer Bob’s 36 years of unfailing success to you.

To make sure you walk out with total confidence, Bob has also designed a number of hands-on exercises.

By the end of Saturday, you’ll walk away with a customized bait piece that will have potential clients drooling to work with you … a complete outline for a client-magnet style website … and custom-tailored, client-pulling copy for the home page of that website.

Then, as a special bonus, after dinner, Bob will turn the time over to you. You’ll have an opportunity to ask Bob any question you’d like.

Because we’re only allowing 60 people to attend, it’ll almost be like having a closed-door consulting session with Bob. That’s priceless!

Day Three:
Launch Your Dreams!

Your third day with Bob is devoted to getting you started on the right path and enjoying profits as soon as possible.

To do this, Bob will tackle things like …

  • 5 kick-butt copywriting secrets that will put you ahead of the game. These are Bob’s secret weapons for producing copy that makes clients happy and puts money in their bank accounts (and YOURS) …
  • Secrets to making your copy world-class … just like Bob’s been doing for over 35 years …
  • Setting your fees for maximizing profits and ensuring that you don’t under, or over, price your services …
  • Securing royalties for grabbing profits long after you’re done writing …
  • Avoiding common billing and contract mistakes (this will save you tons of time and money!) …
  • Secrets to every single aspect of closing the deal and working with clients, including getting the advance, managing your time, managing client expectations, writing best-practices, getting the final payment, and landing more projects from the same client …
  • How to get raving testimonials, referrals, and securing portfolio and bragging rights …

Avoid Nightmare Clients … Attract Dream Clients

Plus, in the middle of the day, you’ll be treated to a special guest speaker.

It’s none other than Ilise Benun.

If you’ve never heard Ilise speak, you’re in for a rare treat.

If nothing else, you should know that Ilise was Bob’s secret weapon for many, many years. She critiqued his copy, helped him with marketing, closed deals for him, and generally helped Bob skyrocket his business.

On top of that, Ilise has a wildly-successful business helping small business owners with sales and marketing.

She will talk with you specifically about pricing and positioning strategies.

One of the biggest problems newbie copywriters have is that they can’t tell a “quality, high-paying client” from a snapping turtle.

When I first started, I begged a company to hire me. They agreed … and after about a week, I really wished they hadn’t!

They were hard to work with, my fee was super low, and, in the end, they rejected my final draft and refused to pay me!

It was awful! (Very sad … I cried.)

Looking back, I realize there were red flags everywhere … but I was clueless and didn’t know what I was looking at.

If I had known better what a “great client” looks like … and understood the warning signs of a “nightmare client” … I would have been spared the misery.

Ilise will spare you the misery. She will show you how to identify quality, high-paying clients.

Do You Want a $100,000 Business, Or …
A $1,000,000 Business?

No … this is NOT a trick question … nor is it an IQ test. :-)

To close out the event, Bob is going to take you through the different income levels that are possible with copywriting.

You’ll be able to see just exactly what a $100,000 copywriting business looks like … what a $200,000 business looks like … what a $500,000 business looks like … and what a $1,000,000 business looks like.

Take your pick!

He will also open your mind to a whole new world by showing you how to add various profit centers to your copywriting business. Some call this “multiple streams of income.”

I call it pure fun!

This is where your lifestyle really takes off because you can make way more money, without spending way more time. You get to leverage your resources. It’s awesome!

Let’s Talk About Your Investment …

Obviously, to come to this great event, you’re going to make an investment.

Back in 2005, when Bob did the first “Getting Clients Weekend,” it cost me over $5,000 to pay for the event, book a flight, and stay in the hotel.

I remember the number well because I borrowed every penny from my in-laws (see AC II description above!).

But, I knew the investment was well worth it.

The secrets Bob gave me during that event made me a strong six-figure income for almost 10 years. My income has grown every year since. In all, that $5,000 investment has made me millions of dollars.

More importantly, it’s given me a lifestyle that is the envy of everyone I know. I’m living the dream … traveling, spending endless hours of family time, and enjoying the respect of prestigious people.

Today, I’m offering you the golden ticket to enter this same world of wealth, freedom, and lifestyle.

Why Your Deal is Better than Mine …

But, there are two MAJOR differences between this offer … and what Katie and Bob offered me back in 2005 …

First, you’re getting a Bob Bly with 10 more years of experience, insights, and wisdom under his belt. How much would you pay for 10 years of a man’s experience and wisdom?

That stuff is priceless. And you’re not getting just 10 years of Bob’s success secrets … you’re getting all 36 years!

Second, you won’t pay $5,000 for the honor of effortlessly scooping up all of Bob’s money-making secrets.

Instead, the investment for this event is just $2,995 …

That’s a cool $2,000 less than I paid!

And, remember, last July, Bob’s “Getting Clients Weekend” sold out in just a few DAYS. 60 seats … SNAP … GONE!

To be totally honest, we had only planned on 50 people attending in July. But those spots sold out so fast, we opened it up to another 10 people — Bob’s required limit. Those extra seats were gone the next day.

And still we turned away dozens of people …

I’m totally convinced that the same thing will happen this time around. If you want to come … don’t wait.

Register Today!

Here are 3 Reasons Why …

There are three GREAT reasons to get registered today …

First, you get 36 years of Bob’s wisdom, experience, secrets, tools, documents, and strategies for landing high-paying, top-notch clients.

This should be the only reason you need to come to this event and launch your writer’s life into high gear.

By itself, this benefit is literally worth millions … I’ve proven that and so have hundreds of other copywriters from around the world.

What Bob is giving you here is a priceless gift.

But, because AWAI is all about going the extra mile and rocking your world, I’m going to give you two more reasons to register today …

Second …

Second, you guarantee your spot.

Remember, we’re only allowing 60 people to attend this event …

You want to be one of them, right?!

Act fast, and you will be! (I can’t stress enough how fast the July event sold out … it was crazy.)

Third …

Third, Bob really, really wants you to succeed. He gets a thrill from seeing people like you and me get out of debt, buy nice homes, travel around the world, and generally live the writer’s life because of his teachings.

That’s perfectly natural, isn’t it? Sure. All teachers love to see their students excel.

To help you even more, he’s going to give you his extremely valuable, “Copywriter’s Toolbox.”

Inside this great gift, you’ll find …

  • Marketing communications audit — simple questionnaire that helps potential clients communicate their marketing needs when they can’t articulate exactly what they want on their own. Page 42.
  • Copywriting fee schedule — shows you what Bob charges for 27 different copywriting projects including ads … sales letters … direct-mail packages … white papers … and more. Page 6.
  • Dear Marketing Professional lead-generating letter — one of the sales letters Bob used to launch his freelance copywriting business … generated a 10% response whenever he mailed it. Page 21.
  • Standard copywriting agreement — the project confirmation Bob sends to all clients. They must approve and return it with the retainer before he starts work on their copywriting projects. Page 33.
  • Testimonial letter — form letters to solicit testimonials from satisfied clients as well as obtain permission to use unsolicited testimonials. Page 103.
  • Online copywriting fee schedule — detailed descriptions of more than two dozen online copywriting assignments and the fees Bob charges for each. Page 37.
  • Kill fee schedule — given to clients to let them know what they owe you should they cancel a project once it’s started. Page 47.
  • Copywriting information kit — the fulfillment package Bob sends to potential clients interested in his copywriting services … this has helped generate millions of dollars in copywriting assignments. Page 63.
  • How to prepare for a copywriting assignment — a handy checklist of the background information the client should give you — and the questions you should ask — before you start writing their copy. Page 58.
  • To-do lists — the 3 types of to-do lists every copywriter should keep … and what should be on each. Page 68.
  • And MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more …

Check this out so you know just how valuable this gift is …

"I had to write a note to let you know how much I appreciate your Copywriter’s Toolkit. After 8 years as a professional copywriter, I can truly say that I use it at least once a week. The examples are great and it’s written for fast reference. I keep the Copywriter’s Toolkit right next to my dictionary and thesaurus behind my desk. Thanks for the great information." ~ Bill Cornell

and …

"It took Bob Bly 36 years to pile up all the copywriting sales letter templates … boilerplate contracts … checklists … client letters … and other documents that make his career possible. But you can have them all at once … in a million-dollar toolkit that he's practically giving away … " ~ John Forde

(And, of course, in your case, when you register for Bob’s “Getting Clients Weekend,” he IS giving it away … you get it for FREE!)

Fourth (SURPRISE!) …

Fourth, (gotcha! I told you I was giving you three reasons, but I’m throwing in one more!), when you register today, you will also be registered for a private Pre-Event Webinar called “The Fast Track to Landing High-Paying Clients.”

This is a cool Pre-Event Webinar that Bob will be doing to help you prepare for the “Getting Clients Weekend.”

He’ll show you what to do before you come so that you can make the most of the experience. In effect, he’s giving you a powerful kick-start so you can hit the event at full-speed.

This Pre-Event Webinar is so comprehensive, I just know that some attendees will use the information to land clients BEFORE they get to the event.

Will you be one of them?

The Double-Bonus Guarantee

One last thing to tell you before we end …

You only have everything to gain by joining Bob at this event. Here’s Bob’s “Double Bonus Guarantee” …

Register for my “Getting Clients Weekend” held on March 20-22 at the Sheraton Lincoln Harbor Hotel in Weehawken, New Jersey. Attend the first night on Friday and the first full day on Saturday. If at the end of Saturday, you don’t feel like this is the BEST investment you’ve ever made, I’ll see that you receive a refund (minus the $300 processing fee) … no questions asked.

Register Today!

The Writer’s Life is Calling!

It’s decision time.

March is just around the corner and right now, thousands and thousands of other copywriters are reading this. I’m sure it’ll sell out … quickly!

Bob is offering you 36 years of experience, wisdom, and client-closing secrets.

This event will give you confidence … Bob Bly-style confidence … that for the rest of your days you’ll know how to attract and close high-paying clients and enjoy the writer’s life in every aspect.

With only 60 seats available, I urge you to act quickly and make sure you get one of them.

Register Today!

Hit the link above to register or call Member Services right now at toll-free 866-879-2924. Barb, Debbie, Pat, or Leah will help you get registered and even set up payments, if needed.

Your time is now and this is the magic event you’ve been waiting for.

Join us.

To Your Insanely Joyful Success,


P.S. Check out what last year’s Getting Clients attendees had to say about their experience …

“ … 35 years of experience we never have to repeat … ”

“Prior to attending the event, I was struggling with completing a few spec and challenge assignments. However, my greatest struggle was working through the process of finding clients who would pay.

“Before the event, I was really getting pumped up. I realized Joshua left the seminar nine years ago and never stopped moving forward. I figured if Joshua could do it, and Bob was willing to share 35 years of his experience, we all can do it.

“Just imagine Bob was willing to share 35 years of his experience that we never have to repeat. That places those who attended the seminar 35 years ahead of the game, over those who did not attend.”

— Amin Muhammad
Baltimore, Maryland

“I am ALL-IN.”

“I knew that if I was going to be successful, I had to start actually building a business (and not just study copywriting), so I immediately signed up for the Bob Bly event when the sales letter came out. I am ALL-IN.

“There is so much material to learn and building any business is hard work. I have to admit to feeling a bit overwhelmed before the event and even though I’ve built a business in the past, I felt stalled. No one knew I had aspirations to write — I wasn’t sure how to go about announcing that and actually get clients.

“I went to Baltimore to get a roadmap to launch my copywriting business and attract clients. I am completely satisfied that this was delivered and that I received more value than I paid for. Now it is up to me to get out there and do it.”

— Peter Kavanagh
Perth, Ontario

“Bob is fantastic!”

“I felt like I was missing a piece of the puzzle ... AWAI provides excellent training, articles, e-zines, etc., but I lacked the direction and confidence on how to approach clients.

“I heard Joshua talk about how Bob helped him launch his very successful career and, well, the name of the program says it all.

“Bob’s anecdotes were very helpful both for their information and for my confidence on how to talk to clients.

“That missing puzzle piece came to me Sunday afternoon and I returned home with the confidence that I can and will have a great copywriting career!

“Bob is fantastic!”

— Nancy Olenic
Woodstock, Georgia

 … so much to put into practice … ”

“When I saw Bob's weekend workshop, I knew I had to sign up for it! Was thrilled to be there learning from Bob! He is just a regular guy with so much knowledge and skills, and he was so eager to pass on so much to us. Definitely gave me so much to think about and put into practice.”

— Kashi Yatto

“ … the best seminar I had ever attended … ”

“I was skeptical because of other non-AWAI events I'd attended before — the-big-hype-low-on-delivery type of things.

“This seminar was a pleasant surprise and I went up to Bob personally to tell him it was a great event and that it was the best seminar I had ever attended.

“I left with a lot of fantastic info.

“I will use the customer acquiring and negotiation techniques — I am confident about the rest of the procedure.

“Also, having Ilise was an important part of the seminar. Very good insight from the ‘negotiation lady.’

“My personal view on the seminar is that it should have been described as some sort of complete business in a binder.

“There was much more info (and good info) than I expected and Bob is such an ‘easy-to-approach, no-ego type of guy,’ that he was sort of just one of the guys.

“No doubt he is generous to a fault with sharing his info and a very talented teacher of his craft.

“He showed the simplicity behind things that looked complicated at first glance.

“His teaching method was simplicity in action.”

— Victor Leppky
Edmonton, Alberta

“Bob and Ilise provided all the resources I was looking to obtain … ”

“I did not have the processes, tools, or confidence to talk to a prospect with confidence. Bob and Ilise provided all the resources I was looking to obtain so I can get on the level playing field as any other copywriter. I certainly got it, now I need to take action and implement that makeover myself.”

— Venu Sripada
Sterling, Virginia

“ … made connections I didn’t know I was missing … ”

“Before this event, I was confident in my skills but not sure how to be confident in positioning my services. I knew Bob was the expert at commanding top fees, and I was hopeful I could learn from him.

“I'd been reading Bob's e-newsletter for years, and I've always been impressed by his expertise. I knew that I could easily pay for the cost of the event many times over in a single month if I used his training well.

“Hearing him in person explain what I need to do helped me make connections I didn't know I was missing. I wanted a clear, actionable plan to land top clients and dramatically boost my earnings as a copywriter, and I certainly got it! I've actually already begun to implement Bob's training, and I'll be sending out letters to potential clients this week.”

— Matt Hall
Salt Lake City, Utah

“I am appreciative of all the information Bob shared at the ‘Getting Clients’ conference in Baltimore last summer. He helped me greatly in getting started in this field, and he continues to help me grow professionally as a copywriter.”

— Cynthia Kincaid
Gahanna, Ohio

Register Today!

P.P.S. On Bob’s main website, he has 44 pages of testimonials! (gasp … insane … stunned silence … mouth-dropping impressed!) …

And at the bottom of those 44 pages is a link that modestly says, “More Testimonials.” So I clicked on that, expecting to find a couple more.

Wrong … there were another 65 pages of testimonials. That’s 109 pages of single-spaced testimonials about how AMAZING Bob Bly is.

When I asked Bob about this, he modestly said, “Oh, well, that’s not all of them!”

Mind … BLOWN! (Poof!)

So, seriously, if you haven’t registered yet, do it now. It’ll change your life … just like it did for me almost 10 years ago.

Register Today!

P.P.P.S. Here’s a random sampling from those 109 pages of testimonials …

These first ones are from writers like you and me …

"You are in the ‘bull’s-eye’ of the target on this topic. Thanks for the advice. Keep up your excellent work, newsletters, and messages, as I, for one, appreciate your information."

— Herb Anderson

"There are obviously teachers who can do and do teach. You being one of them. That’s why I read your letters and invest in your publications. I’ve a nice Bly library, thank you very much. I learn from them and keep it as a source of valuable references."

— Judy Blaeske

"By the way, your insight into B2B marketing is one of the reasons my business has been so successful for the past 20 years. I practiced what you preached. It is so rare to find a copywriter who understands a technical niche market like mine and knows how to write for engineers and scientists."

— Denise Chew

"Thank you for this column. It is greatly needed. All writers should follow your advice on this subject. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom each week."

— Sharron Smith

"Bob Bly is internationally famous as a copywriter, speaker, and author of several best-sellers. He is undoubtedly one of the best and most successful copywriters in the world today."

— Ted Nicholas

"I usually delete 90% of what comes in on email but not yours. I always admire how you just tell it like it really is. Keep writing!"

— Jewell Portugal

"Thanks for your Direct Response Letter. You always provide food for thought, and action."

— Lowell Allen

"My friend, YOU and YOU ALONE are the reason I became a professional writer … winning state, national, and international awards (for myself or my clients) along the way. I never dreamed that career would be possible until you made it accessible. I am eternally grateful for your generosity in sharing your skills and wisdom over the years. It changed my life."

— Bob Massey

"Thanks, as always, for your emails, Bob! I read them the instant they come in."

— Steve Maxwell

"I've thoroughly enjoyed every one of your e-books I've purchased."

— Steve Stroschein

Register Today!

And this set is from some of Bob’s clients …

"I don't know a single copywriter whose work would not be improved by reading this book (The Copywriter's Handbook, by Robert W. Bly). And that includes me. After reading it, I am a born-again fundamentalist."

—David Ogilvy, author, Ogilvy on Advertising

"Bob has finished all the items on the spreadsheet. And we're very pleased. Bob learned about us and our conferences quickly, zeroed in on some new/clear messaging, delivered what he said he would in a timely way, and worked through our comments, questions, and feedback quickly and constructively. And he handled our crazy tight deadlines so well. Can't really ask for more than that!"

—Ron Mester, TLNT.com

"We broke even on the DM package you wrote for us within 3 weeks of mailing. Glad we hired you!"

—Donny Beaver, HalenHardy

"The copy that Bob Bly wrote for One Day University when we first launched was so powerful and effective it became the basis for how we describe our business to new students and potential partners even to this day, six years later. His simple 2-page letter played a huge role in our success. I'll always be grateful!"

—Steven Schragis, One Day University

"This is long overdue, but as they say 'you gotta make hay when the sun shines' and things have been coming at me at break-neck speed. I wanted to say thank you for the beautiful work you did for the copy on my website. It is in the process of being completely overhauled and once it is done, I will send you another email so you can take a peek."

—Jennifer Devlin, Celtic Complexion

"I have a really good feeling about this [promotion] and it was very easy to work with you."

—Laura Vail, Newsmax

"The letter is looking great, Bob! I knew I contacted the right guru for the job! As we move along with other projects, I'm confident you'll receive even more positive comments from us."

—Dr. Trace Pirtle, Exponential Potential Consulting

Register Today!

American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924