The “BIG One”

Here’s What’s Happening Right Now…


If you thought blogging was big…

If you thought social media was big…

If you thought content marketing was big because it transformed the digital marketing landscape, unlocking a $400+ billion opportunity exclusively for writers…

You ain’t seen nothing yet!

There’s a tsunami coming that will eclipse ALL of that and more.

I’m calling it “BIG One.”

Because it’s about to transform how we buy things, like homes and cars…

How we bank, invest, listen to music and watch movies, how we take charge of our own health…

Even how we communicate with each other and express the things that are important to us…

Bottom line: It’s about to blast open a gaping window of opportunity for copywriters who are ready for it — the likes of which we’ve never seen before.

Forgive me if I sound like I’m over-exaggerating, hyping this up too much… whatever you want to call it, but…

This Is REAL and It’s BIG…

To the tune of $30 trillion, according to Nasdaq.

That’s 15x bigger than the entire telecommunications industry…

… 10x bigger than the entire automobile industry…

… and even 6x bigger than the entire tech industry…

Like I said, BIG.

And in just a moment, you’re about to meet a copywriter who’s at the forefront of it all…

He’s making a killing from this seismic shift — and is pioneering what will become “best practices” for writers who choose to take advantage of what’s happening.

It all has to do with the way the internet is moving… transforming… growing…

How We Got Here

In the early days of the Web, most people didn’t know what to make of it.

For many, it was just a fun curiosity — a way to kill some time.

You still might remember having to “dial up” with your modem to connect to the World Wide Web.

After waiting for about a minute or two (while listening to the unforgettable sound it made while connecting), you were ready to start browsing the Web.

Screenshot of AOL homepage in the 90s

Only to go and visit sites like this:

Screenshot of Ray Packard Bell homepage in the year 2000

Screenshot of NASA homepage in the 90s

Eventually… the internet “caught on” — and evolved into what we see now (“Web 2.0”) — a thriving, integral part of modern day society.

Screenshot of Facebook Homepage

Screenshot of Amazon Homepage

Screenshot of YouTube Homepage

But you know as well as I do…

In this day and age, nothing ever stays the same…

Things are constantly changing… evolving… and it’s all happening faster than at any other time in human history.

And that goes for the internet…

A New Era

Imagine getting a loan to buy a house, car, or to do a kitchen remodel… and not needing a bank, to sign a litany of forms and contracts, or even have your credit pulled…

Truly experiencing the energy, excitement, and thrill of being at a live event with your friends and family — like a hockey game or concert — without leaving the comfort of your home…

Owning, controlling, and protecting your personal data that’s currently harvested online for advertising — and instead have companies pay you to watch their ads…

Exploring virtual worlds that are interconnected — where you can shop at your favorite stores, hang out with friends and loved ones, or earning a passive income by renting out virtual real estate you own…

Creating a work of art, a piece of music, or even writing a blockbuster sales letter or best-selling novel — with 100% certainty you’ll get paid your royalties due automatically and in perpetuity…

And much, much more…

It’s Called Web3

Chances are, you’ve heard of Web3.

But do you really know what it is?

More importantly, do you know about the massive opportunity it’s bringing for writers?

That’s what I want to reveal to you today.

So, strap in…

It’s going to be an exciting — and for many, scary — race through what just might be the most transformative moment in your life as a citizen… and a writer…

The Coming $30-Trillion Boom

Web3 promises to usher in some BIG changes.

It’s why — as I mentioned earlier — Nasdaq estimates it will soon be a $30 trillion-a-year space.

Many of these changes will come in the form of the “metaverse” — interconnected virtual worlds where people can interact and basically do anything and everything you can do in the physical world.

Now, whether you like this idea or not — MAJOR companies are jumping in, because this is where things are headed and where most business will be conducted.

One of the world’s largest bank — JPMorgan Chase & Co. — has bought virtual land and opened up their virtual lounge, Onyx:

Screenshot of the Onyx virtual lounge

They plan on letting people bank in the metaverse.

Microsoft recently plunked down $70 billion to acquire behemoth video game maker Activision Blizzard, as their first phase to secure their place in what’s coming.

And then there’s Disney. They recently filed a patent for a technology that lets you experience their theme parks in the metaverse.

McDonald’s filed 10 trademark applications, and in doing so, revealed their intentions to open up virtual restaurants, where people can buy food and have their order delivered in real life.

Nike is preparing to enter the metaverse as well, after filing seven trademark applications of its own.

This is just the beginning.

There are dozens of other major brands that are quietly gearing up and preparing for the inevitable.

And guess what — all these brands… all these companies that are adapting to the coming change…

They Will Need Writers

Writers who understand Web3… who “get it” — and who are able to speak with their audiences in a way that’s engaging and gets results.

And right now, I only know of ONE writer who meets this criteria — the gentleman who’s at the forefront of all this and pioneering the methods, strategies, and “best practices” copywriters and entire marketing teams will be using in the not-so-distant future.

I’ll introduce him in just a sec.

And it’s a good thing he’s doing this, too…

Because almost no one in the copywriting world has spotted this as a massive writing opportunity.

Which is why I’m downright giddy with excitement.

Since you’re reading this right now, you are early. You’ve got an edge on everyone else that’s oblivious to what’s happening right now.

It’s like buying stock in Apple, Google, or Microsoft back when they were just starting out. Imagine if you’d had the foresight to know they’d become the dominant players in the industry.

This is the opportunity we have now as writers. Today. Right before our very eyes!

I’ll tell you how to take full advantage of it… and maximize your income, gain recognition, and set yourself up to cherry-pick only the best and highest-paying clients.

But first, there’s one more important piece of what makes up Web3 you need to know about…


NFTs are starting to serve as one of the pivotal foundations on which Web3 and the metaverse is being built.

Now, let me pause here for a second.

Because I think you might be scratching your head right now.

How on earth could NFTs help usher in the new age of the internet?

After all, maybe you’ve heard of NFTs.

Or maybe you’ve seen reports on the news of how they are selling for hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

I’m talking about computer art that looks like this:

A collage of three NFTs

The media has focused on sensational stories, where investors happily pay up to tens of millions of dollars for digital art like what you see above — basically 1’s and 0’s stored on a hard drive somewhere.

And I’ll be the first to admit…

This kind of press makes the whole NFT “thing” seem kind of unbelievable, right?

It’s created the perception that NFTs are simply a fad or a bubble.

Here today, gone tomorrow… like the Beanie Babies craze during the 90s.

But here’s the thing —

The Shocking Truth

NFTs are just getting started.

Because there’s more to them than meets the eye.

They have FAR more utility than simply being a vessel for “cute” or funny cartoon art.

In fact, it’s a NFTs utility that places it squarely in the center of what makes Web3 so innovative and useful.

Best-selling author and hugely popular influencer Gary Vaynerchuck believes them to be game-changing.

“NFTs are the biggest technology that has ever happened in the history of life… outside of things like fire and the printing press.”

— Gary Vaynerchuck

And Entrepreneur Magazine states they’ll be the foundation on which our new, virtual economy is built on.

“NFTs: The New Bedrock of the Virtual Economy”

Entrepreneur Magazine

What will be the copywriter’s role in all of this?

I thought you’d never ask! ;-)

But before I get into how this “shift” to an NFT-driven internet can make you a ton of money as a writer… it’s important to completely understand the role they’ll play.

So let’s start by looking at what the letters “NFT” mean…

What NFT Stands For

Let’s start by looking at what the letters NFT mean…

Non-Fungible Token.

It’s a mouthful. But let’s break it down.

Something that’s “fungible” is something that can be replaced.

A quick example —

Let’s say you’ve got a $20 bill.

If you lent that $20 bill to a friend or family member, and then later they pay you back, it’s typically with a different $20 bill than the exact one you gave them.

And you’d be perfectly happy with that because paper money is fungible.

Non-fungible is the total opposite.

It means it CAN’T be replaced or exchanged.

Something that is non-fungible is entirely unique. One of a kind.

For example, out of the nearly 8 billion people that live on this planet, your fingerprint is unique to you. No one else.

Even identical twins have different fingerprints.

Your fingerprint therefore is non-fungible.

Here’s Another Way
to Look at It…

This is The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh.

Starry Night Painting by Vincent van Gogh

There’s just one of these paintings in the entire world.

It’s in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and has been since 1941.

It’s non-fungible.

Someone who’s an amazingly skilled artist could go ahead and paint an identical copy.

Still, it would NOT be The Starry Night painted by van Gogh that sits in the museum’s collection.

This is why a forgery of The Starry Night would never sell at auction or fetch the kind of money the original would.


That’s right — because the original is non-fungible.

So a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) then, is a cryptocurrency that is entirely unique.

Contrast that to a cryptocurrency like bitcoin.

If you lent me one bitcoin, I could pay you back with another bitcoin because it’s fungible (just like that $20 bill I mentioned).

An NFT on the other hand, is NOT interchangeable like this.

And that’s where the true genius of NFTs comes in.

They offer something that’s absolutely critical for Web3 to work:

NFTs Provide
Verifiable OWNERSHIP

It’s because NFTs are non-fungible that they are a perfect way to prove you own something.

Think of an NFT as a receipt of purchase.

Let’s say you go to the store to buy a brand-new outfit.

When you purchase it, you’re given a receipt. It proves you bought the outfit at that particular store.

So if you need to come back to exchange or return it, no problem.

You simply show your receipt to prove you purchased the outfit, and the store will either refund your money or exchange the outfit for something else.

Same thing with an NFT.

Once you buy an NFT, the fact that you now are the owner is public and verifiable. It can be proven that you are indeed the owner.

And this is exactly why NFTs are beginning to change entire industries…

Take a look:

A red luxury car

Automobiles: Luxury car maker Alfa Romeo plans on giving owners an NFT of their car’s service records.

This is great because if you’re the owner of the car and want to resell it — you can PROVE the car was never in an accident and that it’s been maintained immaculately, allowing you to fetch a higher price for the car.

And as a buyer, you get peace of mind, because you can verify everything the owner says about the car’s history as being true.

A white house with a green yard

Real Estate: In Tampa Bay, Florida, a homeowner sold his house via an NFT for $653,000.

The NFT essentially acts like a “deed” does, proving the new buyer owns the home. When the new buyer is ready, he can simply sell the NFT and transfer it to the new owner, creating a much more efficient way to buy and sell real estate.

A medical office with a tablet, paperwork, and laptop on a desk

Healthcare: NFT start-up Aimedis promises to revolutionize health records. In the current system, your records can be a mess and near-impossible to get doctors to share them with each other — especially if you travel and you’ve got records in different countries.

This start-up aims to turn all your records and health history into a single NFT owned by YOU.

So you decide when and what to share with your health providers, eliminating headaches, and making the process of getting transcripts, X-rays, and other documents needed much faster.

A vector graphic of a music player with headphones

Music: One company has already created a marketplace where you can buy the rights to song royalties.

You simply buy the NFT, which then proves you’re due the royalties to that particular song, whenever it’s played or performed.

A graphic of banking symbols displayed out of a phone being held

Banking: As I mentioned earlier, one of the world’s largest banks, JPMorgan Chase & Co., jumped into the metaverse by buying virtual land. They plan on creating a lounge, where customers can bank, shop, and more, via the use of NFTs.

Other banks, including giant HSBC, have followed suit.

A stick exchance ticker

Investing: The parent company of the New York Stock Exchange purchased an NFT company that specializes in turning traditional stocks bought on the exchange into get this…


These “tokenized” securities will be safer and easier to trade and offer faster settlement times once Web3 takes hold.

Are you starting to see what the big deal is?

Web3 is a new industry, and it’s growing incredibly fast.

In fact, here’s a screenshot of a tweet that describes this current situation perfectly:

A tweet by Andrew Steinwold describing the growth of NFT trade volume in comparison to internet growth in the 90s

Imagine that —

Back in the day, the internet was growing at 2,300% per year.

NFTs grew 21,000% in just the last year alone! That’s almost 10x BIGGER than the internet in its early days.

And it’s why, as a writer, this means a HUGE opportunity for you.

Plus, you might also be surprised to learn that…

Over 1,000 NEW NFT Projects
Are Being Launched…
… Each Week!

That’s over 50,000 projects — PER YEAR.

Behind every single one of those projects is a potential client who’d be happy to hire a writer who understands NFTs and the Web3 space.

Because that’s the key —

You’ve got to understand this space, inside and out. Right now, most of the copy is written by the same developers and programmers who are creating these NFTs.

As you can imagine, that makes for pretty ineffective copy.

And it’s why they desperately need a writer who:

  1. Understands how to write persuasively, with empathy for the prospect and audience, and how to move people to action…
  2. “Gets” the Web3 culture, the community, the lingo, and more…

If you can meet that criteria (which I’ll show you how to do in just a moment)… these clients are happy to pay you fees of $500… $1,000… even $3,000 for short, simple projects that are a blast to write.

Because a lot of NFT marketing lends itself to writing stories… creating new characters… developing the “lore” around a particular project… designing a story arc… and more.

That in itself is pretty exciting.

But what’s crazy is that the 1,000 NFT projects being launched every week does NOT include all the traditional companies I’ve told you about, who are looking to adapt and add value with NFTs and Web3.

MAJOR companies like:

A collage of company logos who are launching NFT projects
Companies Depicted: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla, Samsung, Spotify, Nike, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Disney, McDonald’s, Walmart, Taco Bell

And many others!

How’s that for a dream client list — and we’re just getting started!

Once Web3 gains traction — just like when the internet did — thousands of smaller companies will follow, once they understand what they can do with NFTs.

Which means this lane is wide open for you.

Basically zero competition. Hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of prospective clients who could use your help…

A perfect recipe for a thriving writing business that makes you five or even six-figures working on your terms.

NFTs and Web3 Are the Future

Web3 is coming.

And despite what naysayers might say, you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it.

Consider — here’s an article published in Newsweek, back in 1995, when the internet was brand-new (just like Web3 is now):

An article from Newsweek claiming the internet is overhyped

And if you want to see something even crazier…

Check out this newspaper headline from The Daily Mail back in December of 2000 (just under 22 years ago):

An article from The Daily Mail claiming the internet may be a passing fad

Again, the internet was new back then.

The majority didn’t understand the potential — how it would go on to transform entire industries, and ultimately the world economy.

We’re seeing the same thing happen with Web3.

It’s why Andreessen Horowitz — the venture capital firm that invested early in “unknown” companies like Twitter, Reddit, Buzzfeed, Instacart, Lyft, Skype, and others — has set aside $4.5 billion to invest in NFT and Web3 start-ups.

This is where things are headed.

And hopefully, you’ll look back on this day and see how Web3 literally transformed everything — including your own life.

Because you know you can take advantage of this mega-opportunity.

Sadly, most other writers haven’t a clue of what’s coming…

But not you.

Right now, you’re in a great position to plant your flag as an early adopter… to gain recognition in the industry and become an authority… and to have your pick of the “best of the best” clients out there.

To this end, I’ve arranged a powerful and effective way to quickly get you “up to speed” on everything Web3 and Web3 writing — so you can start landing great paying clients.

Your Personal Invitation
to the World’s FIRST-EVER
Certification for Web3 Writers

This is brand-new and the only Certification of its kind.

It’s for writers who want to be on the cutting-edge… who want to establish themselves NOW as an expert in all things Web3 writing related.

You don’t need any prior experience. And you don’t need any kind of technical background or anything like that.

Because the truth is, it’s not required in order to understand the ins and outs of Web3 and how companies are using it to market themselves.

In fact, we’ve brought in THE leading expert on Web3 writing, to show you everything you need to know.

His name is Nick Usborne.

He’s been a copywriter for over 40 years now. Over 20 of those years have been dedicated solely to writing for the Web.

Nick was THE pioneer when it came to writing for what was then a brand-new medium — the Web.

As a result, he’s worked with and has been a digital copy consultant to companies like Microsoft, Disney, Yahoo, Apple, Chrysler, and The New York Times.

He’s the guy these large companies bring in to train their in-house web teams on how to write top-notch digital copy.

For example, the CEO of a major U.S. insurance company once paid him $24,650…

Just to spend a little time training their web team to write better online copy.

And now, Nick has spotted the huge opportunity that is Web3…

… and has already begun to pioneer new methods, new techniques, and new strategies that work incredibly well for this brand-new space.

Already, he’s making a big name for himself, with clients seeking him out, and paying him a PREMIUM, simply because there are hardly any writers out there who understand persuasive writing AND the ins and outs of Web3.

And lucky for you, he’ll be your mentor for this Certification!

Your Roadmap to Becoming a
Top Web3 Writing PRO!

Nick is not holding back here, and will show you everything he knows about successfully writing for the Web3 space.

So to that end, you’ll meet with him for two sessions per week, every Tuesday and Thursday at 2 p.m. ET, for a total of four weeks starting on June 21.

During that time, you’ll immerse yourself in the world of Web3, learn what it’s all about, and understand the nuances you need in order to write for it and get paid premium fees.

Take a look:

SESSION 1 Web3 — The Next Frontier for Digital Copywriters, Content Writers, and Storytellers

Because NFTs and Web3 are expected to usher in a $30 trillion wave of wealth over the next decade, businesses are jumping on board.

And in the same way writers had to learn how to write for “the Web”…

… they will soon need to learn how to write for Web3.

The good news is, you’ll have a HUGE head start on them.

This makes it far easier to become a leading authority on writing and marketing for Web3.

And, it means clients will have more confidence in hiring you over someone else, and will be happy to pay you bigger fees.

Remember — companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Nike, Abercrombie & Fitch, Walmart, Dolce & Gabbana, McDonald’s, Hyundai, Burberry, Disney, and even one of the biggest banks in the world — JPMorgan Chase & Co. — are gearing up for Web3.

They’re spending tens of millions right now to do it. And they’re going to need capable writers who are well-versed in Web3 to help them communicate with their audiences.

That’s where you come in.

A writer who “gets it” when it comes to NFTs, crypto, the metaverse, and everything that encompasses Web3 is a rare find.

And it’s why by learning this now, you’re really setting yourself up for a thriving, successful, high-earning career as a writer.

It’s why during Session 1 with Nick, you’ll get a complete introduction on what makes Web3 “tick” — so you can show your clients you know your stuff and they’ve made a wise decision in hiring you!

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • What the key differences are between Web 1.0… Web 2.0… and Web3… and why there are millions of "Web 1.0" and "Web 2.0" companies out there who will pay you top dollar to help them adapt…
  • The key foundational concepts you must know in order to write great Web3 copy for your clients (and get paid very well to help them)…
  • How to develop "fluency" in this exciting new space, so you can write to your client's prospects like an insider…
  • Why the power of COMMUNITY matters in Web3 and the first steps you can take immediately to experience this powerful sense of community firsthand…
  • The kinds of projects you'll work on as a Certified Web3 Copywriter and why businesses desperately need your help to write them…
  • And much, much more…

SESSION 2 A Deep Dive Into the World of NFTs

Now that you’ve got a handle on what Web3 is, why it’s so important, and how it’s about to revolutionize entire industries and even the global economy…

… it’s time to take a deep dive into one of the biggest pieces to making Web3 “work” —


Understanding NFTs inside and out is absolutely critical to being able to help your clients and to write well for Web3.

It’s hard to just “fake it” in this space, because there’s so much nuance… so many little things you wouldn’t know unless you immerse yourself in this space.

That’s why in Session 2, you’ll get an in-depth look at NFTs — what they are, what they’re not, what they’re used for, and why they’re so critical to the new virtual economy that will be based upon Web3.

You’ll learn:

  • Why NFTs are such a huge part of Web3 (and what that means for you as a writer)…
  • The big reason “why” NFTs present the biggest opportunity for writers…
  • The 9 "use cases" for NFTs and why understanding each one matters when you sit down to write for a client…
  • The platforms and tools that drive the world of NFTs (and how to navigate them like a pro)…
  • How to buy your first NFT for incredibly cheap — so you can experience first-hand what it's like to be part of Web3 and be able to "walk the talk" with your clients…
  • And much, much more…

SESSION 3 Understand the Culture and Language
of NFTs and Web3

By now, you’ve got a solid understanding of Web3 — what it is and what makes it such a massive opportunity for you as a writer.

As well, you understand why a path to six-figures as a Web3 writing specialist isn’t out of the question.

Now, it’s time to start getting into the nitty-gritty… the things only “insiders” and “early adopters” of Web3 truly understand.

That’s why here, in Session 3, Nick will give you what you need to know to fully immerse yourself in this world and become a true “insider.”

In this pivotal session, you’ll learn…

  • The biggest difference between Web 2.0 and Web3 and why it matters…
  • The power of "memes" and the role they play right now in Web3 (this alone might surprise you, but it'll be important to harness their power for the clients that hire you)…
  • What "flattening hierarchy" means, and why it's one of the big, core tenets of Web3…
  • How DAO’s play a central role in the coming Web3 revolution…
  • The demographics of the audiences you'll be writing to — and how it's vastly different from the audiences you might already be familiar with…
  • And much, much more…

SESSION 4 An Introduction to NFT Marketing

It’s time to take everything you’ve learned so far, and put all the pieces together!


By looking at how everything fits into an overall NFT marketing effort.

There are a LOT of Web3 start-ups and even established companies wanting to enter this space. And the way they do it currently is by launching their first (or next) NFT.

That’s why in Session 4, Nick shows you what a marketing launch typically looks like — and the key things you need to know.

You’ll learn…

  • How native Web3 marketing is very different from regular, digital marketing…
  • The 3 key elements of any successful Web3 marketing plan and what you need to know about each if you plan on writing for them…
  • Why each "platform" used in Web3 marketing has a very specific goal (and if you don't know what it is, your writing won't be effective!)…
  • An inside look at how each platform is currently being used for a mega-successful NFT launch…
  • How to build a large audience or following for your clients (they'll LOVE this!)…
  • And much, much more…

SESSION 5 NFT Marketing Case Studies
(Plus Tracking and Reporting Tools)

You know what it takes to have a successful NFT launch.

Now it’s time to look at a few real-world case studies… and introduce you to how you can track the success of a campaign.

This is something so few writers understand. And by learning this — and knowing how you can track and report the results of your clients’ NFT launches, you’ll instantly become their “go-to” writer and advisor.

And in this session:

  • You’ll learn about the 3 different types of NFT projects…
  • You’ll see how to track the success or failure of an NFT launch (and the sites that will help you get those stats)…
  • You’ll get a list of the must-know NFT analytics platforms that will help you spot NFTs by ranking, rarity, upcoming launches, and more (this is a GREAT way to find potential clients, and then show your clients you know what you're doing)…
  • You’ll get a deep understanding on how to make a community for a specific NFT grow like wildfire…
  • You’ll know, without a doubt, what it takes for an NFT project to go from idea… to successful LAUNCH!…
  • And much, much, more…

SESSION 6 Typical Web3 Writing Projects,
and How to Approach Them

You’ve made it!

At this point, you’ve got a solid understanding of Web3 and how to write for it.

Now, it’s time to learn the kinds of projects you’ll be expected to write, and how you can successfully approach each one of them.

After all, because of Web3, building a brand is now more like marketing a video game than it is a traditional “business.”

There are storylines and arcs you might need to create… entire worlds to describe and discover… introducing new characters to anticipating fans… crafting lore around a specific NFT collection that explains why each NFT is rare and unique… and more.

It’s a LOT of fun.

And in this session, Nick will give you a complete understanding of how everything you’ve learned up until now — comes together in writing the projects clients will pay you great money to write!

You’ll see how Web3 calls on your creativity and different writing skills…

You’ll take a look at actual examples of the kinds of projects you might be called upon to write…

You’ll see what it takes to create “buzz” and engagement with your client’s audience…

And so much more…

SESSION 7 How to Market Yourself as a Web3 Copywriter
and Land Your First Few Jobs

At this point, I want you to take a moment and pat yourself on the back.

After all — you’ve gone through an intense, full-immersion training into what Web3 is, why it promises to transform the global economy, and how to plant your flag as a pioneer in this exciting and lucrative space.

This is something that will serve you for YEARS to come… and will help you build a highly-lucrative writing business.

What’s more, you’ve got the knowledge to go out now, and start turning it into profit.

That’s why in this session, you’ll get a complete training on how to land paying clients!

You’ll discover:

  • The simple strategies you can use immediately for landing clients who’ll be “over the moon” to pay you premium fees (after all, there aren’t any writers out there right now — except for Nick — who are specializing in this now, while it’s still early)…
  • Why you need to get "skin in the game" and immerse yourself in this brave new world of Web3, NFTs, and the metaverse…
  • How to "listen in" to what's going on with Web3, upcoming NFT launches, and other projects you could easily get paid to be a part of via your writing skills…
  • Your Twitter "starter pack" of people to follow and get insights into upcoming projects, other companies in the space, and potential clients who'll pay you handsomely…
  • Other places to get clients "offline" and why it could be one of the best ways to land your first client on the spot…
  • How to look for potential writing opportunities within the NFT communities (and the specific kinds of conversations to be on the lookout for that can easily land you a gig)…
  • What to do when you come across someone looking specifically for a Web3 writer like you…
  • And much, much more…

SESSION 8 YOU: A Certified Web3 Writer!

At this point, you’re well-armed to go out there and build a massively successful Web3 writing business for yourself.

All that’s left is to get you CERTIFIED — so your clients know without a doubt, you’re serious and have the know-how to help them succeed in this new Web3 era.

That’s why during this session, Nick will review and recap all the most important key concepts for you… and then open it up for questions.

He’ll also brief you on your upcoming Certification test and assignment, give you tips on how to pass it with flying colors, and ensure you cement your place in history as one of the FIRST-EVER writers to get Certified in writing for Web3.

In fact, once you pass, you’ll receive your BADGE, which you can proudly display in all of your marketing materials, including your website and social media accounts.

This is a big benefit — because when someone who’s in the Web3 space and is looking for a qualified writer… all they need to see is that Badge, and instantly they know they’ve found the right person for the job!

I can’t tell you how many stories we’ve had of writers who simply updated their LinkedIn profiles after they received one of AWAI’s Verified™ Badges, and then a day later had companies seeking them out to see if they were interested in writing for them.

That’s the power of Certification.

And that’s the power of getting trained in something where there’s practically ZERO competition from other writers (because they’re simply unaware of this mega-opportunity, unlike you!).

Once you pass, consider it a huge accomplishment and an acknowledgement of you being a visionary — someone who can spot future trends, see where things are headed, and is able to take advantage of it and help those companies who you’ll call your clients do the same.

And remember, in addition to getting Certified so you can go out and get clients with CONFIDENCE… you’ll also get:

A Chance to Land a
$2,000 Payday!

Not only do you get a chance to be Certified as a Web3 writer…

… you ALSO get a chance to land a $2,000 payday from AWAI!

You see, we want to reward you for being an early adopter and getting in before everyone else into this lucrative space.

After all, from everything we can see — Web3 will revolutionize the entire world.

It’s no different from when we first saw that Digital Copywriting would be a “thing” — way back in 2007.

Now, it’s Web3 that will soon become the norm across all industries.

And you will already be “up to speed” as it were, through this Certification program.

That’s why we’ll be awarding a $2,000 payout to one lucky writer!

All you have to do is turn in your final assignment and pass your test (which you’ll be doing anyway, in order to get Certified).

Then, my team and I — along with Nick — will be reviewing all the submissions, looking for the one that impresses us the most.

If your submission is selected, we’ll be in touch and let you know you’ve won $2,000!

Pretty sweet, right?

And no matter what, by submitting your assignment, you’ll have a Web3 portfolio piece you can proudly show off to ALL your prospective clients.

So it’s win-win for you, either way!

Who This Training
IS and ISN’T For…

In just a moment, I’ll tell you how to become a part of this exclusive mentorship with Nick — where you’ll learn how to be a pioneer in this exciting new Web3 space.

You’ll also learn about the big discount I’ve authorized for you…

And the special pricing I’ve arranged to make it as easy as possible for you to be a part of this — and get your Web3 writing career up and running.

I’ll even tell you how you can dip your toe in the water, RISK-FREE.

But first —

I want to make sure this is right for you…

After all, you have to be cautious where you invest your time and energy.

Nick was THE pioneer of Digital Copywriting…

He was the lone voice in the late 90s, telling anyone who would listen that there was a specific way to write for this new (at the time) online medium.

As a result, Nick enjoyed an insanely successful career writing for the Web… and worked with clients like Disney, The New York Times, Yahoo!, and others.

Once again, history is repeating itself.

Nick is seeing the SAME patterns play out. Except this time with Web3.

You can bet your bottom dollar, he’s planning on doing the same as he did with Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.

He’s going to establish himself as an expert in Web3 writing, and take advantage of this wide-open opportunity, while everyone else is oblivious to it.

The only difference is this time, he’s making sure a few writers join him right away — those from this “Graduating Class.”

He’ll show them what he’s discovered, how to write for this soon-to-be $30 trillion “mega market,” and how to find clients.

My hope is that you’re among these lucky writers who get to learn directly from Nick.

Which is why we want to make sure this is a right fit for you…

First, if you’ve got zero experience as a copywriter and have never been paid to write, that’s perfectly fine.

This training is designed to take you from “ground zero” to having the skills to make a great living as a Web3 Writing Specialist.


If you’ve already got some experience as a working writer, then this training will expand your skill set. And — more importantly — it will prepare you for the kind of writing many of your clients will transition to in the coming weeks, months, and years.

It will also help you stay competitive as Web3 takes hold and becomes the “new” thing in how companies market themselves.

This is also for you if you want to be on the cutting-edge of an opportunity and stake your claim as a pioneer, like Nick.

Becoming a Web3 Writing Specialist can give you all that and more.

So if that describes you… and you’re looking to launch your writing career big and fast, then get ready for one of the most transformational experiences of your life!

Now, let’s take a look at who this program is NOT for…

This isn’t for you if you aren’t willing or able to put in the work.

Just as with anything in life, you’ll get what you put in.

Nick’s program is simple and straightforward. Better yet, it’s designed to help you IMPLEMENT everything you learn, so you can start landing clients and making a living writing as quickly as humanly possible as a Web3 Writing Specialist.

And even though Nick will be giving you absolutely everything you need to succeed, it still requires ACTION on your end.

So if for any reason you’re the kind of person who won’t put into practice what you learn, I have to please ask you pass on enrolling today.

After all — this is a very intimate program, where Nick will be available to give you feedback… answer your questions directly… and more.

So we want to keep it as small as possible.

Finally, there’s one more requirement.

You agree to share your success story after the program ends, so we can share it with others in case we ever offer this opportunity again.

If that sounds good to you… then welcome aboard and I can’t wait to hear about your successes!

Now, before I tell you how to claim your spot, let me tell you of a few extra things Nick wants to give you.

to Help You Succeed
Even FASTER as a Web3 Writer!

Web3 is brand-new and on the cutting-edge.

And because of that, Nick wanted to make sure you’ve got everything you need to get up and running — landing PAYING clients — as fast as possible.

So to that end, he’s including some key bonuses — designed to help you succeed quickly.

 BONUS #1 The Secret Language of Web3

One of the biggest things that sets Web3 apart from everything else is the community.

You’ll find large communities of people from all around the world that come together to support an NFT project.

And because of that, it’s bred an entire “lingo” that, to outsiders, might seem like an entirely foreign language.

Fortunately for you, after your training with Nick, you’ll be an insider.

Which is why he’s including a powerful bonus guide for you called “The Secret Language of Web3.”

In this guide, you’ll get the definitions of ALL the most common terms, phrases, and sayings you’ll find in the NFT and Web3 world.

It’s important to understand these, because they’re things that are commonly said by the audience you’ll be writing to!

So what better way to familiarize yourself with all of it than with this guide Nick has prepared for you?

You’ll see how each term is defined, the context it’s used in, and what role it plays in relation to a full-on marketing launch.

This way, you’ll never be left scratching your head, wondering what something “means.”

 BONUS #2 How to Navigate and Enjoy
the Crypto and NFT Space SAFELY

Another thing that’s important to have as a true Web3 writing pro…

… is the know-how of how to safely get “around” the blockchain.

Specifically, crypto and NFTs.

If you’ve never experienced it first-hand — by buying a crypto coin… minting an NFT… transferring fiat currency for a cryptocurrency — then your clients might know you’re not the real deal.

That’s why Nick created this guide. To ensure you know how to do all these things and more.

This will cement your status as a true Web3 Writing expert in your clients’ eyes. Because you’ll know as much — if not more — than they do, when it comes to all things Web3.

The confidence this will give you goes without saying.

It will help you deliver greater value to your clients… and ultimately help you command bigger fees.

So make sure to read this guide… and apply its lessons, top to bottom!

This Is Your
Window of Opportunity

Web3 is here. And it’s just getting started.

Now is the time to establish yourself as an expert who can help clients with all of their Web3 communications.

And frankly, planting your flag as a pioneer NOW… in what will be a $30 trillion-a-year market… is perhaps the best way to guarantee your success.

Writers who get in now will be the ones lauded as experts and authorities… the ones others go to for advice, counsel, and help in all things Web3.

This is the opportunity before you.

A chance to put yourself squarely on the path to financial freedom — for years to come.

After all, Web3 isn’t just some fad.

Companies large and small are taking it seriously. And they’re putting their money where their mouth is, by spending tens of millions of dollars to adapt to this new evolution of the Web.

They need your help. Because right now, their developers and programmers are the ones also writing the copy. Which frankly, is a recipe for disaster.

You can be the one to help them…

They need a writer who understands NFTs and Web3 inside and out.

They need someone who “gets” their audience and their communities, and can speak as “one of them.”

And they need someone with creativity and imagination to help them dream up new worlds, engaging characters, mystifying lore, and more.

All this to say…

You can carve out a slice of this coming $30 trillion pie that’s coming… where you have ZERO competition and can cherry-pick the best clients to work with.

Now, before you claim your spot in this all-new Web3 Writing Mastery & Certification training… let’s do a quick recap.

Here’s What You Get!

  • Eight Sessions of LIVE training, every Tuesday and Thursday at 2 p.m. ET, over four weeks with Nick Usborne — THE leading Web3 Writing expert in the world today.
  • A complete education in what it takes to engage and connect with audiences in this brave new world of Web3 — where you’ll learn all the nuances of writing the projects your clients will want, and understand how new Web3 start-ups market themselves and launch their NFTs.
  • Direct access to Nick via the Private Members-Only Group — this is where you have a direct line to Nick and can ask questions, post your “a-ha” moments, meet other fellow Web3 Writers in training, and more.
  • The chance to land a $2,000 PAYDAY — simply submit your final assignment and Nick, the AWAI Marketing team, and I will pick out a winner. Imagine how great it will feel to start your Web3 writing career with a $2,000 boost!
  • The opportunity to get CERTIFIED as a Web3 Writing Specialist, where you’ll also get a BADGE you can proudly display in all your marketing materials once you’ve passed.


  • BONUS #1: The Secret Language of Web3, where you learn all the words, terms, phrases, and common memes that will act as your secret handshake into the world of Web3.
  • BONUS #2: How to Navigate and Enjoy the Crypto and NFT Space SAFELY ensures you know how to safely make your way around the blockchain like a total pro — so you can speak confidently and from experience with your clients.

In all, you’re getting everything you need to take full advantage of the seismic shift happening right now.

You’ll have the knowledge you need to make the leap to Web3 writing… and cement your place as a Web3 Writing Specialist over the coming weeks and months.

That’s because you’ll be able to go to any company and truly help them write better copy that connects and engages with their Web3 audience.

This is the kind of writer companies both want and need.

And it’s why you’ll be setting yourself up for a wildly successful career by getting into Web3 now, before your competition wises up.

Just think what a 3-month, 6-month, or even 12-month head start could do for you… how it could position you almost immediately as a top expert… and how it can allow you the choice of only the best clients to work with…

And those clients will happily pay you enough to make six-figures as a Web3 writer.

Which is why even at $5,000, this Web3 Certification is perhaps the BEST investment you can make for your future.

One that can hand you hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even millions of dollars, throughout your Web3 writing career.

However, because Web3 is such a new and exciting space, I want to make sure this is reasonable and affordable, so you can get started right away.

Which is why you won’t pay the full price of $5,000.

Through this exclusive invitation, you can claim your spot for just $2,500.

Claim My Spot!


That’s a $2,500 investment that could quickly turn into $50,000 before the end of this year… $80,000 a year… and perhaps even $175,000 by next year.

And even more after that — especially as more and more companies begin to adapt and make the shift to Web3.

That’s a pretty good return on your investment if you ask me. And it’s the opportunity you have before you right now.

But I want to make it as simple as possible for you to say “yes!” and take part in what I believe is a training every writer needs to go through before Web3 becomes the norm.

Can’t Pay in Full?
$500 Today Secures Your Spot INSTANTLY…
With ZERO Risk to You!

Web3 is the future. And I want you prepared for it!

Which is why if you can’t pay the full $2,500 to be a part of this mentorship with Nick…

… no worries.

You can pay over time and lock in your spot right now for just $500.

There’s no extra fees, no contracts, or anything like that.

We’ll simply split up your payment over 5 months, starting with your first payment today.

That secures your spot… makes sure you can be on hand for Session 1 with Nick… and “get up to speed” on Web3, so you can start earning those premium fees.

What’s more, we’re shouldering all the risk for you…

Your “No Risk” Guarantee
(In Case You Change Your Mind)

Even though I think the Web3 Writing Mastery & Certification should be REQUIRED TRAINING…

… I understand that sometimes situations change, life can get in the way, or the timing might not be quite right.

That’s why I’ve prepared a “No Risk” Guarantee for you.

Claim your spot today (starting with just $500 if it’s easier for you).

Sign up to the Private Members-Only Group and introduce yourself. Say “hi” to Nick.

Then, attend your first full session on Tuesday, June 21 at 2 p.m. ET. If after that session, you change your mind or don’t feel the timing is right to get Certified in Web3, we’ve got you covered.

Just let our Member Success Team know before the start of Session 2 on Thursday, June 23 and they’ll issue you a prompt and courteous refund of every penny paid up to that point.

Which means you really have nothing to lose here.

And, everything to gain as a CERTIFIED Web3 Writing Specialist!

Remember, this is a writing path that can quickly take you to $50,000 a year… $80,000 a year… even $175,000 a year and beyond in writing income!

Fact is, it’s only going to get bigger and more competitive as more and more companies start to adapt and other professional writers “catch on” to the opportunity.

It’s no different than what happened in the early days of the Web.

Nick was the pioneer who realized copywriters needed to write differently for the Web than they did for traditional direct mail.

And because of that, he had the entire space to himself, with practically ZERO competition. This allowed him to pick and choose the best clients to work with (like Disney, The New York Times, Yahoo!, and many other high-profile clients)…

All because he was early to the party and saw the opportunity where no one else did at the time.

Now, it’s happening again as Web3 emerges.

You have a chance to establish yourself as a leading Web3 writing expert.

So if you’re serious about your future writing career…

Click the button below to claim one of the available spots.

Claim My Spot!

Remember — soon EVERY one of your clients will need Web3 copy.

It’s just a matter of time.

So you can learn and master it now (and reap all the rewards that come with being early)…

… or have to scramble and learn it later (when there’s a lot more competition from other writers who have established themselves now).

The choice is yours.

I sincerely hope you choose to learn and master this now.

The opportunity is simply too huge… and the benefits you’ll get are just too great.

Click the button below and let’s DO this!

Claim My Spot!

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

P.S. Remember, you can secure your spot now with as little as $500 and then pay over time.

This way, you don’t have to pay in full up front.

Just click the button below which will take you to an order form. Select the Payment Plan option.

Claim My Spot!

And if you have any questions at all or want to see if there’s a possibility of making an alternative payment arrangement, call our Member Success Team.

You can reach them at toll-free at 866-879-2924 (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time) and they can answer any questions and set you up on the spot!

P.P.S. You really can try this Web3 training out at NO RISK to you!

Sign up and secure your spot now.

Then, join the Private Members-Only Group and say “hi” to Nick and the rest of the crew.

Attend the first LIVE session on Tuesday, June 21 at 2 p.m. ET, and if for any reason you end up changing your mind, no problem.

Reach out to our Member Success Team before the start of Session 2 on Thursday, June 23 and they’ll take care of everything.

Click the button below to get started:

Claim My Spot!