Your Invitation… … to the Most Important Elite-Level Learning “Club” for Copywriters Ever Created in Our Industry’s History

Three things I must tell you right off the bat…

  • This is a beta test. Invitations will not be extended again under today’s terms — and you WILL be rewarded for your participation and feedback.
  • It is for SERIOUS copywriting students striving to earn $250,000 per year from writing… at a minimum.
  • Only those who have taken concrete steps in their education as a copywriter will qualify.
From the Desk of Paul Hollingshead
Copywriter and Co-Founder,
American Writers & Artists Institute

Hello there,

This is not something Katie Yeakle (AWAI’s Executive Director), Rebecca Matter (our company President), nor I have ever talked about before.

But ever since AWAI welcomed its first class of future copywriters back in 1997, we have been capturing and conserving every important lesson, article, essay, speech, class, and interview we have ever made available to our students.

Because of this…

We have amassed what surely must be the world’s largest collection of copywriting knowledge and advice

Including thousands of master-level essays… hundreds of hours of video and audiotapes… all delivering thousands of insights from the world’s most accomplished and revered copywriters.

I’m talking about true legends of our industry:

Millionaires and million-dollar copywriters like Bill Bonner, Clayton Makepeace, Mark Ford, Jay Abraham, Arthur Johnson, Mike Palmer, Drayton Byrd, Dan Kennedy, Mike Ward, Carline Anglade-Cole, Bob Bly, Brian Kurtz, Parris Lampropoulos, Ben Settle, David Deutsch, Jedd Canty, Richard Armstrong, Yanik Silver… Just to name a few.

Over the years, these legends have shared insights that have contributed to the direct sale of an estimated $610 billion worth of products and services…

And by virtue of their generosity, have made it possible for future generations — like you — to enjoy even greater opportunity and financial success by applying these master-level secrets in today’s digital era.

vault door

We have kept these treasures locked up in a vault… a literal vault in the earlier days, and since 2010, a digital vault because we knew this was copywriting gold and that it should be preserved and protected for some future use.

Over the 26 years AWAI has been training new copywriters, this treasure trove has quietly grown and grown.

And with every new insight, we kept asking ourselves:

What is the best way to optimize all of this knowledge?

How can we organize it and offer it in such a way that it creates a new and impactful learning experience for our students — something different from, but also complementary to, all the other programs we have developed over the years?

After all, the few who have access to these secrets are well aware of the impact just one powerful insight can have on any project you’re writing… and the success you’ll have as a professional writer going forward.

To give you an idea, I was struggling with a copywriting project I had taken on not too long ago.

After trying a number of different approaches, I decided to take a break from writing and watch one of the videos from our “Vault.”

It was a presentation by Bill Bonner, the Founder of Agora and one of the best writers and thinkers in our industry, about how to use “story” and indirection to reach your reader on a much deeper level.

Now, I was already aware of the power of storytelling, having learned it many years ago and having used it in many promos before.

But it was the new and different way in which Bill talked about this idea… the examples he gave… and the ease and humor with which he delivered this master lesson that made it all “click” on a deeper level.

As a result, I was inspired to change my approach and lead my letter with one of the storytelling techniques Bill mentioned in his talk.

“In an Instant, I Was Able to Escape the
Bonds of My Own Limitations”

The result was it raised the level of my writing… and made the message I was trying to pass on to my reader so much more authentic and believable.

The “job” of writing became almost effortless, as it tends to do when you’re writing to your reader with a much deeper purpose and belief in what you’re offering.

And yes, I can almost guarantee it performed much better — and paid me more — than it would have had I stayed with the direction I was on.

This experience illustrates the true power of such higher-level insights when they’re delivered by the masters who’ve perfected them.

They’re not just “tips” or “do-this-and-your-copy-will-be-better” secrets.

They’re profound ideas that stay with you and give a new understanding of writing and the psychology of persuasion that will elevate you as a writer.

We Knew You Had to See This

Which is why getting these career-altering insights to you in the best possible way became a top priority for us.

Of course, we could have simply packaged everything up as the ultimate copywriting compendium — put it all in a neatly organized library of videos and essays… offered it to you… and let you discover these secrets at your leisure.

But we also knew that alone would not do justice to knowledge of this magnitude.

There had to be something more we could do.

Which brings me to a recent conversation I had with my friend, mentor, and legendary copywriter Mark Ford…

Mark Ford

Who also happens to be one of the original founders of AWAI, along with Katie, the late Don Mahoney, and myself.

He suggested an idea that Katie, Rebecca, and I got very excited about.

The idea was to use this immense body of knowledge as the basis for — as Mark put it:

“A brand-new educational experience that would cover — at a level that no one has ever done before — the most important secrets to writing control-breaking copy for any industry.”

Of course we wanted to know…

“What would that look like?”

He told us:

“It would take a considerable amount of time, just to prepare and organize this material so people could easily access it and get the most out of it. And then there would need to be a commitment on all of our parts to deliver what I have in mind.”

His idea, we came to realize, was to create a master-level training/educational experience that was deeper, broader, and more immersive than “just” a collection of secrets — or anything else ever offered in our industry.

Mark’s idea would mean taking all the content we had accumulated over the years… curating out from it the most important ideas and strategies…

And then creating something quite extraordinary…

A kind of “club” where ambitious copywriters could meet on a regular basis… where we would “bring these secrets to life,” as it were.

I realized immediately that the idea Mark had was to replicate as closely as possible the experience I had starting out, learning “face-to-face” from the likes of Mark, Bill, Don, Sandy Franks, John Forde, and later Mike Ward, Jedd Canty, Clayton Makepeace, and others.

The thinking was…

It’s one thing to put these high-level secrets in your hands…

But if we could then bring you into our group and show you how they’re applied to real-world copy… it would be the closest we can get to helping you learn on the job alongside a master copywriter.

But Mark wasn’t finished.

“Once we create this, you will have to beta test it with a small group of your most promising students… writers interested in having an advanced knowledge of copywriting, and its many complexities…

“And you’ll want their input so you can revise and refine it until it was so strong and polished that it could provide a learning experience for copywriters that no other program (neither an AWAI program or one developed by anyone else) could do.”

I’m excited to say, after countless discussions and revisions, the vision Mark has is in sight… and ready to be shared with the small group of beta testers he talked about…

And we’d like you to be a part of it.

Why you?

For one, you are among the small group of AWAI members who’ve taken action in your career as an aspiring copywriter.

We know from our records that you’ve made an investment in your education and the material you’ve purchased (and we assume studied) suggests you’re ready for this next-level knowledge.

But before I tell you more about the exclusive “club” Mark would like you to be a part of…

And the role Mark and his A-list friends will play…

Allow me to tell you first about the massive and immediate benefit you’ll enjoy when you take us up on this beta experience today…

And that’s access to what must be the largest collection of high-level copywriting instruction that exists anywhere in the world…

Something we’re calling:

The Masters Vault: Billion-Dollar Secrets from the Legends of Copywriting…

58 Master Copywriters…

127 Strategically Curated Master-Level Insights…

5,580 Minutes (93 hours!) of High-Octane Video Interviews, Presentations, and Discussions…

30 Life-Altering Essays…

(And Growing All the Time!)

When Mark looked at everything we had and grasped the scope of these secrets, he summed it up beautifully…

“This is like the Netflix of copywriting… only better,” he said.

“Better,” of course, in the sense that no show on Netflix has the power to make you a better writer, transform your career, and put more money in your pocket the way these “vaulted” secrets can.

Because in our world, knowledge is everything.

In fact, aside from a working computer and a quiet space to write, knowledge is all you need to enjoy unlimited success!

Drayton Bird is one of my favorite copywriting legends and one of the experts who’s contributed to The Masters Vault. In one of his own sales letters, he asks the question:

If you were to ask the very legends — the people who’ve made millions of dollars from their copy and even more for their clients…

“What’s the secret to their success,” how would they answer?

Would they say it’s pure talent? That they had more determination? Greater experience? They got to know the right people? They were lucky?

All play a role… but as Drayton says, there’s one thing above everything else:

They know more.

They study all the time.

They study the people who shaped this industry.

They study each other…

And they don’t stop.

This is the concept behind The Masters Vault: Billion-Dollar Secrets from the Legends of Copywriting.

Over a quarter-century in the making, it puts all the best masters secrets in one place… so you can study them… access them when you need them… and reach for them when you need inspiration.

We’ve curated and organized everything for you — all the high-level techniques, secrets, and insights that all A-level copywriters know.

Imagine knowing how Mike Palmer and his team find million-dollar Big Ideas for their promotions…

How a copywriter like Jedd Canty prepares to write one of his blockbuster sales letters…

The many ways top writers — like Patrick Bove and David Deutsch — load their ads and promotions with undeniable proof and credibility…

Techniques Henry Bingaman uses to get to know his prospect/reader better and deeper than any other copywriter…

The “secret formula” the late, great Clayton Makepeace used to write hundreds of captivating, million-dollar headlines throughout his career — headlines people simply could not resist!

How master writers like John Forde or Jen Stevens write story-driven leads so compelling that readers don’t even know they’re being sold…

Or all the things Mark Ford and Bill Bonner learned about the architecture and structure of successful sales copy that helped grow The Agora from a few million dollars in annual revenues to over a billion dollars at its peak…

All of this — and more (way more!) — is in The Masters Vault.

If you’re a working writer, you’ll want it open on your computer — so you can reach for these insights when you’re stuck for ideas or want the kind of divine inspiration I’ve experienced time and time again.

If you’re new to copywriting, I promise — you’ll have so much success, so much faster when you commit to soaking in one insight each day… and once you’ve learned them all — learn them again, and again, and again!

As Drayton reminds us — knowledge is the leverage the best copywriters have over all others.

Let me give you a small taste:

One of the basic ideas you learn when you come to AWAI to study copywriting is the differentiation between features and benefits — and that as a writer, you always want to be stressing benefits over features.

But what you may not know is that there is another, deeper kind of benefit, that ordinary copywriters (even some of the best ones) don’t understand or know how to use.

Mark Ford calls these benefits transformative benefits because they come with an implicit promise that is much deeper than getting a raise or learning a second language or curing an ailment.

Says Mark:

“It’s not easy to discover a transformative benefit. Nor is it obvious how to name it. But if you understand how it’s done (and I can teach you that), then you will…

“In fact, I first used this secret 25 years ago to write one of the strongest direct response sales letters of all time that created a product that has since produced more than a billion dollars’ worth of revenue for the publisher. And I’ve been using and teaching it ever since.”

This secret is even bigger and more powerful than Mark’s letting on here.

Have you ever seen ads, sales letters, or even web copy where you read them and know right away you’re reading an advertisement for something? Most — I’d say 99% of all ads you read — fall under this category.

These are cases where copywriters — or perhaps AI programs — used ordinary secrets and the standard rules of ad writing. They’re not “terrible”…

But every so often you’ll see an ad that doesn’t feel like a sales message at all… and you’re captivated!

Do you know what I’m talking about?

You automatically feel a deep connection.

It feels like you’re reading a letter from a friend who has your best interests at heart and really wants to help you solve a problem… get more out of life… be more confident — whatever the product is intended to do for you.

You find yourself nodding your head in agreement as you read along…

Excited by the prospect of what the product can do for you.

You’re not the least bit skeptical because you’ve been given ample proof. Not only are you excited to buy, but… you can’t wait to get the product in your hands!

Do you see the difference?

Now, it’s quite possible you’ve never been “captured” by an ad like that.

As I said, they’re few and far between.

But that’s the kind of ad, sales letter, and web copy you can find yourself writing when you know and use secrets like Mark’s transformative benefits and other elite-level techniques in your copy.

Conquer the Copy Challenges that Give Most Writers Fits…

You likely know by now that strong ideas are what drive successful promotions. Something that “connects” with your reader, that meets them where they are, that feels new and fresh.

Yet finding that unique Big Idea is what new writers tell us they struggle with most.

You won’t — with your access to The Masters Vault.

It’s such an important aspect of writing that we made sure you have access to as many presentations on the Big Idea as possible… from copywriters who have sold billions of dollars over the years: Mark Ford, Jedd Canty, Clayton Makepeace, Carline Anglade-Cole, John Forde, Henry Bingaman, and others.

And that really gets to the heart of what makes The Masters Vault so unique. You’re not just hearing what works for one expert — but all the greats, past and present.

For instance, there’s a Big Idea presentation from Mike Palmer, Patrick Bove, and Justin Gershwin — three writers who have combined made literally billions of dollars in sales — every copywriter needs to hear.

It was about how to take a “simple and mundane” idea and turn it into something extraordinary by selecting from a simple checklist that writers at Stansberry & Associates use.

You’ll learn powerful tricks for transforming simple ideas, like the “After Effect” method where you imagine the “greater world impact” the product or service you’re selling can have… Patrick’s highly successful “Zoom In, Zoom Out” strategies… Mike’s “Mutant Turtle” technique and more. (And yes, you’ll even have access to their checklist, so you can keep it handy.)

Then there was Henry Bingaman’s presentation where he revealed his method for generating compelling ideas and the “8 Questions” he uses for finding them.

I’ve always been a huge admirer of Henry’s copy.

And even though we worked in the same group at one time, I’d never known or heard his “process” until watching this extraordinary master’s presentation from The Vault.

Now I know exactly how he was able to rattle off one eight-figure (yup, $10 million and higher!) promotion after another… by consistently generating ideas that captivate readers by implying far-greater benefits than could ever be expressed directly.

Including this one:

Presentation Example

And this one…

Presentation Example

And this one:

Presentation Example

I promise you, as a new writer — this presentation alone will cut years off your path to mastery as a copywriter… no matter what kind of copy you’re writing: financial, health, self-improvement, even nonprofit, content, website copy, Business-to-Business (B2B), and more.

And what I still find remarkable as I scroll through the hundreds of essays and video presentations from this Vault is that it’s just one of hundreds of high-level secrets, techniques, and insights you’ll find!


I could have you reading for hours on end about all the insights I discovered in my 100+ hours of viewing and reading “research” for this invitation…

But I know you’ll want to know how to get these secrets in your hands much faster than that… and learn more about the exciting new private little “copy club” Mark has in mind.

So let me take you as quickly as I possibly can through some of the highlights, starting with how we’ve organized this historical collection.

Insights That Will Transform You as a Writer, Marketer — and Set You Apart in Our Industry

One of the challenges when you have such powerful content like this is organizing it in a way that’s useful and relevant to you… and you can access what you need, when you need it.

To that end, we’ve structured The Masters Vault so it mimics the journey a new copywriter takes.

It begins with the mindset of A-level copywriters… moves quickly to the secrets you’ll use every day to elevate your copy… all the way to the “next-level” secrets that will take your skills to an even higher level.

This way, if you want to use The Masters Vault as a very high-level learning program — you simply move through the secrets in succession.

If you want specific insights from the Masters on, say, the Big Idea, or writing control-busting headlines, or masterful leads, or Masters secrets on offers, and so on — you just scroll to the appropriate module.

For instance…

Masters Vault Module 1 Thinking Like a Master Copywriter

People think you need to have great writing talent to be a successful copywriter. Truth is, it’s less about “the words” and more about mindset and a willingness to learn the formulas and techniques proven to work.

In this ideal opening series of lessons we call “Thinking Like a Master Copywriter,” you’ll discover:

  • Why Mike Palmer — who’s trained dozens of million-dollar copywriters as copy chief of Stansberry Research — adamantly states being a successful copywriter has less to do with talent… and everything to do with just four easy-to-execute steps…
  • The “Jerry Rice” secret for focusing on these three most-important skills you’ll need to master before you can be a great copywriter…
  • The #1 “practice” technique Einstein used that every copywriter should mimic. It’s so powerful when applied to copywriting that it actually hands you the perfect “copy template” you can simply fill in with your own words…
  • The technique Stansberry Research’s copy team created for quickly analyzing winning copy so you once-and-for-all know what makes great copy work…
  • The line-by-line copy architecture — delivered in PDF format you can print out yourself — some of the world’s most successful copywriters follow to earn upwards of $1 million a year…
  • Brian Kurtz, the marketing genius behind Boardroom and who’s worked with the greatest copywriters in the world, including Gene Schwartz and Gary Bencivenga, shares the seven “easy to adopt” characteristics that are prevalent in every A-level copywriter he’s worked with…
  • And more…

Masters Vault Module 2 Understanding the Marketing Mindset of a Master Copywriter and an Advanced Look at How Direct Marketing Works

To be a strong writer, you need to understand marketing and how copy fits into your client’s marketing goals and campaigns…

In this crucial module, you’ll learn…

  • The four “horsemen” of marketing — foundational principles to follow if you want to be a copywriter in the nonprofit space, from the legendary Richard Viguerie, inventor of grassroots political direct mail marketing…
  • 41 “million-dollar marketing” lessons legend Clayton Makepeace learned and relearned late in his career by joining a mastermind… including one simple technique that’s guaranteed to boost your lifetime earnings as a copywriter by $1 million or more…
  • The easiest and fastest way for a new writer to have a six-figure copywriting business… without writing a single page of a sales letter…
  • What copywriters need to know about marketing — and what you can do to “prep” your reader so he or she feels “understood” and is ready to buy before they see your sales promotion. (This is a “401” level marketing class from marketing legend Rich Schefren, who Clayton Makepeace calls “the guru gurus go to” when they need help)…
  • The “Aristotle’s triad” method of copywriting — how to write so you connect with a reader’s logos (logic), ethos (credibility), and pathos (emotion)…
  • And more…

Masters Vault Module 3 The Big Idea and The Rule of One…

Mark Ford defines good writing simply as “exciting and useful ideas expressed clearly.”

In this module, master copywriters weigh in with their “million-dollar” thoughts on two of these core copywriting principles: the Big Idea, where you grab your reader’s attention with something new, compelling, and useful… and the Rule of One, where you keep your reader (and your writing) focused on that one idea, including…

  • The “super strategy” Mark Ford discovered that will not only strengthen every piece of copy you write, but make writing copy easier as well…
  • The secret an A-list Hollywood actress taught her friend Jedd Canty that — if you use it — is certain to make you a million-dollar copywriter…
  • The three things average copywriters do that will sabotage your copy — and how to make sure you never fall victim to them. (One can be solved with the click of a mouse!)
  • The “collaborative chaos” method for uncovering a Big Idea from two of the most prolific “Big Idea” writers Jen Stevens (International Living) and John Forde (Agora Financial) in our industry…
  • In the only “master primer” you’ll ever need on research, Guillermo Rubio shares the most unusual places he finds research that’ll help you uncover and connect with Big Ideas, as well as support all aspect of any sales letter, white paper, content piece, or ad you write…
  • And more…

Masters Vault Module 4 Getting to Know Your Prospects at the Very Deepest Level

Average copywriters pay little mind to it…

But master writers know that understanding your prospect's core wishes, desires, interests, fears, etc. raises the level of “connection” and “trust” you have with your readers. And everyone knows — people are more likely to buy when trust and connection levels are highest.

That’s why we’ve dedicated an entire module to the masters’ secrets for Getting to Know Your Prospects at the Very Deepest Level.

Some of the secrets uncovered include:

  • One of the most powerful lessons a copywriter will ever learn can be found in Mark Ford’s captivating essay on building a flesh and blood “3-D” image of your prospect — a technique that will give you an edge 99 out of 100 copywriters will never have…
  • $2 billion copywriter Henry Bingaman returns with another brilliant master lesson — this one on understanding the “5 Factor Personality Test” and making sure your Big Idea (and tone) are the ideal fit for any audience you write to…
  • Master marketer and #1 best seller Ryan Levesque reveals his proprietary “ASK Method” — a breakthrough way to find out what people really want, identify common themes, match people up with irresistible solutions, and use their own words in copy so it truly hits home…
  • No serious copywriter will want to miss DigitalMarketer Founder and CEO Ryan Deiss’s presentation on building an eight-step “Value Journey” that predictably and profitably turns strangers into customers and raving fans of your client’s products and company…
  • Master copywriter David Deutsch’s one-minute thought about recognizing the “story that’s already in your reader’s mind”… and then writing to give it a happy ending…
  • Mark Ford and John Forde’s not to be missed “4 Steps to Mastery” presentation which includes a one-sentence piece of advice about “always being close to what your readers are thinking about” that will elevate your writing immediately…
  • And more…

Masters Vault Module 5 Copywriting Formulas That Every Writer MUST Know and Have Stood the Test of Time…

A not-to-be-missed “Masters take” on copy fundamentals, where you learn to the execute basic principles of copywriting better than the rest called Copywriting Formulas That Every Writer MUST Know and Have Stood the Test of Time.

  • Discover (or rediscover) the simple miracle of the Four-Legged Stool. That’s the four “components” every ad, sales promotion, and content piece needs to have for a solid footing that Mark Ford created for the financial newsletter industry… but here, master writers Bob Bly and Will Newman show you how to apply it to ANY copy you’re working on (with a bonus follow-up essay from Mark for good measure)…
  • Injecting ample “credibility” into any sales piece is a challenge for even the most experienced copywriters. That’s why it’s crucial you soak in Sandy Franks’ 30 years of wisdom as Agora marketer, publisher, and copy chief laid out in her remarkable essay on the 11 ways you can banish sales resistance in every ad you write…
  • And while you’re learning from Sandy, check out her recent deep dive video presentation into the secrets she’s learned from master copywriters over the years — including David Ogilvy, Gene Schwartz, Victor Schwab, Bill Bonner, John Caples, Claude Hopkins, Gary Halbert, Robert Collier, and others. If you don’t find pure gold here, you won’t find it anywhere!
  • So much ammo in this module from the likes of Mark, Sandy, Clayton, legend Herschell Gordon Lewis, and others — but be sure not to miss Boardroom copywriter David Deutsch’s presentation on the secret weapon of the world’s greatest copywriters — “How to Create Fascinating Fascinations”…
  • No review of the fundamentals would be complete without a deep dive into the “The Four U’s™” — a template and measuring stick of sorts to ensure your headlines and copy bullets are irresistible to your reader — from the man who invented it, Mark Ford
  • And much more…

Masters Vault Module 6“Copy Layers” That Transcend Your Sales Letter

Great copy passes the “barstool test” — it reads like a conversation you might have with a friend over a drink at the bar. But there are some master’s “tricks” for making this happen…

And Module 6 is all about injecting the right tone, energy, and pacing into your copy at a Master level, so you readers NEVER lose interest…

  • The goal of an A-level copywriter is to craft an ad that piques a reader’s interest… looks new and different… and doesn’t look like it’s selling. Or as master copywriter Bill Bonner puts it, “The last thing a reader wants is to be bored by someone trying to sell us something we don’t want!” That’s why no writer will want to miss Sandy Frank’s recent talk with Bill about the powerful secret of “indirection,” and how it will transform your copy forever…
  • Some of the best ads and sales letters throughout history have you sold before you even find out what the product is. It’s called the “secret of transparency” and Module 6 features a new video from David Deutsch all about it… PLUS a classic essay from Mark Ford, the first to share this secret with modern-day copywriters…
  • Another powerful Masters secret is the categorical imperative — a phenomenon where our brain pairs up new information with information already in our brain — and decides whether we need to focus on what we’re seeing or dismiss it. In this powerful essay, Bill Bonner explains how you can write copy that’s not dismissed as “having been seen before”…
  • Authenticity, honesty, vulnerability, and making an impact all make up the new direction of business. In this presentation, author, entrepreneur, and strategic partner with people like Sir Richard Branson Yanik Silver shows you how to add impact to what you’re doing as a writer and marketer by presenting your client's solutions in a whole new way that prospects will appreciate in these current times…
  • Testing has long been — and still is — the secret weapon for maximizing your results as a copywriter. Award-winning author and million-dollar copywriter Carline Anglade-Cole reveals three different copy layers you can use to transform your sales letters and bring in massive results for clients and bigger earnings for you…
  • Former copy chief of Rodale Books Mark Everett Johnson shares with you 20 master secrets he stole from Eugene Schwartz as he walks though his famous Mayo Clinic package that’s been a control since 1995…
  • And more…

Masters Vault Module 7 Mastering Emotion in Your Copy — The #1 Reason People Buy

Rule #1 of selling is that desire is emotional — and only the decision to buy is supported by rational reasons.

This crucial module is all about making your copy stand head and shoulders above the rest by meeting your reader on a much deeper level than ordinary copy does — Mastering Emotion in Your Copy — the #1 Reason People Buy…

  • Two of the most powerful elements you can inject into any copy as a master copywriter are curiosity and anticipation — and there’s no better pro to teach you how to master these techniques than writer, movie producer, and former child actor Andrew Davis in this powerful “curiosity gap” presentation…
  • Drilling down to your reader’s core buying emotion is only way to ensure your copy is lean and laser-focused on your reader’s deepest desire. In this powerful essay, Mark Ford shows you how to take all your selling points, organize them, and identify which you should lead with based on your prospect's “deeply rooted desires."
  • Average copywriters focus on two emotions: fear and greed. But as Mark points out in this classic essay, those are “surface” emotions… and there are far deeper emotions you can appeal to in your writing that will attract better customers who stay with you longer…
  • The power to persuade reaches far beyond the great living it can provide you as a copywriter. It can work in any job, in personal relationships, when it comes to causes you believe in. Which is why whether you strive to become a writer or not, you don’t want to miss Mark and Will Newman’s amazing talk on the subtle art of persuasion… and how to get anything you want in life by writing…
  • “Dimensionalizing” your product’s benefits — showing, not just one, but all the different ways it will help you — is a skill Clayton Makepeace was famous for. And in this presentation, he reveals his process for “multiplying and amplifying” benefits and making them as big as they can possibly be…
  • Be in the room as famed Boardroom copywriter Parris Lampropoulos breaks down “The Plague of the Black Debt” — one of the most groundbreaking and successful financial promos of all time — from the masterful headline… to the attention grabbing chapter titles… to the captivating visual lead… all the way to the offer and powerful close. A not-to-be-missed “master’s examination” of the anatomy of a control… 
  • And so much more — including email legend Ben Settle’s secret for writing emails people look forward to reading everyday… Mark’s powerful essay on the surest way to create intimacy with your reader… and three power-packed copy secrets that’ll give you an unfair advantage that even many masters don’t know about yet!

Masters Vault Module 8 Control-Busting Headline Secrets from the Masters

Nobody knows better than the masters just how crucial a captivating headline is to any piece of copy, whether it’s a full-length sales letter or a one-page content piece. It’s an art to itself…

And only in Control-Busting Headline Secrets from the Masters will you find dozens of insights from master copywriters who have written some of the most well-known and memorable headlines of all time, including…

  • Million-dollar copywriter Clayton Makepeace’s presentation where he shares his headline formula that played a massive role in helping him rise to one of the highest-paid copywriters, year after year — and includes no fewer than 40 headline idea “starters” worth what you’ll pay for your Masters Vault program alone…
  • Ever see a great headline and wonder — how did the writer come up with that? Turns out, there’s something of a science to writing a great headline that any writer can follow — and Mark reveals it in another of his industry-altering essays Headline Secrets: Tricks Masters Use to Make Millions…
  • We were lucky enough to count copy legend Herschell Gordon Lewis as a friend of AWAI. One of the most important secrets he revealed was his "clarity commandment" — Herschell’s super-specific do's and don'ts for headline words… and deadly words that most copywriters use but have been 100% proven to derail response. Another insight that can be placed in the “not to be missed” category…
  • As a team, Jedd Canty and Henry Bingaman created more seven and eight-figure promotions than just about any in copywriting. So when they get together to do a presentation on “secrets for developing million-dollar themes and headlines,” mortal copywriters like us need to listen…
  • And more…

Masters Vault Module 9 Writing Masterful Leads

Another crucial aspect of any sales piece is the lead. Because, while the headline grabs attention, it’s the first few lines of your copy where the reader decides if they’ll keep reading or not… and every sentence needs to move the reader forward.

In this crucial module, you’ll learn how master copywriters create relationships built on trust and respect from the very first word they write…

  • Together, Mark Ford and John Forde wrote one of the seminal books in our industry on writing leads called Great Leads. Here, Mark and John bring their book to life by revealing the “Aristotle's story arc” secret to writing leads that captivate your reader and say “this is for me”…
  • Get your hands on one master’s 11-Point Checklist that ensures your ad’s lead is hitting all the points it needs to hit…
  • The most important attributes a copywriter needs to know about each of the only “six lead types” that work consistently well: invitation, promise, problem-solution, secret, declaration, and story…
  • A master’s lesson — packed with examples — from John Forde on the lead-type every new copywriter should master FIRST. It’s been used successfully since the beginning of direct response and, as John says, “If you can master this lead format, you will rule the copywriting world”…
  • And more…

Masters Vault Module 10 The Masters’ Best-Kept Secrets About Body Copy (aka Your Sales Argument)

Consider this your “front row seat” to how master copywriters like Kennedy, Nicholas, Makepeace, Deutsch, Bly, and others write body copy — also known as “proof” copy — that packs your promotions with amazing credibility and overcomes any and all objections, questions, and doubts your reader may have, including…

  • An amazing presentation from Dan Kennedy himself about writing copy that amazes and astounds clients, beats controls, creates authorities, and consistently creates sales breakthroughs. Two to watch for — “raising old copy from the dead”… and “intentional, internal redundancy”…
  • Author and marketing legend Ted Nicholas was another great friend of AWAI — and in this exclusive presentation, he spills all his top headline, lead, body copy, and offer secrets that helped him generate over $7.9 billion in sales over his illustrious career…
  • A-list copywriter Gary Hennerberg doing what every new copywriter wants an expert to do: break down one of his most successful promotions and show why it worked — so you can replicate the process…
  • Another gem from Clayton Makepeace walking you through each page of one of the most successful sales promotions to point out all of the building blocks that made it sensational — building blocks, Clayton makes clear, that you can apply to any body copy you're working on…
  • David Deutsch returns to share the “Magic Copywriting Square” developed for evaluating and strengthening your copy… and making sure your promise is strong and believable…
  • Patrick Bove, senior copywriter and copy chief at Stansberry Research, talks about why the best copywriters in the world (including him) are even better researchers… then delivers a master lesson on how to break through even the highest of the walls of skepticism using his “5 Pillars of Truth” for making your copy truthful and believable…
  • And more…

Masters Vault Module 11 “Sealing the Deal”… Master-Level Secrets on Closes and Offers

“Call-to-action” is another of the crucial aspects of any promotional piece — and one that average writers tend to glass over.

In “Sealing the Deal”… Master-Level Secrets on Closes and Offers, you’ll learn how master copywriters get prospects to ACT, a skill that will not only make you a far better copywriter, but will add millions of dollars to your sale totals as well…

  • Anyone on Bob Bly’s email list knows nobody has better, more enticing, more compelling offers than him. In this powerful workshop presentation, he’ll walk you through the four main types of offers… how they each work on the "hard offer" and "soft offer" spectrum… the role of a "bait piece" in the marketing cycle… and much, much more. You'll also see examples of all kinds of winning offers and how they're promoting in sales copy…
  • The beauty of The Masters Vault is you get to hear more than just one master’s take on crucial copywriting topics — you’ll hear multiple master-level views, including a plethora of essays and video presentations on offers and closes from Mark Ford (The Fourth P: Mastering the “Push”)… John Forde (The “Ben Franklin” and Other Master Secrets for Closing a Pitch)… Sandy Franks (The Power of the Offer)… Jen Stevens (Offers and Closes that Open Wallets)… and others…
  • One of the greatest “closers” in our business, Clayton Makepeace talks about the “eight things” you need to do in every sales promotion’s close, no matter what you’re selling…
  • And more…

Masters Vault Module 12 How A-List Writers Strengthen Their Promotions

There’s a saying among writers, "Your 17th version is always better than your first."

Fortunately, master copywriters have found a faster way… and in How A-List Writers Strengthen Their Promotions you’ll learn the exact “elite-level review and editing processes” they use and more. For example…

  • Mark Ford reveals the most powerful and productive three hours you will ever spend on any sales letter…
  • Mike Palmer reviews the “CUBA” editing process his team of copywriters use to ensure your reader stays engaged from beginning to end…
  • Legend Bob Bly, Arthur Johnson (famed heath writer and the only copywriter to ever beat Bill Bonner’s International Living control sales letter), and I convene for an intimate conversation on injecting a winning tone, style, and voice for your copy…
  • Mike Ward — the writer/editor/publisher who built and grew Money Map Press from zero dollars to over $250 million in annual revenues at its peak — shares his 22 steps to stronger copy… including a few insights that fly in the face of some expert’s advice…
  • The 17 “most costly blunders” all copywriters make — even experienced ones — and how to avoid each one…
  • And more…

Masters Vault Module 13 Next Level Copy and Career Advice from A-List Legends

We’ve all asked ourselves at some point: Given the opportunity, what would I do differently in life knowing what I know today?

Well, Module 13’s Next Level Copy and Career Advice from A-List Legends is all about the masters making sure you don’t make the time and money-sapping mistakes they made by offering the kind of bar-raising career guidance and insights you won’t find anywhere in the industry:

  • A-lister Richard Armstrong — the copywriter who made so much money from ONE sales letter he wrote that he was able to take an entire year off to write a novel — shares the “10 Top Secrets” he wished he knew before he became a freelance copywriter…
  • Drayton Bird — the copywriter David Ogilvy said “knows more about direct marketing than anyone in the world” and who Gary Bencivenga said Drayton’s books are “easily among the greatest ever written on advertising” — shares his insights on what he’d want to know about working in advertising if he was starting out today…
  • Praised by Caples, Schwartz, and Stone… and whose “Speak French Like a Diplomat” ad series sold over $10 million in language programs and remain classics to this day… you DO NOT want to miss Don Hauptman’s seminal talk on what he’s learned in 30 years as a copywriter and how it can make you more successful…
  • Looking for the kind of motivation that will take you out of any “funk” and have you excited to start writing at a very high level? Don’t miss master motivator Brian Tracy’s famous “Chart of Life” talk on what it takes to become a millionaire in any industry…
  • Don’t miss UnMarketing Author Scott Stratten’s mind-blowing presentation on what can happen to your career when you stop “selling” and start engaging with your reader and building connections…
  • Guillermo Rubio reveals why every writer should strive to become a “T-Shaped Copywriter” — and how it will transform your career in terms of demand, money, and…
  • In one of my favorite presentations, Oxford Club’s lead financial expert and one of the best editorial and copywriters gives simple, down-to-earth advice about becoming a better writer that has nothing to do with selling or persuasion…
  • Clayton Makepeace returns to tell you the secrets only rich writers know… and how anyone can make millions writing sales copy, just like he did throughout his career…
  • Plus… amazing “raising the bar” insights from legends like Ann Handley, Dan Kennedy, Joe Vitale, Terri Trespicio, Pam Foster, Bob Bly, Ed Gandia, John Carlton, and others…

Masters Vault Module 14 Take-Aways from the Pioneers of Copywriting That Still Apply Today

New writers tend to dismiss the work and techniques used by “old” writers as outdated. BIG mistake. Ask any successful copywriter and they’ll tell you they feasted on the knowledge of legends… still do — and you should to.

The final module in The Vault is a “must-study” for any new copywriter that will inspire a lifetime of learning…

  • To get you started, the perfect primer — Pioneering Copywriters Who Changed Advertising Forever — jammed with accomplishments and insights of John E. Kennedy, Albert Lasker, Claude Hopkins, Stanley Resor, Maxwell Sackheim, Robert Collier, Victor Schwab, John Caples, Rosser Reeves, and others…
  • Don’t miss Mark Ford’s insightful essay on the amazing work and techniques of Gene Schwartz, the legendary copywriter who for two clients — Boardroom and Rodale — generated over $200 million (likely $4 billion in today’s dollars) PLUS countless millions for other clients and his own companies…
  • Nor should you miss our in-depth talk on “cultivating your inner genius” with the legendary Marty Edelston, the “giant among giants” who founded Boardroom with $5,000 and grew it into the largest consumer newsletter publishing operation in the world…
  • Hear intimate interviews with experts such as Kent Komae, Mark Everett Johnson, Brian Kurtz, and Mark Ford… plus a special “long-lost” conversation with Boardroom copywriters discussing the brilliant influence of Dick Benson…
  • And much, much more!

And That’s Just a Taste!

Of course, these are just a handful of hundreds of the high-level insights that — once ingrained as part of your “sphere of knowledge”— will change the way you look at copywriting and marketing forever.

Even if you’re an experienced writer — as I am — the impact this information will have on you cannot be overstated.

In preparing this invitation for you, I had the pleasure of revisiting many of these presentations and sitting in on others for the first time.

Now, you might think reviewing over 90 hours of video and reading hundreds of pages of essays so I could share some insights here with you was something of a chore.

Let me assure you… it was anything but!

As someone who loves copywriting and loves to learn, I was mesmerized.

Even after I got the salient points I wanted to share with you from many of these videos… I kept watching to the end…


Because even after nearly a quarter century of writing copy, not only did I learn something new with each presentation (or was reminded of something I had forgotten)…

I was inspired.

I was motivated.

And I couldn’t wait to tackle my next project and incorporate everything I learned (or relearned) into it!

That’s why I’ve NEVER been more excited about a new resource than I am The Masters Vault.

The impact it will have on your writing… your career… your excitement and motivation… will be immediate.

Things will “click” in your mind like never before.

Your writing will be clearer and more persuasive.

Your promotions will be grounded in stronger, bigger, fresher ideas that reach your prospect at a much deeper level.

More Confidence, Better Clients, More Money

You’ll have the copy skills and marketing knowledge needed to take on bigger, higher-paying projects.

You’ll be confident working with and advising high-level clients.

You’ll make more money. Lots more…

Listen to what just a few of the AWAI members who’ve been exposed to masters secrets like these over the years have to say…

Clayton Makepeace’s 41 Million-Dollar Marketing Lessons was aptly named. A gold mine of info. I’ll be reviewing again and again until every lesson is firmly ingrained.”

Teri Weber

Mike Palmer’s presentation about the secret psychology of successful copywriting was a real eye-opener for me.” 

Will Newman

“I had to take three pages of notes because my brain was full! But having the Copywriter of the Year, Jedd Canty, share his story, made it ‘real’ for so many of us.”

Diane Wallace

Alex Green packed more punch into an hour than almost anyone I’ve ever heard give a speech. He gave so many insights about training to be a copywriter, making it as a copywriter, and even about sales. His advice is useful, relevant, and easy to implement.”

Tim Matassa

“Wow! Clever, Brilliant. Taught me what I came here for. Herschell Gordon Lewis is brilliant, insightful, and has the ability to pass along info.”

Steve Appel

Carline Anglade-Cole!!! I just can't express what Carline did ‘to me’ and ‘for me!’ I also was extremely impressed with the newfound knowledge that I walked away with from this presentation ‒ mind-blowing!”

Cissy Marcionette

Dan (Kennedy) delivered completely on every one of his tall and imposing promises. The challenge now is staying in touch with the fire he kindled… I just feel mega-excited and ready to get the ball rolling!”

Mindy McHorse

“Watching Ann Handley’s presentation, I had an out‐of‐body experience. She gave me great content for my own sales letter for my new niche ‒ like ESP! Thank you, Ann, for writing my sales letter!”

Donald Burns

Andrew Davis — WOW! One of the very best presentations ever! He was mesmerizing. So refreshing. His talk was a powerful living example of what we as writers can accomplish by using curiosity and understanding it.”

Robert Abbott

Ryan Deiss’s ‘Before and After’ transformation was incredible. I used it for every assignment this week.”

Lisa Christoffel

“(Henry Bingaman’s) Psychology of a Big Idea: Huge eye-opener!”

Jacqueline Birnbaum

Bove, Gershwin, and Palmer: I imagined these guys as some secret underground intel team ready to conquer the world. Loved it.” 

Tracy O’Neil

David (Deutsch’s) Magic Square method is a great tool to apply to ensure a polished finish to any copy project! Great presentation.”

Jacqueline Birnbaum

“This was a great session! I'm pumped to write a promotion using Carline (Anglade-Cole's) tips.”

Jim Lemmons

Terri Trespicio — I loved her approach to authority and her unique take on niching, it really helped me out at my business.”

Suzanna Fitzgerald

And here’s something else to keep in mind…

Even to this day, AWAI continues to foster relationships with the top copywriters in the world who share high-level secrets in conversations and at high-level (and high-priced!) mastermind events…

So whenever we have a new master secret to share, we’ll add it to the Vault and alert you by email the moment it happens.

Also, to have their insights included with their peers is a source of pride and accomplishment for many master writers.

For example, when Bond and Patrick Halbert — who are the sons of master copywriter Gary Halbert and custodians of all the amazing work he did in his lifetime — heard we were creating this resource, they were excited to be a part of it.

As I write you today, they’re scouring their archives for materials that best reflect Gary’s unique skills and amazing work as a writer… material that’s yet to be shared outside of Gary Halbert Institute members.

And once we have it, we’ll shoot you an email letting you know it’s “in The Vault.”

There will be others — including new content we’ll likely be announcing very soon from one of the undisputed “greats” of our industry… just as soon as he and his team find the very best insights to share with you.

So expect your Masters Vault to be growing exponentially over its lifetime!

But remember…

Lifetime access to our ever-growing Masters Vault is just ONE aspect of this special beta invitation.

Here’s the “More”
Mark Wanted for You…

Going back to what Mark said…

All these masters we’ve added to our Vault had secrets to share — some insight, strategy, or technique they perfected and used to stay at the top of the field, and earn top dollars, for their entire careers.

Reading or hearing about these secrets can be exciting.

It can give you the feeling that you have a new and powerful rhetorical tool to work with.

But if trade secrets were that easy to replicate, there would be no end to the number of master copywriters working today. But in reality, the true masters, the copywriters who earn $500,000, $600,000, and even $1 million a year are few and far between.

You can, as I said, learn about their secrets from reading their books and essays or listening to their speeches — as you will as owner of The Masters Vault.

But to be able to use the same secrets to bring your game up to master level, you must learn them at a deeper level.

You must forget about superficial definitions and take a deep learning dive under the guidance of a master.

This insight came out of a conversation Rebecca, Katie, Mark, and I had when we were talking about how to ensure AWAI members got the very most out of these secrets.

Our initial idea was to produce a series of lessons, much like the expert lessons from MasterClass, where you sit back and listen to masters like Gordon Ramsay talk about cooking… Alicia Keys about songwriting… Martin Scorsese on filmmaking… Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, about running a successful business… and so on.

“Those classes have a strong immediate appeal,” Mark said.

“Who wouldn’t want to learn how to direct movies from Martin Scorsese? The problem is — and anyone who has ever watched one of those lessons knows this — you can’t learn any complex skill in an hour or two, even if you are getting a lesson from a world master.

“What you can get is an outline or shadow of a secret or two, but it will not be sufficient to be able to use it in any realistic way. The people who learn direction from masters like Scorsese are generally people who apprentice under him or work as an assistant for him on a movie set.”

Mark’s right.

I subscribe to MasterClass and, although I enjoy many of the sessions, I don’t feel I come away having “mastered” anything.

But sitting in a room with Mark and Bill as they talk about a powerful secret like “indirection,” and then showing me how to apply it to the copy I was working on in that moment…

That experience DID have an impact. Not just on the one occasion… but through the entirety of my career!

So I asked Mark, “What do you suggest?”

His answer:

“You have everything you need to create a superlative learning program that, while not as good as becoming an apprentice of a master copywriter, could be the next best thing.

“Not only that,” he continued…

“You are on positive, personal terms with just about every master copywriter in the world. And you have amassed what has to be the largest and most valuable collection of copywriting knowledge and advice from the world’s most accomplished and revered copywriters.

“What we have to do — and what will serve our members best — is to find a way to combine them…”

That was the original insight.

What came out of that, after countless conversations and revisions, is a brand-new master-level learning experience I alluded to earlier…

Which is a combination of the world’s largest collection of amazing (and proven) strategies, techniques, and secrets found in The Masters Vault

Coupled with the careful guidance of master copywriters on the most important secrets you need to know to be an A-level copywriter.

The result is a master-level learning experience never before offered to up-and-coming copywriters in the history of our industry.

Here’s How It Will Work

The instant you join as a beta member, you will have lifetime access to The Masters Vault: Billion-Dollar Secrets from the Legends of Copywriting…

Including all the master secrets in The Masters Vault now… and everything we add to it in the future…

All curated and organized for easy reference.

But that’s just the beginning.

Next, we’re going to invite you to meet with us at various times throughout our first year together. You can join us by phone or get with us on Zoom.

Each meeting we’ll invite master copywriters — including those featured in your Masters Vault program — along with you and your fellow beta participants.

Our focus will be on a handful of carefully chosen Master Topics… copy insights that are most likely to have the greatest impact on your writing immediately…

Things like The Big Idea, creating offers, writing headlines and leads that use indirections and come with strong implied “deeper” benefits… those kinds of core master topics.

We’re calling these the Masters Live sessions.

Our goal is to replicate those experiences I had early in my career…

Where we’re “in the room” with master copywriters — like a Mark Ford, or a Bill Bonner, or a Mike Ward, or a Jedd Canty…

Discussing these secrets…

Talking about how they’ve used them in current real-world situations…

Passing around copy where a new writer can see the sheer IMPACT just one insight can have on a piece of copy.

I can tell you from firsthand experience — that’s when everything changes.

That’s when you go from neophyte where you simply have a general understanding of the rules of good copy…

To a professional with an innate sense of master-level copywriting that lives deep in your bones.

Any success I’ve had as a copywriter — including my fast rise to the mid-six-figure income I’ve enjoyed most of my career — can be directly attributed to sitting in on discussions about copy with Mark Ford, Bill Bonner, John Forde, Don Mahoney, Sandy Franks, and others early in my career…

And later getting to collaborate on projects with the likes of Jedd Canty, Mike Ward, Terry Weiss, Clayton Makepeace, and others.

These are the life-changing experiences that made it possible for someone like me — someone with no college degree, no marketable skills, no real vision or plan for my career — to rise to the upper ranks of a highly lucrative industry…

And earn more money than I ever dreamed of earning, while enjoying a lifestyle that to this day is the envy of my friends.

This is the exact experience Mark, Katie, Rebecca, and I are working to replicate for you…

And it’s going to be amazing…

A kind of private “Copywriter’s Club” where you’ll not only have lifetime access to The Masters Vaultthe greatest (and always growing) archive of the most advanced copywriting secrets in the world…

But where you get to be “in the room” with the best copywriters and persuasion experts in the world talking about these deeper secrets…

Seeing how they work…

How they can be applied to your own copywriting career…

Getting to contribute your own thoughts and ask questions.

That’s the experience you’ll have with our excusive Masters Live sessions.

And if you’re excited by the prospect of that…

Get Ready! Our First Masters Live Will Be One for the Ages!

Our first session will be led by none other than my mentor and the mentor to hundreds of the most successful copywriters everywhere, Mark Ford.

The subject is yet to be determined.

Maybe we’ll focus on Power of One… the transformative secret Mark discovered when analyzing his most successful essays on business… and after re-examining samples from his “best promotions of all time” box, discovered the very best all followed this simple, but important-to-understand rule.

Mark also loves to talk about the transformative benefits I told you about… and their power to allow readers see the benefits of the product without having to state it directly.

Indirection is another important skill for writers to have — writing copy that doesn’t “telegraph” what the reader expects… has built-in curiosity… and feels new and interesting. So we may cover that…

Or perhaps the most logical first Master Live session should be Mark’s secret of going beyond just “knowing” your prospect… and, instead, learn how to build a 3-D Image of Your Prospect that will automatically ensure your letter or ad connects with your reader on a much higher level from beginning to end.

In fact, we may just ask you and your fellow beta members what you’d like us to dive into at our first meeting!

Frankly though, it doesn’t really matter which secret we choose first.

Just know it’ll be a technique the industry’s best writers use routinely to blow all other promotions out of the water. And over the next 12 months, these topics (and others) are sure to be covered.

And please rest assured…

There’s NOBODY better in our industry to articulate to you that very first high-level secret to great copy than Mark.

I could literally spend pages talking about Mark, his breadth of knowledge, and his contributions to the world of direct response.

He’s written and co-written 19 books on copywriting, personal success, and business-building through direct response, including industry best sellers like The Architecture of Persuasion, Great Leads, Copy Logic, Persuasion: The Subtle Art of Getting What You Want, Automatic Wealth: Six Steps to Financial Independence, Power, and Persuasion, and others.

He’s many times a millionaire and a philanthropist, having built dozens of multimillion dollar businesses from the ground up using the copywriting principles he’s either mastered from the greats… or discovered, articulated, and shared with others.

He’s the ultimate “student of copy” — often telling the story of how he credits Agora’s 100X growth to the long and arduous task he and Bill Bonner took amassing and dissecting hundreds of top-performing promotions in order to learn what makes great copy work.

In fact, AWAI has grown to be the largest and most influential in the world because the industry so badly needed (and still needs) copywriters — and Mark wanted a place to house all these powerful new discoveries and lessons so new writers could learn them.

On top of this, Mark is a trained teacher who began his working life by following in the footsteps of his professor parents — first as a teacher for the Peace Corp in Africa and later at the University of Chad.

And in the 40 or so years he’s been active in copywriting and direct response, he’s left in his wake hundreds of successful protégés — like me — who credit Mark’s generous sharing of his time and extensive knowledge for their success as writers and business owners.

Among them Porter Stansberry, who founded Stansberry Research, one of the largest, most successful, and influential financial publishers in the world.

Says Porter of Mark in a note recently:

“I’m reminded again how much you've done for me… in my career, as my friend, and as my mentor. I know I haven't told you enough times how much I appreciate it. Other than my father (who adopted me), no one has given me more in my life than you.

“A million thanks.”

And this from Bob Bly:

“Mark, I really appreciate you and all you have done for me over the years I know you are a mentor to countless copywriters and have had a major influence on the profession. But you have always been an influence and role model to me, as well. I owe you thanks and I do thank you. If there's something I can do for you, you have only to let me know.”

So I hope it’s becoming clear to you:

When you get this rare chance to discuss copywriting, business, wealth, and success with an expert of Mark Ford’s stature — take it!

And don’t forget also about the hundreds of additional insights you’ll have access to in The Masters Vault

Secrets you can discover either at your leisure, as part of a structured learning regiment you create for yourself, or when you’re looking for inspirations when working on a project.

But again…

To be a part of this, you need to accept today’s special beta invitation.

So how do you do that and what’s the cost?

How to Be a Part of This Transformative “Masters” Experience…

Well, this is where it gets exciting.

As I mentioned earlier, we’re working to create a very elevated learning experience here — one that will only appeal to roughly 1% of the most serious aspiring copywriters in the world.

These are people who — like you — understand that success isn’t just about talent or drive or even experience.

Success is about knowing more… studying what works… having an insatiable thirst for knowledge… finding so much joy in learning that you never want to stop….

And then…

Leveraging your new understanding of these high-level writing strategies that have stood the test of time in a way it will be virtually impossible for you to fail as a copywriter!

And the impact it’ll have on the money you make as a writer? It could easily be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars… even millions over your lifetime.

That’s why we said earlier…

With access to The Masters Vault — PLUS the elevated training our Masters Live “club” meetings bring to the table over the next 12 months…

This is an educational experience that copywriters who understand the power of knowledge will be happy to pay $5,000 to be a part of.

After all, just what you’ll take from The Masters Vault alone, you would have had to attend dozens of live training events, at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars, NOT including travel expenses.

But forget lifetime access to our growing “Vault” of secrets for a moment…

Just the value of being in the room with masters like Mark, Bill, Bob, John, and others…

I know for a fact that some of the masters you’ll meet in the “Vault” command anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 (plus expenses) to come into a business and talk on a single subject for a single day!

But of course, if you accept this beta invitation, you won’t pay $20,000, $10,000, or $5,000 today.

Nor will you pay the $1,795 price just The Masters Vault alone will be offered to AWAI members in the future…

Not even the $1,150 many AWAI members happily paid for an earlier version of our Masters Program — which included a mere fraction of the secrets you’ll find in this, our completely revamped version.


The price you’ll pay for everything I’ve described today…

Complete and immediate access to our all-new, greatly expanded, and completely reorganized The Masters Vault: Billion-Dollar Secrets from the Legends of Copywriting…

Plus exclusive invitations to every Masters Live session we have over the next 12 months…

Where you’ll be “in the room” and “in the conversation” with masters from the Vault as we bring to life and expand on a dozen of the most important high-level secrets A-level copywriters need to know…

Is just $795!

Get IMMEDIATE access to The Masters Vault: Billion-Dollar Secrets from the Legends of Copywriting and invitations to all 12 Masters Live sessions here!

And just to be clear, that includes LIFETIME access to The Masters Vault plus your exclusive invitation to every Masters Live session with every master copywriter we hold over the coming 12 months.

More good news…

Get Access Now — for Just $265!

We know many of the writers who will benefit from these Masters Vault secrets the most are just starting out as writers…

So to make things easier money-wise, we are offering to split the cost into three monthly payments…

Which means simply by choosing our payment option you can get access to everything now…

For just $265!

And that’s not all…

100% Guaranteed

Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed! (We Want You to Be Absolutely Thrilled with This Experience — or Else)…

Because we only want active and engaged members for this beta test — we are offering the following “no quibble” guarantee:

Simply order The Masters Vault: Billion-Dollar Secrets from the Legends of Copywriting now

Start soaking up all the amazing high-level secrets to which you’ll have immediate access…

You can even attend our first Masters Live session in November…

And if you aren’t convinced this is a resource that can catapult you to the upper levels of the copywriting world — and put substantially more money in your pocket as an A-level writer…

Please let us know by the end of November, and we’ll refund everything you’ve paid.

It’s that simple.

Your Help Is Crucial to Making This the BEST Experience EVER…

Now, you may be wondering… why?

Why such a small price, such a confident guarantee — for something so BIG…

Something that can have such an immediate and profound impact on the success and income you enjoy as a copywriter?

Well it’s because, as an initial beta member of our group, we’d like something back from you — and that’s your feedback in helping us build this into the $5,000 resource we’re certain it will become.

It won’t take more than a few minutes of your time. And it’s not mandatory…

But now and then, we’re going to send you a note — typically after one of the Masters Live sessions — asking you what we could have done better… what we could have covered in more details… what would have made the sessions more valuable to you… what you’d like to see as part of this elite training experience in the future.

At the same time, we’ll ask for your thoughts on The Masters Vault itself… how we might improve this “living” resource so it’s more useful throughout your career.

As you can imagine, being part of this beta experience puts you among a very elite group.

Not only will you be among the very first to access The Masters Vault: Billion-Dollar Secrets from the Legends of Copywriting and secure your spot in our Masters Live sessions…

You’ll have an opportunity to play an important role by working with Katie, Rebecca, Mark, and I — in effect, getting to put your “personal stamp” on one of AWAI’s flagship learning resources!

Act Now… We’ll Send You EVERYTHING — Immediately!

Of course, what’s important now is to get your hands on these secrets right away, so you can start seeing the impact they’ll have on your writing, your understanding of good copy, and, ultimately, your income as an A-level copywriter…

And to claim it today while this special beta pricing is in effect.

Full disclosure however, in case I haven’t made it clear: this is a limited offer.

Once we get the number and mix of beta members we’re after — which will likely happen very quickly — we will close it down for good.

And like I said, the price to access the elite learning experience beta members are helping us create is likely to be thousands of dollars more when (and if) we offer it again in the future.

Again, you can have full and immediate LIFETIME access to The Masters Vault by going here now — along with a guaranteed seat at our first Masters Live event in November and the others that will follow over the next 12 months.

Allow me to close
on a personal note…

Had I not discovered copywriting, it’s hard to know what my life would be like right now.

With no university education, no marketable skills, no career, and no plan… every successive job I took was a step backwards, gave me less money, and made my future more uncertain.

Even having the good luck to have discovered copywriting — just as you have…

I’m not exactly the “poster boy” for success.

I’m not a natural writer…

I have no college degree…

My high school English grades were terrible…

I don’t consider myself an “expert” in anything…

And I’m probably the worst face-to-face salesman you’ve ever met!

Yet there has not been a single year as a copywriter in the last 20 where I’ve earned less than $350,000… and in some years, I’ve had the good fortune to have earned as much as $800,000.

I say this not to brag — and I promise you, many copywriters I know make MUCH more than I do…

But I say it to show you what’s possible when you come across an opportunity as big and life-changing as copywriting…

And embrace the collective wisdom of all those who have done the hard work… figured it out… tested what works and what doesn’t… enjoyed outsized success…. made the millions for themselves and their clients… and are willing to share it with the next generation of copywriters like you.

That in a nutshell is what our all-new The Masters Vault: Billion-Dollar Secrets from the Legends of Copywriting and the Masters Live sessions are all about.

I hope you see the power of this and take advantage.

Especially under these extraordinary beta terms.

Here’s the registration link once more… where you’ll find your exclusive pricing.

Please keep in mind: once we have our beta group in place, you won’t see this pricing again.

On behalf of Mark and all the master copywriters you’ll meet and benefit from through this experience — we can’t wait to see you!


Paul Hollingshead
Copywriter & AWAI Co-Founder

P.S. Another happy side effect of diving into these master sessions as I have for the past few months…

It’s like you’ve discovered this fountain of eternal, positive energy you can tap into whenever you need it… a source of motivation that will always be there for you.

And, if you feel your energy waning at any time in your career — just throw on a masters-level presentation from The Masters Vault… and you’ll be re-energized once more!

I watch at least one a day now, and I’m having a blast…

So will you!

Get access for life now…