URGENT: Writers Wanted to “Field Test” AWAI’s Most Ambitious Training Program To Date:

Six Weeks to Launching Your Writing Career…

WITHOUT Writing Sales Copy

This is your chance to personally work with an industry writing legend who built a $12 million-a-year business.

He will give you the tools you need to earn a six-figure income and start working with high-paying clients ASAP.

*Enrollment for this program CLOSES Thursday, May 25th at midnight!

From the Desk of Rebecca Matter, President, AWAI…

Dear Reader,

Rebecca Matter here.

Today I want to invite you to take part in a unique opportunity that you’re going to love…

Especially if you want to launch your writing career FAST.

You don’t need any prior copywriting experience to apply.

And you don’t need to worry about having to write sales copy.

In fact, that’s what makes this program so unique…

It’s an intense training designed to give you the skills you need to earn six-figures (even seven-figures if you’re ambitious) by focusing on shorter pieces of copy that DO NOT sell.

With this skill in hand, you could potentially walk into any business, explain what you do, and walk out with a check for up to $5,000.

That’s because this is a skill that’s in high demand. Businesses large and small need this and they’re willing to hire you on a regular basis to do it.

Which is why most expect to have to pay you a monthly retainer for your services.

That means just one single client could hand you a consistent $60,000 a year income.

Get two clients, and you’re at six figures — $120,000 a year.

Three or four clients? More? I’ll let you do the math.

These aren’t pie-in-the-sky numbers, either.

You really could charge up to $5,000+ up front and then $5,000 a month to do this. It’s a fair rate.

And the projects are a breeze.

In fact, the process is more akin to writing fiction than anything else.

Sadly though, most writers don’t have the foggiest clue how to do this — let alone do it in a way that is effective.

This program aims to fix that…

Open-Minded “Field Testers” Wanted

This is the ONLY live program of its kind.

To my knowledge, there is NO OTHER training in the world that teaches you this skill — with this level of depth, guidance, and attention — in just six weeks.

That’s why we’re looking for a small group of eager writers to “field test” it with us.

We believe it’s more than possible to get you up and running from scratch in such a short time frame.

In fact, we expect many success stories as a result of this program.

But in order to make all this possible, we have to limit this enrollment to eager writers and close the doors on Thursday, May 25, 2023 at midnight (Eastern Time).

If you’re one of them…

… you’ll be one of the select few to learn this skill directly from the man who’s helped pioneer it, over the course of six weeks.

You’ll get plenty of hand holding.

You’ll get the knowledge and tools you need.

And most importantly, you’ll know what to do and say to land clients who will gladly pay you month after month.

The Writer Who Built a $12-Million-Per-Year Business… and YOU

His name is Brian Clark.

Rebecca Matter
Brian Clark Founder, Copyblogger

You may have heard of him.

He’s one of the most trusted and respected leaders in the world of digital marketing.

And over the years, he’s accumulated one award after another for his writing.


  • Being one of Performancing’s “Most Influential Bloggers”
  • Status as Dun & Bradstreet’s “most influential person to follow on Twitter” for small businesses
  • Two awards from Forbes — one for being a “Top 10” marketing expert and another for being one of the “World’s Top 40” social media talents
  • Getting recognized by Inc. Magazine as an expert worth following on LinkedIn and Twitter

Now, the reason Brian is so successful is because he’s mastered one specific skill that’s more valuable today than ever before:

Content marketing.

Now if you don’t know what content marketing is, that’s okay.

Here’s a quick explanation:

Content marketing is simply the process of strategically writing content that’s valuable to your reader.

That’s it.

The goal isn’t to sell.

It’s simply to provide VALUE.

But there’s a twist…

Even though content marketing and the content that you write for it doesn’t sell directly…

… the end RESULT is an increase in awareness and sales for the companies that use it.

It’s counterintuitive.

But it works…

Case in point:

Brian singlehandedly grew his flagship business, Copyblogger Media, to millions of dollars in yearly revenue using his proven content marketing strategies.

He’s since sold that business.

Then, he started another company. He grew it to $12-million-per-year.

Then, he sold that one too!

With each one, he exclusively used content marketing.

So you could say he knows a thing or two about how to succeed with it.

More importantly, he’s one of the best at TEACHING it.

And if you decide to apply to become one of the “Field Testers” for this program, Brian will be your personal mentor for the next six weeks.

The goal of this training is to get you from ZERO to PAID assignment as quickly as possible.

And you’ll do that by gaining the skills you need to become an in-demand, highly-paid Content Marketing Strategist.

It’s all part of this new training, called:

The Brian Clark Method: Future-Proof Your Content Career with the Power of Strategy

Each week, Brian is going to walk you through every step of his proven process for creating a content marketing strategy that works like gangbusters.

You’ll also learn how to use content marketing to get clients to come to you (without you having to chase or “sell” them).

It’s going to be a complete crash-course in content marketing and how to do it powerfully and effectively for the companies that hire you.

You’ll meet with Brian once a week.

He’ll give you the ins and outs of his five-step process.

In fact…

He’ll give you everything you need to get this powerful skill under your belt and soar to levels of success you didn’t think were possible as a writer…

Whether you want to make an extra $10,000… $20,000… or even $30,000 per month or more…

Or you prefer fewer clients and a slower pace, making $5,000… $10,000… or even $15,000 per month, working a few hours per week.

Brian’s mission is to have you leverage his Method to make money quickly as a writer — all without having to write a single word of sales copy.

This is why it’s perfect whether you’re brand-new…

Or have been writing for clients for a while now.

It’s the kind of skill that instantly elevates your status in your clients’ eyes and will help you command respect (and much, much, higher fees).

And it future-proofs your writing career and income, because AI writing tools like ChatGPT can’t create the effective, in-depth content marketing strategy businesses need in the way Brian will teach you.

Here’s what you’ll cover each week with Brian…

Week 1 Fundamentals of a Winning Content Marketing Strategy

This week, you’ll lay the groundwork for becoming a true expert at creating a content marketing strategy that works.

Brian will give you what amounts to a masterclass in social psychology and explain why social movements and missions beat traditional marketing… and how it relates to content marketing.

You’ll learn about the importance of beliefs, values, worldviews, and unity in attracting and persuading an audience.

By the time you’re done, it’ll be as if you can see clearly for the first time.

You’ll know exactly WHY people buy from the companies they do, and how you can harness that knowledge to grow your business and your clients’ businesses.

Week 2 The Mission

You already know people buy things to solve problems and satisfy desires.

But what makes a person choose one company over another, when both sell the same product or service?

That’s what you’ll dive deep on this week. You’ll discover how purpose-driven marketing and content wins over the hearts and minds of your ideal prospects.

You’ll learn to identify the key elements that shift ordinary and forgettable marketing messages into purposeful, mission-based content that creates a winning advantage and makes your competition irrelevant.

Just think… After this session, if a client is deciding between hiring you or someone else, you’ll know how to tip the scales in your favor… 😉

Week 3 The Tribe

Remember the “Audience, Offer, Copy” formula I told you about earlier?

Now that the stage has been set, it’s time to get clear on your audience — your “WHO.”

Now, this isn’t your grandma’s old school style of market research.

You’ll learn how to get crystal clear on who you want to attract for your audience by using eight different psychographic types you can use to craft your own audience archetype.

After this week, you’ll know, without a shred of doubt, WHO your audience is, what makes them tick, and how you can best serve them, paving the way for everything that comes next.

Week 4 Crafting The Buyer’s Journey

Now this is where things start to get really fun!

Because you get to “script” a buyer’s journey that resonates with your ideal prospect.

Brian will show you one of the most powerful ways to do this, by using Joseph Campbell’s “hero’s journey.” Except in this case, your prospect is the hero, and you’ll artfully craft the path they’ll go down…

Then, you’ll learn how to map it all out into a cohesive, content marketing strategy you can deliver to your clients (and get PAID!).

Week 5 Discover Your “Winning Difference”

Why should your ideal audience do business with YOU or your clients?

It’s a powerful question, but in today’s world where there’s so much competition, you’ll find many businesses AND freelancers end up giving the same answers.

Or, worse, they simply say they’re better than their competitors and proceed to explain why.

All of this is a big mistake.

This week, you’ll learn why… and what to do instead.

In fact, Brian will walk you through an entire process to discover the “winning difference” for your clients and yourself.

This is what will attract clients to you automatically and make it feel totally effortless.

Week 6 Profitable Audience-Building for Content Marketing Strategists

With a content marketing strategy in place, where do you go to start attracting your audience?

What’s the best way to reach them?

Brian will share an approach very few freelancers (and businesses) consider… and why it gives you a massive advantage.

After this week, you’ll have clarity on where your ideal audience hangs out, and how you can get their attention and attract them into your world.

Imagine the Possibilities…

After spending six weeks with Brian…

Learning his Method inside and out (the same one that built his $12-million-a-year business)…

And learning how to apply ALL of these concepts to your own freelance business, so you can start earning $5,000+ retainers…

A whole new world opens up for you.

You can choose to work with clients solely as a strategist in any industry or market you want — whether that’s B2B, health, financial, self-help, and more…

You can opt to get paid TWICE by offering to write the pieces of content you’re good at… so if you know how to write case studies, you can get paid to write that, if you can write great emails, you can get paid to do that, and so on…

You can have stability, and not have to worry about chasing after clients, because if you apply everything Brian teaches you, you’ll have more clients than you can handle (and you’ll probably have to start a waiting list).

But more important than all of that is the confidence you’ll feel inside once you have this “master key” skill.

You’ll KNOW how to craft an effective and powerful marketing plan.

And thanks to Brian’s Method, you’ll know exactly how to approach every campaign, from start to finish.

You’ll be the architect designing the strategy you or other writers can work from, and get paid accordingly.

How to Lock in Your Spot for
This One-Time Training

You should know this is a rare chance to work directly with Brian.

Frankly, there’s no other way to work with him like this and learn his methodology for creating content strategy.

That’s because he’s typically busy putting his money where his mouth is, and using this very strategy to build businesses.

Right now, he’s been “all-in” on his latest ventures, Further.net and Unemployable.com… and starting to think about retiring abroad.

So this could be his last “hurrah” as far as teaching this material in a LIVE setting and going in-depth on each aspect of his Method.

Which means…

This is your one shot to learn this material directly from Brian… master it… and use it to build a six- or even seven-figure writing business for yourself.

Brian has spent over a decade perfecting this Method. He’s used it to build three seven-figure businesses and one eight-figure business.

It works.

And this will be the only training where you can learn it.

So given all that, asking $10,000 to lock in your spot is more than fair.


Just one client could end up paying you $5,000 per month, for the next 12 months!

That’s $60,000.

From ONE client.

TWO clients and you’re looking at $120,000.

All from a $10,000 investment.

And like I said, it’d be more than fair, because content marketing strategy will help you make that back and then some.

But you won’t pay that much.

Not even close.

I’ll tell you all about the special discount we’ve arranged for you when you decide to lock in your spot today.

First, let me tell you about a few “extras” Brian is giving you, to ensure your success with his Method…

Your Bonuses

Over the course of the six weeks, you’ll learn the core elements of Brian’s Method LIVE. He’ll show you how to implement everything into your own business, so you can start attracting clients right away.

But, you’ll also get the following bonus trainings, to help save you time and money and get up and running faster with content marketing strategy.

BONUS TRAINING #1 More Important Than Marketing:
Getting Paid (Well)

Now you’ve got what it takes to create and plan super-valuable content for your clients… but how do you make sure you get paid (and paid well) for your skills??

Don’t worry — Brian’s got you covered! In this critical bonus webinar he did during an earlier “beta” version of this training, he takes a full hour to show you step-by-step exactly how to navigate the ins and outs of getting paid for your content marketing services.

He’ll show you how to lock in great writing contracts… how to maximize your writing fees… what NOT to do when negotiating your pricing with clients… and much, much more.

What’s more, you’ll also get a pricing guide (so you have an idea of what to charge) and a sample work agreement.

That way, you’ll never have to worry about the money side of your content marketing business or getting PAID!

BONUS TRAINING #2 Getting Clients!

The beauty of content marketing is that it works in ANY industry.

You don’t have to pick a niche. You don’t have to become an expert in any one area.

A strategy that works for one company in one industry… will work for the next company in the next industry.

Combine the sheer volume of companies with the huge demand…

And you’ve got A TON of clients who need YOUR help.

And remember…

You only need two or three clients to make a great living as a writer/consultant!

To help you land them, Brian’s including a workshop taught by one of his expert teaching assistants from a previous training, where you’ll learn how to attract high-paying clients using the content strategy skills you’ve just learned.

This training isn’t for sale or available anywhere else.

BONUS TRAINING #3 The Curation Code

You’re in for a REAL treat!

A while back, Brian held a training event where he dissected one of the BEST strategies he’s ever developed for content marketing. It’s something he’s used with all of the businesses he’s launched and grown.

He calls it “The Curation Code.”

You’ll discover how to get what amounts to X-ray vision into what your client’s audience wants, and will actually BUY.

I can’t tell you how powerful this is.

Any client will be absolutely FLOORED when they discover this strategy from you. And the best part?

It doesn’t require ANY writing on your part!

This is content marketing at its finest. And once you know how these principles work, you could probably even charge a hefty fee to do this for your clients.

Now please know this training is also NOT available anywhere else — you can’t even buy it if you wanted to!

The only way to get access is through this LIVE training experience with Brian.

Today, You Get It ALL…

  • Six weeks of LIVE training with Brian…
  • Q&A sessions at the end of each training session, where you’ll have the opportunity to get Brian to answer your specific questions…
  • A complete and thorough understanding of Brian’s Method, and how to implement it in your OWN business and in your clients’ businesses…
  • The Getting Paid (Well!) Training…
  • The Getting Clients Training…
  • The Curation Code Training…

… all for just one single payment of $4,995.

But there’s one more thing you should know…

For a VERY limited time, you can get an INSTANT $1,500 off the regular price.

So you can lock in your spot today, for just $3,495!

And if paying the full enrollment fee up-front is a bit of a stretch, you can take advantage of our convenient payment plan.

Which means you can get started right now, for just $873.75 (followed by three more payments).

Simply click the button below to get started and you’ll get immediate access to all the bonus resources and training materials.

And then, get ready to start your LIVE training with Brian!

I don’t know of a better way to quickly become a well-paid and highly-respected Content Marketing Strategist.

Enroll Now and Save $1,500 Instantly Sign Up Today!

Zero Risk to Try It Out

Enroll in The Brian Clark Method today.

Then attend the first LIVE session with Brian on Wednesday, May 31 at 3 p.m. ET.

See for yourself how powerful and lucrative it can be to create a content marketing strategy for yourself and your clients.

If you’re not thrilled, no problem.

Just let our Member Success Team know before the start of Session Two on Wednesday, June 7 and you’ll receive a prompt and courteous refund.

Either way, remember:

This is truly the only training of its kind. It will give you a high income — most likely on retainer — and peace of mind as a writer.

And it’s the very Method that — if implemented — could help YOU quickly become a six-figure or even seven-figure writer, living your version of the writer’s life.

Click the button below to lock in your spot today.

Enroll Now and Save $1,500 Instantly Sign Up Today!

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI
Founder of Digital Copywriter

P.S. Remember — your $1,500 voucher towards The Brian Clark Method is only good for a limited time.

So here’s what I recommend:

  • Sign up now.
  • Go through all the bonus materials.
  • Attend the first LIVE session with Brian.

Then, if you’re still not satisfied, no problem.

You’re covered by AWAI’s money-back guarantee.

So you’ve really got NOTHING to lose and everything to gain here.

Sign Up Today!