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July 2014

Grab Your Prospect by the Eyeballs

When it comes to sales copy, your headline is the most important element. Here are the world’s three most powerful headline techniques.

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free

Research is critical for any copywriter who wants to be successful. Here’s one of the best ways to get billions of dollars in marketing research, for free.

Dominant Emotion Copy Wins Every Time

Why dominant emotion wins when it comes to sales copy. Plus, five dominant emotions that can explode your response and make you a more successful copywriter.

Developing Experiential Confidence - Being a Fearless Best Friend to Your Prospect

Developing experiential confidence helps you take your copywriting to a new level. It gives you a way to create deeper connections with your audience.

4 Offline Self-Promotion Strategies that Can Bring Online Work

Freelancers who use a blend of online and offline self-promotion strategies tend to have the most success. Discover 4 offline strategies that really work.