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June 2020

How 5 Thriving Copywriters Found Riches in Their Niches… and How You Can, Too

In these interviews with five niche copywriters, you’ll see how choosing a niche can set you on the path to earning a better freelance income.

3 Powerful Ways You Can Put Chatbots to Work for Your Clients… And Make High Fees for Yourself

Chatbots can be very powerful for companies. Here are three ways a chatbot copywriter can help create leads and generate sales via preprogrammed messages.

An SEO Checklist for Your B2B Copywriting Website

Most people simply assume that SEO is ridiculously complicated and super expensive as well. The truth is that for a "normal" freelance website, the whole SEO process is pretty simple if you understand Google’s algorithms. Use our checklist to hit the high points.

How to Be Everywhere in Your Niche

Want to attract the attention of prospects within a certain niche? Learn how to be everywhere in your niche. You’ll build your authority and your contacts.

The Anatomy of a Well-Niched Freelance Website

Creating well-niched freelance website can bring more and better clients your way. Use these three examples of niched websites for inspiration.