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May 2018

Should You Hire a Virtual Assistant for Your Copywriting Business?

At a certain point, hiring a Virtual Assistant for your B2B copywriting business makes sense. Find out when you should, what to look for, and where to find one.

How Many Clients Do You Need for a Good Living?

How many clients do you need to make a good living as a freelance writer? Figure out your target number of clients to reach your income goals.

Stop Struggling to Come Up with a Big Idea, Do These 3 Things Every Day

A Big Idea is the backbone of a successful sales letter but what happens when you struggle to come up with one? Easy. Just do these three things every day.

Copywriting Makeovers: Tips and Tricks

Copywriting makeovers or rewrites can be lucrative projects. But it’s easy for them to go terribly wrong. Here’s how to avoid potential problems.

A Lead Generation Landing Page for Your Web-Writing Business

What if you could start attracting clients even before your professional website is ready to launch? You can with a lead generation landing page.

In-Demand Writing Projects: Get Paid to Write a Simple 30-Character Headline

Writing Pay-Per-Click ads is one way writers can earn big fees. Companies rely on PPC ads to bring in leads and customers. Here are tips for writing them.

How to Pitch Articles to B2B Trade Publications

Getting articles published in B2B trade publications raises your profile as an expert clients want to hire. Here’s how to pitch ideas so editors say yes.

Practice Assignment: Write 83 Words of Online Copy

Practice is the best way to get started, and get better, as an online copywriter. Here’s the chance to do a practice assignment, using tips from a master.