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August 2019

Web Writing Trends Spell Big Opportunity for Writers Like You

Businesses spending more marketing dollars online means more money and opportunity for web writers. Discover key trends so you can be an early specialist.

3 Ways You Can Leverage Your Copywriting Skills for Bigger Income

You can earn money offering your copywriting skills to clients or you can leverage your copywriting skills to increase your income in other ways.

How to Introduce Yourself to Prospective Clients in a Professional Way

Landing clients starts with the first hello. Here’s how to introduce yourself and explain what you do in a way that makes someone perk up and take notice.

Six-Step Plan for a Successful First Prospect Interview

Use these steps to qualify your prospect and give you the information you need to put together a killer proposal.

Eradicate Your “Mind Trash” to Access Greater Writing Wealth

Identifying anything that holds you back and eliminating it will give you a huge payoff. Here are six tips to help you move forward in your copy career.