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Meet AWAI-Trained Writer:

Shelley Biggs

Shelley Biggs

Location: Calgary, AB Canada
Professions: Copywriter, Graphic Designer, Researcher
Specialties: Christian, Financial, Fundraising, Health, Self-Help

Shelley Biggs has completed the following verification and training to the satisfaction of AWAI’s Board of Advisors, with expertise in:

AWAI Verified™

Shelley Biggs is AWAI Verified™. The AWAI Verified™ seal indicates that a copywriter has …

  • Studied AWAI’s world-class The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, which covers the fundamentals of persuasive direct-response copy.
  • Passed AWAI’s robust test and demonstrated an understanding of copywriting principles and best practices.

Professional Background:

My name is Shelley Biggs

As a writer, I have a passion to see other people succeed in the Christian/Health/Self-Help Markets. These go hand in hand.

I started my writing career while getting my Doctorate in a Christian study/discipleship program. Receiving it in 2015.

Life experience has taught me most of my life.

I wrote my Thesis on Identity. I am currently working on editing/proofreading it and turning it into an e-book.

Achieving at an accelerated pace, I know what it takes to get the job done. I move quickly. I am focused and get the job done kind of gal.

A strong foundation in anything I set out to do is key to productive work.

I write from a heart of experience and passion.

My solution orientated mindset and research skills combined with critical thinking, give me the ability to communicate complex and sensitive information in your copy.

I am an AWAI-Verified Direct Response Copywriter.

My extensive background in the areas of health/self-awareness and spiritual make me your go-to-writer.

Fitness goes hand and hand with my alternative health lifestyle for the mind, soul, and body.

Edit/proofread, research, grammar checking and writing content is what I do.

My Unique Value to the Market:

• I have countless hours through volunteer work at my children’s Christian school and sports teams.
• I volunteered at the local hospital and women’s shelter to fundraising events.
• I received experience in the alternative health world working for a Chinese Acupuncture Doctor from China with Traditional Chinese Medicine.
• Also gaining valuable experience as an Assistant Counsellor developing communications skills and interpersonal skills.
• Earning a certificate in Critical Incident Stress Management, leading to a first responder role in a disaster area.

In brief, I have a keen interest in serving humanity. It is a passion.

Reading books on alternative health, self-awareness, and growing spiritually keep me in a forward-thinking lifestyle. I might also add I not only read them, but I live by them.

I believe these three areas go together. You can’t have one without the other. I call it a balanced life.

My point is, the example starts with me. I pass my values on to you…

• Integrity
• Respect
• Service
• Excellence.

Specializing in the three areas of

• Alternative health
• Self-awareness
• Spiritual growth gives you the copy you need.

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