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A Note To My Younger Self: The True Backbone Of Copywriting Success Lies Beyond Knowing The Right Words

Cindy Cyr shares what she wishes she knew when she was younger about copywriting.

Pick a Niche in 10 Minutes or Less and Watch Your Writing Income Soar

Picking a niche for your writing business saves time and can make your writing income soar. Find out how to pick your niche in 10 minutes or less.

Fastest Way to Build Your Writing Muscles for Speed and Quality

Cut years off your learning curve using this writing exercise that helps you write noticeably faster and better in just a few weeks.

11 Rules to Avoid the "Getting Paid Freelance Blues"

Getting paid is a large part of your business's finances, and Cindy Cyr has some solid tips to make sure your income is stable.

Nine Ways to Raise Your Enthusiasm to Increase Productivity

If you need some help in the enthusiasm department, here are some tips from Cindy Cyr for getting excited about your work so you can get more done in less time.

Client-Getting Tips from a “Madam”

If a company is making money and getting clients, they're doing something that you could apply to your business. Cindy Cyr takes this idea to bring "borrowing smart" up to a new level.

How to Prepare a Client to Hire You

Cindy Cyr reveals how to build up your image with a client to pave the way for them to want to hire you.

How 20 Seconds of Insane Courage Can Change Your Life…

Cindy Cyr challenges you to face your fears and start approaching your ideal clients.

Create a 10-Second Commercial Guaranteed to Generate Interest in Your Business

Cindy Cyr tells us how a short commercial can generate huge interest in your business.

How to Become a “Rock Star” in Your Niche, Part 2

Cindy Cyr lets you in on 4 more tips for self-promotion and turning yourself into a "superstar" copywriter.

The 19 Secrets to Selling Your Freelance Services Successfully

Cindy Cyr gives you a formula made up of a series of strategies, principles, and actions that will lead you to the financial freedom and work-from-anywhere lifestyle you’re longing for.

What I Learned From Dan Kennedy About Price Strategy

Cindy Cyr shares the valuable lesson she learned about pricing projects in her freelance business.

Are You in the Right Mindset to Succeed?

Cindy Cyr shares the two types of mindset - and how the one you have can either help or hurt your freelance career.

Is Your Present Mindset Keeping You From Reaching Your Full Potential?

Cindy Cyr shares how a proper mindset can make all the difference in whether you achieve your goals or not – and gives tips on how to get into a proper mindset.

7 Subject Line Formulas Guaranteed to Boost Your Email Open Rates

Cindy Cyr gives you seven formulas you can use to boost your email open rates, to make sure your emails get read.