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Hands Down, the Most


You’ll Ever Have as a Writer!

$1,500 to $5,000 per Month
per Client

Hey there,

I want you to picture this:

You’re fifth in line at your favorite coffee shop.

It’s a busy morning, so you’re probably five minutes from finally placing your order.

What do you do?

You can wait and get frustrated as the guy at the counter repeats his order five times to the barista in training…

Or you can take out your phone…

And tap out a writing assignment!

While the others in line grab their lattes and hurry off to work…

You’ve spent five minutes writing something you’ll get PAID for!

Or how about this…

A friend invites you out on her boat.

It’s a beautiful summer day — a perfect day for the lake!

But you have copy to write — and a hard deadline.

Do you turn down the invitation?

No way!

The kind of writing you do doesn’t require a desk.

Or even a computer.

Just a smartphone, a few bars of internet access, and a few minutes of time.

And here’s the last bit of news to put the icing on the cake…

You’re going to have a BLAST doing it!

That’s right… Hands down, you’ll have more FUN writing than anyone else.

While the others at Starbucks will scurry to work with stressed looks… full of worry about deadlines and demanding bosses…

You’ll be talking about the things that excite you the most in life…

It could be wine…

It could be golf…

It could be baking cookies…

Or even extreme sports!

The list is endless and depends on what you want to write about.

Sounds amazing, right?

Maybe too good to be true?

Well, I’m happy to report…

This kind of writing is not only a real, well-paid professional specialty, but…

It’s also in HUGE DEMAND right now…

By millions of companies and organizations — including those you know and love!

But what new writers love most about this writing is…

It’s so easy…

Even Beginning Writers Are Making Good Money Doing It!

In fact, as you’ll see in a few minutes when you meet AWAI members who are doing this, it’s the perfect way for beginners to get started as professional writers.

You can do this writing in minutes with no research, no rules, no real technique.

You get the assignment… you write… and boom, you get paid!

And even if you’re an experienced, working writer, there’s no better add-on to what you’re doing now.

No matter how busy you are, you can always find a few minutes to dash off a few words for some fast cash.

It’s fun, easy writing.

More than that, ignoring this specialty is really like leaving money on the table.

How much money?

I think the answer will shock you…

$1,500… $3,000... $5,000 per month per client… even for beginning writers.

That’s a STEADY, reliable income of $18,000 a year… on the low end. (Or $60,000 on the high end!)

From just one client…

Writing just minutes a day.

And you can certainly do work for a handful of clients each month.

Incredible, right?

When you do the math, it’s clear that this is THE highest-paid writing niche on a per-word and per-minute-spent basis!

So, what kind of writing am I talking about?

Before I tell you…

I want to share something you should find VERY interesting, especially if you’re just starting out as a writer…

It’s the big secret that’s compelled me to write to you now.

Simply this:

You’re already very familiar with this kind of writing.

You’re probably already doing it.

And I’m guessing you’re pretty darn good at it.

Which is why I think you’re going to love it as a writing opportunity...

Because now — instead of writing for free — you can get paid for it!

Which means that even if you’re just starting out, your learning curve with this new writing specialty is next to zero.

No complicated techniques or rules to master…

No weeks of research to compile before you write your first word…

No spending months on a 25-page first draft…

No learning about an entire industry you don’t care about…

No 10,000 hours practicing before you get “good” at it.

Just writing a few quick sentences a day…

And banking a…

Steady, Rock-Solid Monthly Income

Most writers live assignment to assignment.

But you won’t. Why?

Because this writing specialty is one of the best retainer opportunities in our industry.

Instead of one-off assignments, your clients will contract you for a steady stream of work — and monthly payments will come in like clockwork.

Even with your very first client, a reliable income of $1,500… $3,000... even $5,000 per month is the rule, not the exception.

And you’re not limited to just one client, either.

Many writers I know in this specialty have two, three — even 10 clients.

So just being conservative, you could up your monthly income to $3,000… $6,000… or even $10,000 a month with just two clients.

It all depends on how much time you have and want to spend.

(But at 30-60 minutes a day per client, you won’t be busting a sweat.)

And like I said earlier…

This won’t feel like work at all!

Short, snappy posts about things you love...

Posting fun photos that grab interest… or make people smile…

Creating funny videos on TikTok…

With this kind of writing, creativity is Job One.

And still, this is only the beginning

As I’ll show you in a minute, this specialty naturally leads to far bigger opportunities and income — without a lot of “selling” or “proving yourself.”

Once you get into this specialty, your business will grow organically in almost any direction you want it to.

Almost without any effort on your part. So…

If you hate the idea of “selling yourself”… you’ll love this.

Now, in a moment, I’m going to show you how to get started in this writing niche.

I’m also going to reveal why this is probably the niche with the highest profit potential for writers… brand-new ones and experienced alike.

I’ll show you how starting with this niche offers you options to expand in almost any direction… and make sums that dwarf what I’ve just shown you.

I’ll show you why this niche requires virtually no “selling yourself” for you to get started and grow your income.

Most importantly, I’m going to introduce you to the expert in this niche who can help you open doors you don’t even know exist.

I promise you’ll find it hard to believe the profit potential and how easy it is to start and keep rolling — but the numbers don’t lie.

But first, an introduction.

Rebecca Matter
Rebecca Matter

My name is Rebecca Matter.

A big part of my job as president of AWAI is introducing our members to the hottest new writing opportunities out there.

Then I show you how to take advantage of them, step-by-step, leaving nothing to chance. We supply the know-how. You supply the ambition.

And right now, the writing specialty I’m talking about is probably the hottest writing opportunity for brand-new beginners and experienced hands.

It’s the Core of a $72 BILLION Industry!

That’s a staggering dollar figure.

But the investment makes sense — because it pays off for companies of all sizes.

According to The Harris Poll conducted in 2021, 43% of consumers discovered new brands because of this type of writing. And 36% purchased products or services. 

Plus, I recently read that Wendy’s net income grew by 50% because they started using writers with this specialty.

And they’re not alone —

Today, 88% of businesses use this specialty, including 55 million small businesses.

But then look at these stats:

  • 55% of businesses say they need help.
  • A full 70% say their efforts are, at best, “somewhat effective.”
  • And, at worst, “very ineffective.”
  • In short, only three out of 10 companies think they’re doing a good job with it.
  • The other seven — which equals millions of potential clients — know they NEED help because their current efforts aren’t good enough.

All this spells a massive opportunity
for you.

Even if you’re a brand-new writer.

Because, the crazy thing is, most experienced writers have no idea about the size or profitability of this opportunity.

(Per word and minute spent, it’s the highest-paid writing gig, bar none!)

So, the field is wide open for people who can do this kind of writing well.

In other words… for people like you… who are already comfortable doing it, but aren't getting paid for it…

Which is why I’m here today with a unique proposal.

I want you to become a well-known EXPERT in this specialty.

I want you to take advantage of the HUGE demand for this type of writing.

I want you to be the go-to resource any of these millions of companies can turn to when it comes to planning and executing a professional, highly effective strategy…

In short, I want you to take maximum advantage of this humongous opportunity.

But first, have you guessed the kind of writing I’m talking about?

Let’s see if you’re right.

The answer is (drumroll, please)…

Social Media!

You know…

Posting short posts — maybe the odd image or video — just like you’re probably doing now…

On places like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok.

Only instead of doing them for free…

You’re getting paid!

And that’s what I want to share with you today.

I want to show you how you can take what you know about social media now… add a dash of “what businesses need” on the social media front...

And turn your love of social media into a lucrative copywriting specialty that can earn you $1,500… $3,000… $5,000 per month from just one client, or much more with a handful of retainer clients.

In fact…

With the average “ideal tweet” just 100 characters (about 14 words)…

The average Facebook entry just 50 characters (around seven words)…

And Pinterest posts that can work well with around 11 characters (just two words)…

Word-for-word, social media ranks as one of the highest-paying forms of copywriting there is!

That’s why a lot of AWAI members choose to learn social media writing FIRST.

So, stop “wasting your time” on social media!

And start making money from it.

In a minute, I’ll walk you through a few “typical projects” you might have as a social media expert…

And I’ll also introduce you to the social media superstar who’ll be your guide on the short and fun journey to becoming a well-paid social media expert…


Then here’s what you need to know.

It all starts with understanding why businesses use social media…

You’re Not “Selling”… You’re Having a Conversation

Once upon a time, companies communicated with customers by trying to persuade them to buy their products.

It was a one-way communication from company to prospect (using print, radio, and television), and it was all about selling.

Problem is, most people don’t like “being sold.”

And now, thanks to social media, they don’t have to put up with it.

A sea change has taken place…

As social media crushes traditional media in almost every way.

Half the people in the world are now on social media — nearly 4 billion people — a number that dwarfs the reach of traditional media.

And companies can reach all these people for almost nothing — a tiny fraction of what they spend on traditional media.

(Which, as you’ll see, leaves more money in the budget for you, the writer!)

But here’s where the rubber meets the road:

According to a recent study, 71% of buying decisions today are based on what customers read on social media.

Whether by checking out a company’s Facebook page…

Finding new content on YouTube or Instagram…

Researching and comparing products on Pinterest…

Taking advantage of a special offer on Twitter…

Or looking at reviews on Yelp…

So, companies without a cohesive social media plan or presence…

Could be losing tens of thousands… hundreds of thousands… even millions of dollars in new sales every year.

But for you as a trained writer, this is a MASSIVE opportunity.

Especially if you love writing,
but hate selling.

As a social media expert, you can be a hero to these companies… make a great income (most in the form of nonstop, reliable monthly retainers)…

And have a blast doing it!

You see, as a social media writer, your job is NOT to sell.

Your job is to start a conversation.

Engage people. Intrigue your reader.

You post. People respond. And the conversation just keeps going.

Just like any good conversation.

You spark a dialogue in which your prospects get to know and trust you (your products and company), and you get to know them.

It’s all a bit like meeting and getting to know someone in real life.

So, you can see why writing for social media takes a very special approach…

You’re not trying to persuade someone to buy something.

You’re letting friends know about something special you like.

Something you think they’ll like…

Or something that’ll pique their interest…

In short, you’re writing as you would to a friend or someone you hope becomes a friend.

And making good money at it.

Take a look at how easy it is to do it.

Fun polls are an easy way to engage your audience.

You ask them about something they love. They answer.

Or break the ice by sharing something about you first…

… then ask about them.

Or be topical

… and support your audience’s heroes.

Offer some seasonal tips

Help your readers out of a jam

Give ’em their favorite entertainers

Make ’em laugh…

Pique the reader’s interest

Be useful…

Start a bandwagon…

Make a difference…

The creative options on social media are virtually limitless.

As is the number of companies — from Fortune 500 firms to mom-and-pops — eager to pay you to use social media to boost their revenues.

All you have to do is…

Pick your passion… and write!

You see, most writers have to write what their clients want them to write.

But with this kind of writing… you decide what to write about.

Just start with what you’re passionate about…

  • Golf? Yes.
  • Cooking? Yup.
  • Fashion? You bet.
  • Tennis? Of course.
  • Football and other sports? Heck yeah.
  • Cars? Rev it up.
  • Hunting and fishing? Either or both.
  • Chess? Your move.
  • Sailing? The wind is at your back.
  • Knitting? You won’t drop a stitch.
  • Wine? Time to pour.
  • And much, much more…

And since it’s your passion, you already know a ton, so little research is needed.

Meaning, your writing is almost guaranteed to be great…

Filled with interesting facts and shot through with your passion for the topic.

Is it hard to get your first assignment?

Not at all.

AWAI member Sandi Dragoi got four paying clients as soon as she became a social media expert.

And these clients are almost certainly paying Sandi every month!

A good place to start is your favorite restaurant… store… boutique… coffeehouse… or hardware store.

A place you go to often and like.

Like a small coffeehouse where you drink your morning latte, eat a bagel with cream cheese, and read the paper.

You know and like them… They know and like you.

Your local coffeehouse wants more customers and eventually a second location.

They know they need a robust social media presence to grow…

But they don’t have the know-how, time, or manpower to tend to their Facebook page or website.

Especially because they need to keep their pages fresh every day with short, snappy posts like the ones I’ve just shown you.

(And many large businesses don’t have the resources either, believe it or not.)

Your coffeehouse doesn’t have a lot of money, but they don’t need a lot of money to get onto Facebook or Twitter.

So, giving you a crack at writing short Facebook posts like the above is a very low-risk… high-reward… proposition for them.

Don’t forget, it costs them virtually nothing to put up a Facebook post.

Which leaves more money in the budget to pay you.


“It amazes me how many businesses hate doing their own social media. Most of them understand the need for it, they just don’t enjoy it. When I mentioned managing social media accounts as one of my skills, my very first client practically begged me to take it off her plate!”

Holly Rhoton

Pretty soon, you have your first client paying you $1,500 a month or more to spend 30 minutes a day updating their Facebook page or Twitter account.

From there… well, your name gets passed around quickly.

Your first and second clients alone could bring your monthly income up to $3,000.

Or $36,000 a year (or more) on top of any other writing income. And that’s a very moderate estimate for a beginner with only two small clients…

Why they’ll pay you every month

Because every Facebook page or Twitter account needs to be constantly updated.

Which means constant work for you.

According to Twitter’s own statistics, up to 85% of users expect to get product updates and even prompt customer service from the companies they follow on Twitter.

Just as celebrities keep in touch with their followers… politicians talk to their constituents… sports teams and figures engage with their fans…

Businesses — your clients, large and small — need to reach their customers with new messages in real time.

Whether it be a flash sale… a new product… or a special contest — Twitter is the best way to get that message across in an instant.

Often, it’s just “human interest” posts about employees, product reviews, buying guides, and other useful, non-sales content.

Content that spotlights your client as No. 1 in their field or best in their area.

But keeping up on Twitter and Facebook takes know-how and time, which a lot of small-to-medium-sized business owners don’t have.

But you do.

Keeping up on Twitter and Facebook could bring you $1,500… $3,000… or $5,000 every month — per client.

For as long as you want.

See how the money can quickly pile up?

But stay with me, because all of this is still…

Just the tip of the iceberg of what social media could do for you…

Say your small coffee shop doesn’t have a social media presence yet.

They don’t know how to set up a Facebook page or a Twitter account.

No worries. The social media superstar you’re about to meet is going to teach you everything you need to know to get your coffee shop up and running.

To set them up on Facebook and on Twitter comes to an extra $500 or more for you to build each of their accounts on those platforms.

So, Let’s Count It Up…

Let’s say we give you the tools and the skills and show you how to land as few as three social media clients in your first year…

Enough to keep you busy monitoring and posting for 3-4 hours a day, not including the odd full day it might take you to set up any new accounts.

So that’s a potential of $3,000 to set up their Facebook and Twitter pages…

Plus an average of $9,000 per month to manage their accounts…

For a total of $111,000 a year…

Just from Facebook and Twitter!

And that’s not including the $15,000 to $20,000 extra you can make posting to LinkedIn profiles for this same group of clients… as well as managing the other social media sites these businesses could benefit from, like Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, and others…

So now we’re up to a conservative potential income of $126,000 per year, just from writing short tweets and social media posts, and managing a handful of small- to medium-sized business’s social media accounts.

And that’s with just three clients.

Land five social media clients, and you’re looking at $200,000 a year…

And at the upper end of the scale, you’d be looking at an annual income of $325,000 with five social media clients!

You’ll learn how to become a “recognized pro” capable of earning those high fees in just a minute.

But before I tell you how…

There’s another obvious benefit here…

Social Media Leads to
NEW Writing Projects

Many of the Facebook posts and tweets you’ll write for your clients will link directly to useful content, product ads, and company web pages.

Some of that content may already exist…

But much of it will need to be written!

And who better than you — a professional copywriter trained in the art of persuasive writing — to write it all!

Maybe it’s a “content” story about a happy customer…

A sales letter for a new product…

A YouTube video showing how a product works…

A TikTok video that tickles the funny bone.

There’s no end to the amount of content businesses can use to promote their goods and services.

And it’s no secret most business owners and marketers would prefer to deal with one freelance web writer rather than try to coordinate everything between two or three…

Because you’re running their social media, you’re in a great position to recommend the kind of content, sales letters, and videos that could benefit their business…

For example — that Facebook post you just wrote?

Maybe it needs to link to a specific piece of content… or a blog post… or a video…

Something your client needs… and you’re perfectly positioned to write!

So, in effect, you’re assigning yourself projects!

Being able to handle all their writing and all their social media requirements is a huge plus for them AND you.

So, let’s say those clients hand you another $50,000 in writing projects over the course of a year…

Now we’re up to $176,000 (or more!) in income…

I think you can see where I’m going here…

And you can see the money you could easily be making if you start your journey with social media and… just keep going.

Social media can take you anywhere you want as a writer.

And some of our members have seen their writing careers expand in ways they never imagined.

But before I show you these success stories, I want to introduce you to the social media superstar who will open up this world to you.

He’s Helped Microsoft, Disney, The New York Times, and Others… Now He’s Ready to Help You Master Social Media

Nick Usborne
Nick Usborne

His name is Nick Usborne.

And believe me…

You couldn’t ask for a better qualified, more caring, and bigger champion for your success than social media expert Nick Usborne.

Nick is one of the giants of the online marketing world.

He’s been helping multinational and small businesses alike market their products and services online for 25 years — since the very idea of e-commerce was still in its infancy.

Everyone from the local car dealer and corner store… to the likes of Microsoft, Disney, Yahoo, The New York Times, and even America Online, the company that pioneered internet advertising in the 1990s, the way Henry Ford pioneered automobile production in the 1920s…

They’ve all turned to Nick for his expertise.

He’s not only written for them but also trained their employees in how to write digital copy and execute social media campaigns.

He’s won 15 top awards for direct-response work and spoken at dozens of online marketing conferences, including AWAI’s annual Bootcamp.

When it comes to social media, he’s one of the true pioneers.

When Facebook began in February 2004 — Nick quickly became an established pro at this new channel.

When Twitter opened its doors on March 21, 2006 — Nick was there.

Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and countless other social platforms — Nick was there at the very start… learning through trial and error how to get amazing results for his clients on a long list of social media platforms.

And he’s turned that hit-the-ground-running experience into literally billions of dollars in new revenue for the companies he’s helped over the years.

That’s why, when we set out to create the ultimate social media educational program, we turned to Nick without hesitation.

He accepted our challenge. Then he went “off the grid” for about eight months — to work exclusively on building this program.

When he showed us the program he’d developed, we were blown away.

It was jam-packed with over 25 years of knowledge, online experience, and “secrets” that can come only from working with some of the most successful users of social media on the planet.

Also impressive is Nick’s passion for the power of social media and the opportunity it gives you.

You can see it in his writing and his teaching.

Nick’s program is called…

How to Make Money as a Social Media Marketing Expert

From Day One, AWAI members responded to this program by signing up for it in droves.

It is by far one of the most popular programs we’ve ever offered.

Because here’s the thing about Nick…

He’s never satisfied. He’s a perfectionist.

So, over time, he kept adding to the program.

And adding… and adding.

Every time he discovered a new technique or strategy… or a new social media platform gained more acceptance, he’d find a way to jam it into the program.

And then, to make it even easier for you to follow and absorb all that information, Nick completely reorganized and revised the course one more time!

His goal for you?

Social Media Mastery… in Eight Easy Steps

You’ll gain a vast amount of knowledge and master extraordinary skills in eight learning modules…

Go at your own pace — that’s how this program is designed.

But if you want to start earning as quickly as possible, you can do a module a week and complete it in just eight weeks.

Nick lays out everything in step-by-step fashion, so you don’t miss a thing…


MODULE 1: Getting Started with Social Media

This is your initiation into the lucrative world of social media.

Here, Nick makes sure you have a complete understanding of what social media marketing is…

Why it’s so important for businesses… how businesses should use it… and what you’re going to need to become an expert and produce real results for your clients.

Module 1 focuses on understanding how social media can help your writing business first.

You’ll discover…

  • how to attract “A-level” Twitter followers — people who can help move your career forward…
  • the one thing you MUST consider before you choose your Facebook name…
  • six things you can do immediately to get more people to follow you on Facebook…
  • how to add coupons, add a direct sales page, set up contests, invite people to subscribe to your email list — powerful strategies many social media users don’t use (or even know about)…
  • how to customize who sees your content, so you can keep your personal and business accounts completely separate…
  • and much, much more…

THEN, in subsequent modules, you’ll take that knowledge to your paying clients, so you can help them grow their businesses.

MODULE 2: The Story Behind Social Media

If you think you know how social media works, this part will be an eye-opener.

That’s because Nick will do a deep dive into not only the history of social media (so you’ll have good “foundational” knowledge) but also into everything today’s social media can achieve for you and your clients… now and well into the future.

You’ll discover…

  • the seven ways social media can transform businesses in ways traditional media and publishing can’t…
  • why you need to know “earned media” and how it can be a major disruptor for the companies who hire you…
  • the 13 different types of social media sites and services, and what they can do. (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn might be top of mind, but there’s an entire world of social media sites that can drive business profits… and earn you even more as a social media pro!)…
  • the 16 social media sites Nick uses on a regular basis, as well as which ones you should be using and how…
  • and much, much more…

MODULE 3: The Practice of
Social Media Marketing

Now the fun begins…

Here’s where you start learning how to use social media to make money — for both you and your clients…

By learning everything social media can achieve, and how to design and create a professional social media campaign.

You’ll discover…

  • the eight main goals of social media and how to prioritize them for every client…
  • “influencers” and “connectors” — what they are, why you need to attract them, and how to do it…
  • the three levels of loyalty you need to build through social media…
  • strategies to “build your brand” through social media…
  • the best ways to use social media to drive hungry customers to local businesses... (It costs next to nothing… few use it… and you’ll be a hero by using this strategy for your clients.)
  • the Facebook “tweak” you can steal that turned Burt’s Bees into a social media powerhouse…
  • and much, much more…

MODULE 4: Social Media
Execution and Best Practices

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by all the social media platforms out there.

But Nick explains “just four things can happen on social media” — and each one of them can have an enormous and immediate impact on your or your client’s business.

Here, Nick simplifies everything by explaining those “four things”… and showing you how to execute within that framework.

You’ll discover…

  • the power of sharing: five ways to get your content shared and retweeted…
  • Nick’s super-simple, six-step process for implementing any social media effort for any type of company…
  • how to rise above the prattle — Nick’s 10 “best practices” for social media — lessons learned from 25 years working with the world’s top online marketers and social media powerhouses…
  • the three things you never, ever want to do with social media…
  • and much, much more…

MODULE 5: The Social Media Marketer’s Toolbox

By now you’ll know how to plan and execute a social media campaign — for your business or a client’s business.

While all that “soaks in,” Nick dedicates this part to showing you how to use the “tools” to monitor trends, measure activity, and report results back to your client.

This is the stuff that separates the pros (you) from the pretenders out there.

Plus, it’s a great way to gain an even deeper understanding of the “inner workings” of social media, so you can keep delivering enormous value to your clients.

You’ll discover…

  • how to identify the greatest influencers in your business or topic area — people who can help you get more followers and more customers for your clients…
  • the best and simplest way to manage multiple Twitter, Facebook, and other platform accounts…
  • how to simplify your planning by “pre-scheduling” posts to multiple accounts…
  • how to know if a topic is being “loved” or “hated” on social media (and how to turn hate into love in a flash!)…
  • how having these analytical tools makes you stand out in the eyes of potential clients and get them to hire you…
  • and much, much more…

MODULE 6:How to Write for Social Media

As a writer eager to get paid for this specialty, this is the session you’ve been waiting for.

Of course, you already know how to do this kind of writing, but Nick will show you how to take it to a new, professional level.

It’s also where Nick delves into the many differences between traditional sales writing — websites, sales letters, content — and writing for social media.

If you’re an established copywriter, you may have to shake off previous assumptions and behaviors.

But once you discover just how fun and easy (not to mention lucrative) writing for social media can be — you might not want to write anything else!

You’ll discover…

  • the “only four reasons” people will follow you or your client on social media — and how to be an expert at ALL of them…
  • how to build deeper relationships by injecting “personality” into your social media posts…
  • when to be “controversial” and when to be “weird” — and how both can promote sharing, and could even make your posts go viral…
  • proven techniques for grabbing (and keeping) attention…
  • the power of asking questions on social media — and how to do it the right way…
  • being “retweeted” to build credibility. Here are four ways to make that happen…
  • and much, much more...

MODULE 7: Sell Your Services as a Freelance Social Media Marketing Expert

By now, you’ve gained a deep understanding of social media. You know how to plan and write a successful campaign.

Now it’s time for all that newfound knowledge to start making you money!

And it all starts with Nick’s 12-step process for selling your social media services so you can land your first client in no time…

You’ll discover…

  • why every social media expert should specialize — and how to choose the niche perfectly suited to you…
  • how to build the ultimate professional social media self-promotion website (for next to $0!)…
  • how to “talk” to a prospective client like an expert — including the first five questions you MUST ask…
  • your “A-to-Z” plan for dealing with a new client — from your very first contact… to quoting your fee… to creating a plan… to getting paid… and everything in between…
  • and much, much more...

MODULE 8: Use Social Media to Promote Your Existing Freelance Business

With all this social media skill and knowledge, you’d be remiss if you didn’t use it to bolster your own writing business…

Whether it’s as a social media professional or as a copywriter serving all kinds of clients and niches.

That’s why Nick focuses exclusively on helping you use social media to grow your business.

You’ll discover…

  • the easiest ways to drive new clients to your copywriter website (and how to create one if you haven’t already)…
  • Nick’s fast and easy four-step process for attracting qualified prospects to your freelance business…
  • why “content is king” for copywriters using social media (and it doesn’t have to be yours!)…
  • the best social media platforms for copywriters… (Twitter — yes. Facebook — yes. LinkedIn — yes. But the other “top performers” may surprise you!)
  • the power of engagement — and why it’s more important for writers than almost any other profession…
  • Nick’s “1-2-3 process” for keeping your prospect hopper full…
  • how to build an audience of prospects and not just an audience of readers…
  • and much, much more...

Whew! That’s a lot.

But I’ve been able to touch on only a few of the highlights of this incredibly comprehensive program here.

The great thing about these eight modules is that each one builds on the previous one…

You go from gaining a solid grasp of social media after Modules 1 and 2… to having a core understanding after 3 and 4… to a higher level of mastery, thanks to 5 and 6.

Then, the final Modules, 7 and 8, are all about applying your new knowledge to “real-world” situations, beginning with growing your own business…

And then applying these same ideas and practices to your clients’ businesses.

And we’ve made learning convenient too.

You’ll learn from numerous high-performing examples from all social media platforms.

Plus, video and audio files you can watch and listen to on any device…

Along with PDFs of the slides Nick uses, and a full transcript of each module…

But Your Eight Learning Modules Are Just the Start of Your Journey…

You see, having the knowledge of a social media expert is one thing.

But applying your knowledge and skills in the real world to become a financial success is something else.

That’s why Nick has drawn on his 25 years focused on digital marketing as a freelancer with top-tier clients to create a clear roadmap to success.

He takes you by the hand to lead you step-by-step to real-world success with his…

60-Day Success Plan…
Your FREE Bonus When You Start Nick’s Program Now

Social media is growing.

The opportunity is massive and only getting bigger.

How to Make Money as a Social Media Marketing Expert gives you the skills and knowledge to become a recognized social media expert.

But you’ll get to success faster when you have a path to follow.

That’s where Nick’s exclusive 60-Day Success Plan comes in.

This bonus from Nick is your roadmap to success — seven crucial steps you can take over 30 days to become a tour de force in social media:

  • Step 1 — Nick shows you how to “immerse” yourself in social media… see how all the sites and platforms work… who the top players are… see the techniques they’re using in real time… and more.
  • Step 2 — Dig into the marketing side of social media, making it your mission to follow nine of the most successful social media “players” in the world. (Nick gives you their names.)
  • Step 3 — Learn the “tools” of social media marketing… spend time on the management sites, learn the lingo, crunch some data of your own. Nick shows you how.
  • Step 4 — Choose your focus! There are four ways to make big money as a social media expert. Nick explains them and encourages you to choose one to begin with. This will be a defining moment for your social media writing career!
  • Step 5 — Build out your marketing plan with Nick “by your side” — and with the four easy steps to make it happen, so you can be ready when your first (of many) clients come knocking at your door.
  • Step 6 — Choose a domain name for your business… set up a site specific to your social media business… then tie it to all your social media accounts. Nick explains how to do it all!
  • Step 7 — Land your first client, using the same proven surefire, no-stress, “no-sell” method Nick’s been using for himself for 25 years.

This roadmap — Your 60-Day Success Plan — is your free bonus when you join Nick’s program now.

A Daily Path to Success with Clear Milestones

Point is, Nick doesn’t want you to leave anything to chance on your path to success.

That’s why he breaks down his roadmap into daily “to-dos” and regular milestones you can check off as you move toward success.

More specifically, your roadmap gives you…

  • all the strategies and techniques to be a well-paid “hero” to the tens of thousands of businesses that need professional help running social media campaigns.
  • an opportunity to earn up to $5,000 per month per client — and much more when you put the full client-generating power of social media to work for your own writing business and land retainers with additional clients.
  • a new client magnet that brings clients to you because of your social media skills instead of having to go out and search for clients — say goodbye to selling yourself.
  • instant expertise in all the social media platforms your clients need: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Yelp, Pinterest, YouTube, and others.
  • the best, most efficient social media tools to manage and monitor your clients’ social media activity.
  • where to find new and relevant content for any client — and how to transform existing web content into social-media-ready content.
  • a complete understanding of the strategy behind professional social media marketing efforts… ways to engage your client and encourage buying without seeming too pushy.
  • how to use social media to drive website traffic… so prospects become followers and customers for life.
  • entry into a fast-changing area of web writing that’s as fun and fascinating as it is profitable.
  • a daily path you can follow to quickly move your social media marketing career forward — including important “learning milestones” you can check off along the way.
  • and much, much more…

Two Big Bonuses to Keep You Trending

Because social media evolves constantly…

… we’ve put together two bonuses to get you up to speed on the latest moneymaking opportunities.

Bonus #2, An Introduction to Writing Paid Social Media Ads, gives you a primer on how to write paid ads that work for the biggest social platforms.

You’ll learn…

  • the three top questions to answer to write ANY ad for ANY client on ANY social media platform FOREVER…
  • how brand awareness and brand engagement differ — and how what you write depends on which of these two goals you’re aiming for…
  • how an ad’s purpose determines the right call-to-action for the audience you’re targeting…
  • the key demographics you MUST get from your client before you start writing…
  • the ONE thing ALL paid social media ads share that can save you hours when you reuse content across platforms…
  • the trends that show up again and again in successful ads to help you write ads that work well…
  • a slick tool that lets you search any ad on Facebook or Instagram to ethically “spy” on your competition and see what’s working, and…
  • a second bonus that delves into the latest trends on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok.

Bonus #3 is What’s Trending on Social Media Today and How Can It Help You?

In this jam-packed bonus report, you’ll learn about…

  • the best opportunity to write smart, sassy scripts and microcopy for TikTok influencers…
  • why the copy you write for TikTok must be fun, playful, and even “imperfect”…
  • how to use YouTube as an extension of your own brand and marketing materials…
  • why this one writing skill gives you an edge on YouTube… (Hint: Videos rely heavily on YouTube’s internal search engine.)
  • how to use LinkedIn to take a more active role in getting clients…
  • LinkedIn’s new features in 2021-22 that let you customize the experience for potential clients checking out your profile…
  • how Facebook’s increased focus on being accessible to people with disabilities lets writers flex their creative muscles…
  • the easiest ways to tap into the massive exposure video gets on Facebook…
  • why the ability to drive curiosity with a fascinating “hook” makes you perfect to write for clients on Instagram…
  • an introduction to the hottest “new kid on the block” — Clubhouse — as businesses explore it…
  • and much more, including an inside look at the top social media platforms, like Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and WhatsApp.

These two updated bonuses expand on Nick’s teachings to give you the only training you’ll ever need to start offering clients your social media expertise.

So now, sit back and…

Picture Your Life After
Taking This Course…

Social media opens up so many new options for you, it could take you almost anywhere.

And there’s no better proof of this than the people who’ve already tasted the pudding.

Get your foot in the door with new clients like Steve Maurer did.

Steve Maurer
Steve Maurer

Steve Maurer works as an industrial electrician. But he loves writing and wanted to start up a small freelance business on the side.

He used to go online to find writing gigs… cold-call potential clients… and spend time on networking sites. Using this approach, he was able to make $4,000 in his first year, writing part time a few hours a week.

Not bad…

But then he learned social media. And when he offered to put his social media skills to work for the clients he was interested in writing for — “better clients with deeper pockets,” as he called them — it worked like a charm!

Clients were only too happy to “try Steve out” on a few social media projects, because they needed an expert there anyway.

And once he gained their trust, more writing jobs followed.

As a result, his part-time writing income rocketed from $4,000 to $41,000!

That’s a tenfold increase…

And remember, that’s writing in his spare time

Then there’s Michele Peterson’s client recruitment social media strategy

Michele Peterson
Michele Peterson

It runs like a well-oiled machine.

She posts articles, links, and commentary…

She retweets useful tweets…

She posts her own content, so clients can see her writing firsthand.

All this builds up her authority and credibility, and showcases what she can do.

Plus, Michele’s built her subscriber list through organic traffic on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, as well as paid ads on Facebook.

Through email campaigns, she builds rapport and trust with her list, so they’ll call on her whenever they need a professional writer.

“Social media gives me a wider playing field than in-person networking,” Michele says. “And all it takes is about two hours a week.”

So, you see, mastering social media with Nick Usborne’s amazing course can give you more than just the obvious:

  • On top of your regular copywriting income, social media can give you a new revenue stream capable of putting upward of $126,000 more in your pocket.
  • Your social media skills can lead to additional ad, web, and content writing projects from your social media clients. Count on the potential for another $50,000 there.
  • Social media is a great way for new clients to “try you out” — without your having to “sell yourself.” Remember, Steve increased his freelance writing income tenfold, writing part-time… all because he used social media to find new clients. Even if you were able to land six new clients that each lead to $15,000 in projects… that’s another potential $90,000.
  • And your social media skills can help you grow your own business too! If social media adds only another 25% to your income… that’s another $50,000.

And all told, you now have the potential for a $316,000 writing career!

IF you want to work that hard…

Of course, not everyone wants all the extra work social media skills
can bring you.

In fact, most AWAI members we talk to would be happy with the $126,000 you could earn from a few social media clients… if it meant they could “work” a few hours a day and have the rest of their time to themselves.

Robert Rice tells us, “Social media gives me the flexibility to work wherever I want, whenever I want. I’m an actor and producer living in Los Angeles. I’m able to take care of auditions whenever they come up, travel for gigs, and take time to travel and visit family/friends, without ever worrying about my income. It’s incredibly freeing.”

That’s the great thing about copywriting.

It lets you “dial up” or “dial down” your income when it suits you, so you can choose the kind of lifestyle you want.

And the great thing about having social media skills is this…

When you need more money to, say, renovate your house… buy a second home… or take the vacation of a lifetime…

You just “put the word out” on social media, take on a few new clients and projects, and you’ve got the money you need.

This Sound Good to You?
Now It’s Your Turn…

But first, you’re probably wondering how much the program costs.

Well, I’ll start by saying — anytime you can invest in yourself and your future, it’s a smart move.

And… when we’re talking about a skill as relevant as social media… a niche of the marketing world that’s grown 149% in the past three years…

And is expected to grow to nearly $100 billion over the next three years…

And… when this skill can bring you an income of $126,000 with just a handful clients…

And… it can give you the knowledge and the tools to grow your freelance business by hundreds of thousands of dollars…

And… you’re learning it all from Nick Usborne, a legendary expert on digital marketing who’s helped develop online and social media marketing strategies for the likes of Microsoft, The New York Times, and Disney…

Well, it becomes very hard to put a real value on what a resource like this is worth.

So, let’s turn the question around…

What Is This Opportunity Worth to You?

What’s it worth to you… to become an in-demand expert in a new and fast-growing market where 88% of businesses are using this specialty and can genuinely use your help?

Earning a six-figure annual income… writing short-short copy for just a few clients… working from anywhere in the world… with just a smartphone in your hand?

If I said it’d cost you $10,000 for a skill that can earn you millions in your lifetime — would it be a smart investment?

Without question.

How about $5,000?

Of course!

But I think you know…

Even though it’s worth every penny of $5,000… we’re not going to charge you anywhere near that to access Nick’s program.

Your price — for everything — is just $497.

But that’s not all.

A Newly Added Bonus!

You’ll also receive Bonus #4 — a brand-new, exclusive report from Nick titled 51 Social Media Examples to Inspire Your Next Post.

With these ideas and varied examples, you’ll never start with a blank page again.

You’ll have tactics and inspiration from Nick to guide you from the get-go.

I said it before: My goal is to make your entrance into the world of social media writing as easy as humanly possible.

We’re training you in every aspect of writing, and becoming a recognized expert in, social media writing and marketing…

We’re also giving you a foolproof, step-by-step roadmap to take you from zero to a reliable, six-figure income as a social media writer and marketer.

And this quick-action bonus will take it one step further…

Think of it as the final step to success…

Because Nick’s 51 Social Media Examples to Inspire Your Next Post gives you tips, guidelines, and ideas for how to…

  • create a poll…
  • break the ice…
  • reveal the “inside skinny”…
  • give away free information…
  • bust a myth…
  • start a bandwagon…
  • deliver high-stakes news about your topic…
  • and much, much more…

This handy reference helps you make quick work of any assignment. You’ll be able to hit the ground running as a social media expert and produce fun, powerful social media posts right from the start… fast.

And beyond these tips and tactics, Nick gives you several examples of engaging and attention-getting posts…

And since Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and other social media platforms have slightly different “flavors” and features…

Nick’s collection of assorted examples gives you strategies and insights for maximizing your post or message across the various platforms.

This handy, exclusive guide is all yours if you act within the next few hours.

And this is still not all that you get with this unique program.

Because on top of everything else…

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

Your 100%, Ironclad
Guarantee of Satisfaction

Yes, you get more if you act now.

But you don’t risk anything more by hopping on this red-hot opportunity now.

100% GuaranteeHere’s our very simple guarantee:

Take your time with the program — go through the eight modules and the bonuses which can help you to become a full-fledged social media expert with Nick’s amazing guidance…

Then, if at any time during the 30-day guarantee period you decide social media isn't your cup of tea… simply let us know…

We’ll promptly refund every penny of the $497 you paid, with no questions asked.

Your bonuses will be yours to keep with our compliments.

So now, the time for talk is over.

It’s time for you to take action.

You know social media is a major force in marketing today — and it’s only getting bigger.

Soon, companies without social media strategies will be like companies without websites years ago — “outliers” constantly playing catchup in a fast-moving market.

You know 88% of the business on the planet need your help…

  • You know the power of social media — the amazing new streams of revenue it can bring you and how quickly it can grow your freelance writing business.
  • You have Nick’s most comprehensive program on social media ever
  • You have four FREE exclusive bonus reports when you act now…

YOUR BONUS #1: Nick’s 60-Day Success Plan designed exclusively to take you from zero all the way to well-paid social media expert in the shortest time possible.

YOUR BONUS #2: An Introduction to Writing Paid Social Media Ads gives you a primer on how to write paid ads that work for the biggest social platforms.

YOUR BONUS #3: What’s Trending on Social Media Today and How Can It Help You? is jam-packed with the latest techniques for new platforms as well as the old standbys.

YOUR BONUS #4: Nick’s 51 Social Media Examples to Inspire Your Next Post is a handy guide for planning and writing fast, easy, and powerful social media messages.

  • Plus, you have a full 30-day, no-risk guarantee.

In short, I’m not sure what more I could do to persuade you to get your hands on this career-changing program!

Your Gateway to the Most FUN a Writer Can Have Is Here

In just a few weeks, you’ll be…

Writing about what you know and love…

Writing in a way that already comes naturally to you (because you’re doing it now)…

And making a steady $1,500… $3,000… or $5,000 per month per client right out of the gate!

With step-by-step… day-by-day… guidance from Nick that leaves nothing to chance.

Remember, you’re ALREADY doing this kind of writing — now you can get paid for it.

It’s almost as if you already have within you a secret copywriting success weapon. You just have to decide to use it.

Clicking here will take you to the order page where you can review everything one more time.

Or, if you prefer to speak with our Member Success Team, call toll-free 866-879-2924 Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (ET).

They can answer any questions you might have and can even place your order over the phone, if you so choose.

The important thing is to act now.

Social media is too big and too relevant for any copywriter to ignore. It’s only getting bigger… and the impact it can have on your career and income can’t be overstated.

Which means you have zero time to waste.

Click here now — and get started on this amazing program within minutes!

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

Become a Social Media Expert!
Start Today!

P.S. If you’re even remotely interested in adding social media to your copywriting arsenal, I suggest getting Nick’s program TODAY…

On top of everything else, it’s the ONLY way you’ll ever get Nick’s FOUR FREE BONUS REPORTS: Your 60-Day Success PlanAn Introduction to Writing Paid Social Media AdsWhat’s Trending on Social Media Today and How Can It Help You?and Nick’s 51 Social Media Examples to Inspire Your Next Post absolutely free when you act right now.

And then, if you decide it’s not for you at any time over the next 30 days, simply email or call us up for a full, no-questions-asked refund. Nick’s FREE BONUS REPORTS will be yours to keep regardless, with our compliments.

Call or go here… to get started now.

Become a Social Media Expert!
Start Today!

P.P.S. If you have any doubts, think about what Sandi Dragoi had to say…

“I’ve already landed four social media clients by using what I learned from Nick’s program.”

Nick’s course paid her back immediately! And will continue to pay her month after month.

Now it’s your turn… Click RIGHT NOW to get maximum value from this opportunity.