Spend the Weekend with Bob Bly
Mastering the Art of Self-Promotion

For three days in June, Bob Bly will personally
teach you his most powerful marketing secrets in this new, one-time-only AWAI weekend workshop on how to…

“Make $100,000 a year
as a freelance copywriter”  

By the time you leave on Sunday you will have a complete arsenal of marketing tools – including your very own personal self-marketing sales piece critiqued by Bob – that could add another $10,000 to $50,000 or more to your income from freelance copywriting this year.

Spend an entire weekend in person, one-on-one with Bob Bly and his team of hand-picked instructors … including Ilise Benun, Peter Bowerman, Joan Damico … and let them help you:

  • Generate more sales leads than you could ever hope to handle.

  • Give price quotes with confidence … know what to charge for every assignment (and what is too low or too high).

  • Promote your business online and get lucrative assignments over the Internet-- for FREE!

  • Convince local and national companies to give you a shot at writing their copy for a full fee … even though you’re a novice.

  • Plus, a whole lot more…

Dear Reader,

"I'm excited about the copywriting skills I'm learning from AWAI," MW told me the other day. "But I'm scared to death of going out there and trying to get freelance clients."

"I've done some marketing, but it just isn't getting the results I want. Sometimes, I think I'll never get my freelance copywriting business to the point where I am earning the $100,000 to $250,000 a year that top freelance copywriters are making."

Every week, I hear similar stories from freelance copywriters…

They are diligently studying to hone their copywriting skills…so they'll be able to do a great job on every assignment they get.

But they just can't seem to get to the "tipping point"…where the clients start coming to them and they can pick and choose their assignments. And, to be honest, it's usually just a matter of a lack of confidence…or not quite understanding the best way to approach potential clients…or not yet having learned how to identify the best clients to work for.

Do you have this same problem?

If so, I'm going to offer you the chance to get more copywriting assignments than you can handle…from the clients you want to work with…and increase your freelance income by at least $10,000 to $50,000 this year alone.

And we'll accomplish all that together not over the course of weeks, months, or years (the normal timeframe to achieve such an ambitious goal)…

... but live and in person - during a single, intensive weekend Selling Yourself Workshop to be held one-time-only this year:

"Selling Yourself as a Freelance Copywriter
Intensive Weekend Workshop: Your Quick-Start
to Earning $100,000 to $250,000 a Year"

register today!

These million-dollar self-promotion
secrets are yours for the taking.

I've been selling myself successfully as a freelance copywriter for more than 20 years…and teaching others to do the same for almost that long.

But I have never presented anything comparable to what I intend to reveal in "Selling Yourself as a Freelance Copywriter Intensive Weekend Workshop: Your Quick-Start to Earning $100,000 to $250,000 a Year."

In one life-changing weekend retreat, you'll gain everything you need - and I mean everything - to start or jump-start your freelance copywriting business.

Here's just a sampling of what we'll cover:

  • Why some copywriters earn handsome six-figure incomes and get more business than they can handle seemingly without effort…while others can't get enough work to pay the bills.
  • The market for freelance copywriting services in 2005: Is it tougher than when I started way back in 1982 - or easier? The answer will shock you.
  • Want to build or improve a website for your freelance copywriting business? Now it's easy to create your own…by following this simple, proven template. No HTML programming required!
  • Why you can't send an unsolicited email to prospects whose names you pick out of a directory…and what does work in email marketing instead.
  • The magic of the "bait piece" - and how it can double or triple the response to your lead-generating direct mail. But here's a new twist you haven't heard before.
  • Even though there's not an oversupply of skilled direct-response copywriters - yet - use the "Wally Bock Strategy" to differentiate yourself…and stand out from the crowd.
  • How to convince prospects to hire you…even if you're a complete novice with no experience and no writing samples. One out of three potential clients can't resist this offer - and you both win!
  • What about the Internet? Has it hurt the writing business…and lowered writing fees? Or is the Web a writer's goldmine? Again, the answer will shock you.
  • How to get clients who would much rather work with you than with any of the other copywriters pitching them…with Ilise Benun's fail-safe "FIT Formula."
  • How to promote yourself online. Discover what works, and the common online marketing methods other copywriters rely on that you should avoid like the plague. (Hint: www.elance.com is one to stay away from, and in the workshop, I tell you why.)
  • How to set and get your fees…negotiate price with clients…and what to do when the client says "Your price is too high."
  • When you must get money up front…and what to say to clients who would rather have you just bill them.
  • Specialist vs. generalist…how to make the decision and position yourself for maximum freelance success.
  • Do lead-generating sales letters still work? How about ads in Advertising Age, DM News, or the Yellow Pages?
  • How to write a business plan that virtually assures you of a $100,000 a year income…and easily modify that plan for a $250,000 income.
  • My proven 5 steps toward freelance writing success. Virtually every successful freelance copywriter has followed this process - and why you need to master it, too.
  • How to write and design a "Copywriting Information Kit" that will knock the prospect's socks off…and compel them to hire you for an assignment.
  • How to get potential clients lining up, checkbook in hand, knocking themselves over to hire you…in such volume that you are constantly turning people away!
  • Time-management secrets of the world's most productive freelance copywriters - how to meet every deadline even when you're busy as sin…and still have time for a life.
  • My NEW "2005 Online Copywriting Fee Schedule"…shows how to break down online copywriting tasks into well-defined assignments…and what to charge for each.
  • You may have read my book "Secrets of a Freelance Writer." But here's a guaranteed money-making promo you can do for under $100 - and it's NOT in my book.
  • The 7 most common mistakes freelance copywriters make…and how to avoid them.
Work with me for a weekend; walk away with your own
self-promotion campaign for the entire year.

You won't just take notes during this self-promotion workshop (though I think you'll take a lot of them).

You'll also work hard - individually, in groups with your fellow copywriters, and with me personally - on putting your 2005 Marketing Plan in place.

I'll help you figure out who your target market is…where to obtain prospecting lists…how to plan your lead-generating promotions…put together your own website…create a "bait piece" and information kit…write sales letters…start your own e-zine…and more.

You'll leave the weekend workshop with everything you need to begin selling yourself as a freelance writer…and get more business than you can handle…from the clients you want to work with most.

Of course, I'm not going to help you do all this by myself. We'll have some of the nation's top self-promotion pros on hand. Including:

  • ILISE BENUN, Director of the American Consultants League and self-promotion guru, will share her tips on networking, starting conversations, and building relationships with potential clients. She is the author of two books, including "Designing Websites for Every Audience."
  • PETER BOWERMAN, a top freelance copywriter and author of the best-selling book "The Well-Fed Writer," will show you how to cold-call without fear…and with great results. His clients include MCI, Coca-Cola, American Express, and Holiday Inn.
  • JOAN DAMICO, copywriter, will show you how to get and write for clients in the corporate "marcom" (marketing communications), technology, and business-to-business markets. Her clients include Gretag Macbeth, Datacolor, SSA Global Technologies, and Eastman Chemicals.
Your every question will be answered
- thoroughly and authoritatively.

If you've attended AWAI's annual copywriting Bootcamp, you know I'm always around…long after most of the other presenters have left…to answer any and all questions you might have.

Well, at "Selling Yourself as a Freelance Copywriter Intensive Weekend Workshop: Your Quick-Start to $100,000 to $250,000 a Year," I'm going to make myself available to answer your specific questions as never before.

Of course, we're going to build plenty of question-and-answer time within the formal structure of the presentations.

But beyond that, I'm going to be available all day - and all night long…to sit down with you
one-on-one. And give you as much customized, personal advice as I can.

When? Before breakfast…at breakfast…during breaks…at lunch and dinner…in the bar after dinner…until I finally have to beg off and go to bed for a few hours of sleep before the next day starts.

(And since I don't sleep well in hotels, I'll be at your beck-and-call almost round the clock!)

The idea is - whether in large groups at presentations, in small groups over coffee, or one on one - I want to answer every conceivable question and concern you have about getting your freelance copywriting business off the ground and to the next level ...

And I'm going to do everything humanly possible to make sure your dreams of freelance copywriting success all come true!

How am I qualified to guide you?

Most AWAI students have heard my story before, so I'm not going to repeat it in its entirety here.

(FYI, if you're really interested in how I went from an $18,500 a year corporate drone to a $600,000+ a year freelance copywriter, a detailed article about my story is included as part of your Selling Yourself Intensive Workshop materials.)

But here's the important part ...

When I started out as a freelance copywriter in 1982, there was no AWAI, no course, and no book to guide me on how to make money selling myself as a copywriter.

I had zero contacts…zero income…zero prospects…and no idea of what to do next.

So, unlike you, I was forced - through expensive, time-consuming trial and error - to figure out for myself what it takes to make a living as a freelance copywriter.

Did I, in fact, figure it out on my own? I like to think so. Last year, my freelance copywriting income was $606,838. This year, it may be even higher.

And now you can learn from my "expensive experience" - saving yourself thousands of dollars in wasted marketing…cutting years off your learning curve…and hitting the $100,000 to $250,000 a year mark much faster than I did!

For example:

  • JH was already a successful copywriter when he began studying my "Selling Yourself" techniques…and now makes $400,000 a year working only a few hours a day.
  • RP went from modest success as a marketing consultant specializing in retailing to getting rich as a copywriter and graphic designer. Plus, he became a best-selling book author, also by following my instructions.
  • DW was an out-of-work executive when he stumbled onto my "Selling Yourself" writings. Today, he's a successful freelance copywriter - and his income is well above $300,000.
  • RB has studied my advice for years, and is now a top copywriter and the author of 7 published books.
  • RR was floundering about, looking for a career, when he discovered my books. Now he is a top freelance copywriter working for KCI, GE, and other big-league clients for fat fees.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. The list of copywriters who are earning more money today because they followed my marketing and self-promotion advice could fill several pages…and those are just the ones I know about!

The most powerful self-promotion toolkit
for copywriters ever devised - yours FREE!

When you attend "Selling Yourself as a Freelance Copywriter Intensive Weekend Workshop: Your Quick-Start to Earning $100,000 to $250,000 a Year"…

You not only get a total "brain dump" of virtually every successful self-promotion technique that's worked for me over the past two decades.

You also walk away with a massive packet of Selling Yourself Intensive Workshop materials - filled with more take-home, ready-to-use resources, checklists, and model promotions than have ever been assembled in one place.

Your Selling Yourself Intensive Workshop materials include:

  • A big workbook with all the PowerPoint presentations - so you can concentrate on listening, rather than frantically scribbling notes.
  • Reprints of my hard-to-find advice articles for freelance writers who want to earn 2 to 4 times or more what the average freelance writer makes.
  • Several full-length books…including a couple of my out-of-print classics on the freelance writing business and self-promotion.
  • Sources of new business leads…websites where you can find potential clients…cold-calling guidelines…model sales letters…and more.
  • A FREE hard copy of my "Copywriting Information Kit" - the promo package I have personally used to close millions of dollars worth of assignments for my own freelance copywriting business. You get to see the actual, physical package, exactly as I mail it to potential clients!
  • 3 bonus CDs (total value: $237) of my interviews with some of the world's highest-paid copywriters…in which they reveal their money-making secrets.
  • Plus a grab-bag of surprise bonus goodies worth its weight in gold (or at least in silver - I'm not sure how high the price of gold will climb by the time the SYW begins).

In short, you'll walk away with a complete self-promotion plan for the next 12 months…and everything you need to know to put the plan into action, get more clients, and earn thousands of dollars more in copywriting fees.

  • And, as a bonus, each attendee will receive a private file of at least half a dozen potential
    new clients - based on your geographic location and industry experience. Each "Potential Client File" will be customized, so yours will be unique…and no one else will have it or be calling on those leads.
"OK, Bob. What will it cost me?"

Because you're a copywriter…and you know the techniques of building up to revealing the price…I'm not going to waste your time with that here.

I'm just going to come right out and tell you that the fee to attend this event is $2,475.

Is it worth that much to you?

Well, consider this simple fact ...

To accumulate - through experience, trial and error, and costly testing…the self-marketing techniques you'll learn in this program literally took me 23 years of my life - working as a copywriter, on the average, 50 to 60 hours a week, 50 weeks a year. (To estimate the value of that investment, keep in mind that in my freelance copywriting practice today, I bill more than $10,000 a week.)

And this doesn't even begin to cover the many thousands of dollars I spent over the decades testing direct mail…space advertising…online marketing…and dozens of other promotions.

The result is that I know - perhaps better than anyone on the planet - what it takes to promote freelance copywriting services.

Do my marketing methods work? Here's the proof that they do: In the past 6 years alone, I have personally used these techniques to generate more than $3 million in gross revenues for my little one-man freelance copywriting practice.

My readers and students say it best!

But don't just take my word for it. Here's what your fellow copywriters are saying…

"I already earn well over $100K annually. But Bob Bly guaranteed that I would pick up several nuggets of information that would help me attract more and better clients - and higher fees. He was right. Thank you."

- Steve S.

"The client hired me today for $750 per sheet. It is my first copywriting job and I got it because my sales letter impressed them so much that they never asked for any samples. Thanks to Bob and all that I've learned from AWAI, I'm off and running. This was a very practical, focused program and I believe it was worth every penny!"

- Cheryl D.

"I'm afraid to keep promoting myself…I've landed so much work I may not be able to do it all!"

- Victor E.

"Following your advice, Bob, I sent out 50 DM packets for my copywriting services to Chamber of Commerce members last week. I have already received 2 replies, one for an immediate job and one for more information."

- Mark K.

"By following the advice you laid out, I quickly reached goals that I had set for year three of my business within the first year. My philosophy is, if you've written it or recommended it, I want to read it."

- Carla J

"The first time I read your book, I laughed picturing myself as a business writer. The second time I read it, I made over $1,000 in a week. I'm laughing for a much better reason now."

- Grady S.

"I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with the rest of us and allowing us to take a piece of the pie. I already love this new career that I never would have discovered without your guidance. Thanks."

- Elizabeth H.

"Your books helped me start work as a freelancer. I can't tell you how many times those books saved my skin and got me confidently through unfamiliar materials. I am very grateful for your expertise and generosity."

- Lorraine T.

"What Bob Bly taught me would have taken years to learn on my own, not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars my mistakes would have cost me."

- David W.

And I have literally hundreds more testimonials on file…

You will get the results you need - I personally guarantee it!

But what about you?

I want this Selling Yourself Intensive Weekend Workshop weekend to be the pivotal event in your freelance copywriting career…the one that launches you on the path to the $100,000 to $250,000 a year income you want so badly.

So my personal guarantee is this…

Attend "Selling Yourself as a Freelance Copywriter Intensive Weekend Workshop: Your Quick-Start to $100,000 to $250,000 a Year" in Miami Beach, FL on June 10 - 12, 2005…and soak up all the self-promotion techniques from me and my fellow speakers.

Put some of the marketing ideas to work - and watch as your phone starts ringing off the hook with clients calling to ask you to write copy for them.

Then, you decide.

If, within 90 days, you are not convinced that you will make at least 2 times your tuition in new copywriting assignments…

And that you will be able to generate more leads and projects than you can handle…from the top clients you want to work with most ...

Or, if you are not 100% delighted for any other reason - or for no reason…

Just let us know.

AWAI will arrange for me to personally work with you as your private "business coach"
one-on-one …absolutely FREE for a full 60 days…to ensure that you get on the right track toward achieving your marketing and income objectives.

I can't think of a fairer guarantee - or a better way to take all the risk out of your decision to attend this Selling Yourself Workshop.

My last AWAI workshop sold
out in 3 days. This one may too!

If you're serious about making a handsome living as a freelance copywriter, I urge you to reply to this message today.

My last AWAI event (the Boardroom Intensive Bootcamp) sold out within 72 hours after we sent out our first email announcing it.

I expect "Selling Yourself as a Freelance Copywriter Intensive Weekend Workshop: Your Quick-Start to $100,000 to $250,000 a Year" to sell out even faster!

After all, how many freelance copywriters out there do you think want to double or triple their income this year?

Yes, it's that many…and more. So seats at this event are going to go fast.

As for location, we are holding our Selling Yourself weekend workshop at Miami Beach's famed Alexander Hotel.

Just 15 minutes from the airport and downtown Miami, the Alexander Hotel is located directly on the elegant Millionaire's Row of Miami Beach. A beachfront property with its own dock, the Alexander is located near the famous Bal Harbour Shops, Coconut Grove, and Bayside Marketplace, and is only 10 minutes from South Beach.

Denise Ford called me recently to tell me about this place. And boy, was she excited:

“Bob, I just came back from the hotel in Miami Beach where we’ll host the Selling Yourself weekend, it’s the Alexander Hotel - wow! What a fabulous place - what a perfect spot for a writer's retreat. What unbelievable views. What a bargain I was able to get - I'm telling you - I’ve never seen anything so perfectly suited for one of our copywriting retreats before.”

She went on to talk about the amenities of the place – its old world charm with new world technology. All the bedrooms are suites, with views of the Atlantic Ocean or the Intercoastal waterway – or both! The rooms are spacious, equipped with small kitchens, mini bar, data ports, cable TVs, and writing tables. The lobby and mezzanine are full of cozy sitting areas, where you can curl up with your writing assignment in quiet comfort. There are two lagoon pools, and a private beach where their Aqua Sports Center offers volleyball, wave runners, hobie cats, wind surfers and sailing lessons. Don Shula’s award-winning steakhouse is located on the premises as well.

You can bring your family with you – they can have a terrific vacation while you are creating your self-promotion kits. And in the evening, you can enjoy all the cultural treasures that Miami Beach has to offer. This will be the best working vacation you’ve ever taken!

We’ve secured an unbelievable rate of $139 per night (you won’t find anything like this at any of Miami’s Millionaire’s Row hotels) – and we’ve arranged for a special lunch and entertainment package for you as part of the weekend. So, please, act immediately if you want to participate. Reserve your place right now! To register, call Barb or Scott at 866-879-2924.

Or simply click below…

Hope to see you there.

Best regards,

Bob Bly

P.S. This is a chance to experience the dream life of a successful writer - while you get my personal guidance and insights into my formula for success.

I guarantee you that there won't be another conference or Bootcamp on "how to sell yourself as a freelance copywriter" like this one - at any time, anywhere on the planet - this year.

There are a lot of important decisions in life you can put off…but you can't put off this one. Because this is a one-time-only opportunity - and once the "Selling Yourself" Intensive Workshop is over, it won't be repeated again for quite a while.

register today!

American Writers & Artists Inc.