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What Do You Say When a Prospect
Asks What You Charge?

Pricing B2B projects is tough! No wonder it makes so many copywriters break into a cold sweat. You make one wrong mistake and you not only lose the project — but probably any other opportunities from that same client as well.

The good news is, there is a specific process to follow that virtually guarantees that you'll handle pricing and quoting the right away — and land more high-paying B2B copywriting projects.

In AWAI’s program, How to Price B2B Writing Projects, you’ll learn that process — along with all the scripts, model emails, and quotation templates you need to price projects with confidence and ease.

Pricing B2B copywriting projects doesn't have to be agony. In fact, if you follow this simple "Power Pricing" system, you'll be able to:

Grab the program today and find out:

Learning how to price your services—and learning how to present your prices—is one of the simplest ways to immediately increase your income and improve your success. Find out exactly the steps you need to take to price your projects with How to Price B2B Writing Projects and start earning 24 to 50 percent more than you do now!

How to Price, Quote, and Win B2B Writing Projects $297.00

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