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Inside AWAI Webinar and Q&A:
The No-Client Way to Make a Living as a Writer

The No-Client Way to Make a Living as a Writer

Like the idea of getting paid to write … but not the idea of getting clients?

During this Inside AWAI Webinar and Q&A Session, Katie Yeakle and Rebecca Matter discuss three paths you can take this summer to start making money as a writer — without a single client.

Plus, they opened up the lines for a Q&A to answer questions from listeners about becoming a copywriter and the world of well-paid writing.

Even if you’re not quite ready to start making money as a writer, and just want a better understanding of the different paths that lead to the writer’s life, you’re welcome to listen!

Webinar Materials

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Webinar Q&A

Programs Mentioned During the Webinar

10-Minute Workday

How to Build, Write, and Grow Your Own Money-Making Websites

Bob Bly’s Ultimate Guide to E-Book Writing Success

Marketing Confidence: Learn to Love Marketing Your Business

Bonus: Wealthy Web Writer - Using a Money-Making Website to Build Your Web-Writing Business

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Webinar Slides

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