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Save time and money, and avoid costly mistakes using our
proven techniques, customizable templates, and step-by-step action plans.

Finally, an "easy button" for the business
of your freelance writing business …

 … so you can focus on the important stuff —
writing great copy and cashing big checks.

Everything you need to make all the stuff copywriters hate about running a freelance business "vanish" forever.

Questions …

If your goal is to make your living running a freelance writing business, you're bound to have lots of them.

Here are a few that may have already crossed your mind:

"Do I need to incorporate?"

"What's the best way to handle my taxes?"

"How do I write a proposal?"

"How much should I charge?"

"Do I need a contract for every assignment I take on?”

"How do I get clients?"

"How do I structure my time so I make the most money?" The bottom line is …

Running a successful freelance writing business requires more than just being a good writer.

You also have to know how to effectively and efficiently run a small business.

And, it's this aspect of freelance writing success where many new and aspiring copywriters fall short.

Often, it’s not their fault.

They're making the transition to professional copywriter from a job where they were never really exposed to the ‘big picture’ of what it takes to run a successful business.

And, what ends up happening is they take a haphazard "trial-and-error" approach to the administration and "getting clients" aspects of their business.

And, the results can be costly.

They'll spend too much time on "administrative" activities, and not enough time writing, generating income.

They get bogged down in the minutia of running a business.

And, they don't develop an efficient process for getting and keeping clients.

Or worse, they'll make common accounting and tax errors that could cost them thousands of dollars.

Everything you need to know to run
a successful freelance writing business

My name is Katie Yeakle, Executive Director of American Writers & Artists Institute.

If you can relate to what I've just said, even a little, what I'm about to share with you is a "once and for all” solution when it comes to handling the business side of your freelance career.

In fact, it could make the difference between you having a career that just sputters along and one that consistently brings you a six-figure income, year-after-year.

You see, we've been busy.

Knowing how critical the ability to run an efficient and effective business is to achieving all your copywriting goals, we recently gave our popular "Freelance Writing Success in a Box" program a complete makeover.

It's now called Freelance Writing Business Success.

In it, we provide you with virtually everything you need to know to run a successful freelance business — from basic administration-related things like how to choose the right legal status for your business right through to how-to develop a plan to make sure your services are always in big demand.

Freelance Writing Business Success is overflowing with ways to save time, increase your productivity, and become the profitable copywriter you want to be — sooner than you may have ever thought possible.

And, it's not just for print and web copywriters. Whether you write advertisements or specialize in technical, grant, resume writing, etc. — if you plan to do it on a freelance basis, you'll need to know how to set up and run a small business, how to get clients, and so on.

Here is just a portion of what you'll learn in Freelance Writing Business Success :

  • How to create a Mission Statement that will set you apart from your competition — Not every freelancer bothers to write one, but you should. Your Mission Statement gives your business direction and helps your prospects quickly determine why they should do business with you. We'll show you how to create a powerful, unique Mission Statement that drives your business and highlights your values.
  • How to decide on the best niche for your business — Most businesses prefer to deal with someone who they perceive as being an expert in their field — and they’re willing to pay a premium to do so. So, it makes good business sense to become a specialist versus remaining a generalist. We'll take you through a to-the-point exercise that will help you determine the ideal niche (or niches) for you to focus on.
  • How to choose a winning name for your freelance business — Choose a bad name and you may confuse or even turn off potential prospects. And, unless you're a celebrity, using your actual name probably won't help you when it comes to drawing in clients. Follow our five-step process, and in no time at all, you'll have plenty of ideas on what's the best name for your freelance business.
  • How to set up your home office to maximize your productivity — You spend a lot of time there, so it's important it's as functional and efficient as possible. We provide you with tips on how to save money, checklists to make sure you have all the equipment and tools you need to prosper, how to protect your computer and business records, and much more.
  • How to choose the best legal status for your business — We break down the pros and cons of running your business as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation, an "S" corporation, a Limited Liability Company (LLC), an active partnership, a limited partnership, and a joint venture — making it easy for you to choose the best option for your business.
  • How to find a reputable, affordable attorney — You may want to consider hiring an attorney to help you set up your business, particularly if you're planning to incorporate or set up a partnership. We provide you with a nine-point checklist to assist you in finding a reputable, affordable attorney who's the right fit for your business.
  • Nine key components of your freelance writing client contract — Having a contract in place for every job you do is essential to your business. We'll go over nine things your client contract must contain to make sure both parties are clear about what's expected of them.
  • Tips on how to make your bookkeeping more efficient — Tracking your income and expenses is not that hard if you know the basics. We provide you with tips and advice on how to streamline the accounting side of your business. We also give you a simple tip that takes only a few minutes to set up, but will save you a ton of time and effort come tax-time.
  • Your records: what you need to save and for how long — We'll tell you what records you must keep for at least a year, three to five years, and eight years, so you'll never get caught off guard by an expected request from the government.
  • How to ensure you never get hit with an IRS tax penalty — It’s the biggest headache freelancers have: Am I paying the IRS enough taxes on the money I earn? Very often they’re not — and it can cost a person dearly. Tax penalties can be levied at 25% over and above what is owed. You'll also learn about something called ‘Safe Harbor’ — which will help you avoid the shock and horror of an unexpected IRS bill.
  • How to find an accountant who is the best fit for your business — The tax code is complicated, plus it tends to change every year — so it makes a lot of sense to hire someone to do your taxes for you. We'll show you where to look and eight key questions to ask them to determine if you can trust them to do the best job possible for your business.
  • How to make sure your business is properly insured — We go through 10 different types of insurance so you can pick the combination that makes the most sense for your business. (Note: It's important to be aware that not all homeowner's insurance covers home-based businesses.)
  • How to create your business success plan — A business success plan keeps you focused on your goals and helps you avoid straying off course or neglecting issues that could affect your success. Plus, if you ever decide to apply for a loan, your bank will require your plan with your loan application. There are six main sections to a good business success plan. We go through each section in detail, laying out what you need to include. By the time you’re through, you'll have a very powerful document covering all the key areas of your freelance business.
  • How to create a winning brand — Branding is helpful because it adds to your professionalism and builds your reputation and sets you apart from your competition (especially for freelance writers who don't often bother to create a brand). Follow our 10-step system and we'll show you how to create a brand that is unique and consistent with the goals of your business.
  • Six tips on how to come up with a professional-looking logo for your business — If you decide to design a logo (or have someone design a logo for you), here are six tips to put you on the right path.

Of course, no program about becoming more effective and efficient in your career would be complete without a section about goals.

I know … I know … you've heard it all before. And when somebody mentions the importance of establishing goals, your eyes start to glaze over and it goes in one ear and right out the other.

Here's something to think about though.

In his "Personal Power" program, Anthony Robbins tells a story about a study Yale University did in 1953.

They asked a group of students how many of them had a set of clear and specific goals with a written plan on how to achieve them. About 3% said they had.

20 years later, they asked the same group of people another set of questions.

What they found was that the 3% who had written down their goals and had a plan to achieve them were happier and more excited about life in general.

Now while those things are subjective, here's something that isn't …

They also found that the 3% who had written down their goals were worth more financially than the other 97% combined!

So, if you've been putting off writing down your goals and creating a plan, there's no better time than right now to get started.

And with our 10-step goal-setting plan, you won’t just go through the motions … you’ll end up with a concrete strategy to reach both your short-term and long-term goals.

On top of helping you set and achieve your goals, we also provide you with the following tips and advice on how to increase your productivity:

  • 15 tips on how to squeeze more productivity out of every day — How much money you make (and often how happy you are) depends on how productive you are each day. Here are 15 tips that will help you squeeze the most productivity out of each and every day.
  • How to write more effectively and efficiently — Here are six tips that will help you get more actual copy written every time you sit down to write.
  • Five tips on how to stop procrastinating — Procrastination not only delays your success, it can make you feel like you've let yourself down at the end the day. Tape these five tips up in your workspace and refer to them every time you get the urge to put something off till later.
  • How to have a winning attitude every day — "For success, attitude is equally important as ability." — Author Harry F. Banks. How true that is. Being in a bad mood can seriously reduce the amount and quality of work you get done. Put these three things into practice and you’ll always start each day from a positive place.
  • How to organize your office for day-to-day productivity — Both physically and electronically, we give you tips and strategies that will help save you time and make you more efficient in your work space.
  • How to avoid burnout — Most writers suffer from burnout or start to feel burned out at one time or another. It goes without saying that it can be a real productivity killer. The moment you feel symptoms of burnout coming on, turn to one or two of these seven ‘remedies’ and in no time at all you’ll be back on track and raring to go.

Okay — you've been studying your craft for a while now.

As each day and week goes by, you feel your writing skills improve.

But not only that, you're starting to really "get it."

You understand what this "writing thing" is all about.

And you love it!

But, there's a fly in the ointment.

And it's a big one.

You actually have to go out and get clients to hire you.

For many new and aspiring copywriters, it's their number one concern. They view it as something to be feared.

And, whenever you fear something that isn't really scary, it's usually because of a lack of information.

Once you have a solid "tried and true" plan to market yourself to potential clients, you'll find that it's really not something to be feared.

It can actually be quite fun.

Which is we've made getting and dealing with clients such a big focus of Freelance Writing Business Success.

We start off by laying a firm foundation for your marketing strategy.

Providing you with the basic information and documents you need to be able to market yourself with gusto and confidence and then we lay out an overall marketing plan for you to follow.

Here's just some of what you'll learn:

  • How much to charge for your writing services — An important question, and one of the first questions new copywriters need answered. We take the mystery out of it for you. On top of talking about different pricing strategies, we also provide you with a sample rate sheet on what you should charge for everything from putting together a brochure for your client to writing their home page.
  • How to put together a winning proposal — Your ability to put together a well-thought-out proposal for your prospects and clients can mean the difference between the success and failure of your business. We break down section-by-section what every proposal you send out should contain so you put your best foot forward every time.
  • How to manage assignments with ease — With every assignment you take on, use our six-step procedure and 15-point project management checklist.
  • How to create a proper invoice — Its your money, and the sooner it lands in your bank account the better. To make sure your invoices are paid promptly, we give you 20 things you should include on every invoice.
  • Four things that will turn you into a more persistent marketer — American author Napoleon Hill once said that "Failure cannot cope with persistence." If you feel your "persistence level" could use a boost, here are four things you can do that will help drive you to accomplish everything you hope to (and more) each day.
  • The two quickest and easiest ways to get clients — Often ignored by freelancers, we'll show you how to take full advantage of this client-rich market.
  • How to create a referral incentive program — We'll show you how to put together an incentive program for your clients which will have them falling over themselves to come up with business referrals for you.
  • Bob Bly’s Five-Step Process to Selling Services — Bob Bly is one of the most successful copywriters in the business and one of the reasons why is that he knows how to promote himself. Use Bob’s five steps and you’ll never have a shortage of people wanting you to write copy for them.
  • Six Must-Use Marketing Tools — Six simple, yet powerful, ways to promote yourself and add to your professional image.

You'll also learn about a pricing strategy that has the potential to double (even triple) your income — without you working any harder!

Its strategy number three in the special bonus report "Four Strategies for Increasing the Money You Make from Every Project You Do" that we're including as part of Freelance Writing Business Success.

It's written by one of the premier web writers (and coaches) working today, Nick Usborne.

A copywriter for over 30 years, Nick has written exclusively for the Web for the last 12 — having written for such companies as AOL, Microsoft, the U.S. Navy, The New York Times, Disney, and Encyclopedia Britannica.

In his eye-opening report, as the title states, Nick shows you how to make more money on every project you take on. He also includes three bonus strategies that, if followed, will help turn every client you work with into a raving fan.

Letting the world know you mean business

Another way to turn potential clients and prospects into raving fans is by having a website that makes a strong case for why they should hire you. Plus, a website is a quick and easy way to get samples of your work into the hands of potential clients.

If you're unsure what your website should contain or how you should structure it, don't worry — we'll help you out.

In Freelance Writing Business Success , we go point-by-point through what information your site should contain, give you tips on your site's navigation structure, and show you examples of freelance sites you might want to model yours after.

Plus, if you lack work samples to put on your website at the moment, we offer four ways to quickly generate samples for your website.

But, having a good website is just one piece of the getting clients puzzle. You'll also learn:

  • Six things your introductory sales letter must do — We'll help you create a great first impression with everyone you send your prospecting package to by laying out six key things your introductory sales letter must do.
  • Four secrets that will help you put together an outrageously successful client-prospecting package — Business-to-Business (B2B) expert Pete Savage shares four secrets that brought him $64,000 in less than 12 months.
  • How to use the telephone effectively — If you’re nervous about making that all-important first call, here’s a way to take the pressure off — plus other tricks you can use to always make the right impression every time you call a prospective client. Plus, we include a sample call script you can use to help eliminate any hesitation you might have about follow-up with potential clients.
  • Eight steps to leaving effective, to-the-point voice mail messages — Ever leave a voice mail message and cringe a little because you know you could have done a better job? We'll put those worries behind you by providing you with an eight-step formula for leaving voice messages that will reinforce your professionalism.
  • How to get discovered by clients by using Public Relations — In this section you'll learn three things you should know before you start to write a press release … six things every press release should include … seven different types of press release leads … nine instances when it makes sense to promote yourself using a press release, and much more.
  • Four Online Strategies that will help you attract clients for your services — Develop and consistently use these four strategies and you'll never have to worry where your next client is coming from.
  • Six ways to position yourself as an expert within your niche — Being viewed as an expert within your niche quickly turns you into a client-magnet. And, because they perceive you as an expert, your clients will not mind and will even expect to pay higher fees for your services.
  • The simple secrets to develop a mutually-beneficial relationship with your client so you always get repeat business — The most profitable assignments are repeat business from current clients. One of the reasons is that you already know their company and customers. So, how do you get repeat assignments? Here are nine simple tips which will ensure you always keep your clients calling you when they need a new promotion.
  • How to build on your success by keeping your clients "in the loop" — Throughout your career, you want to continually strengthen your relationship with both your prospects and clients. Here are four tips and three ways to set up effective "communications loops."
  • How to become an indispensable resource for your clients — We show you how to think beyond your role as a writer and establish yourself as an ally, friend, and trusted colleague.
  • Five absolutely essentials things you need to start doing immediately to make it as a freelance writer — Common sense advice on things you need to do to make it as a freelance writer.
  • 29 tips on how to keep your career zooming forward at a breakneck pace — Write them out and stick them up nearby where you can see them. Referring to them will help put your career in perspective and bring you closer to reaching all your freelance-writing goals.

All the way through Freelance Writing Business Success , you'll find "Insider" and "Quick Tips" that give you with additional insights into the topic at hand. You'll also find links to articles and websites that will provide you with even more helpful information and advice.

Another way Freelance Writing Business Success will save you time and effort is the document templates we've included.

We provide you with four different accounting-related documents (Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Budget Worksheet, Income Statement, Travel Daily Record) you can copy and use for your business.

If you decide to incorporate, we've included a sample "Articles of Incorporation" document (as well as a 14-point "Incorporation checklist") to help you get the ball rolling.

To help make sure every assignment you do goes smoothly, we've included sample Job Information and Job Log forms.

Plus, we've included a sample Fax Proposal and an Email/Letter Proposal (written by none other than master copywriter and best-selling author Bob Bly), a sample Letter of Agreement, and a Proposal/Agreement for website content writing.

You'll find the templates both in the main program and in a special companion Freelance Writing Business Success Workbook we've included which takes all checklists, document templates, and our "Make It Happen" Action Steps and puts them in one place for quick and easy access.

Solid advice and guidance every step of the way

As you can see, Freelance Writing Business Success is a literal treasure trove of information guaranteed to keep your career on the right track.

It's a resource you will be constantly referring to as you move forward in your career.

You'll find it's like having multiple experts by your side offering tips, advice, suggestions, and motivation — helping you succeed every step of the way.

If you use Freelance Writing Business Success faithfully:

  • You'll slash the amount of time it takes your freelance business to get "up and running" and functioning like a well-oiled machine.
  • You’ll master the art of achievable goal-setting and increase your income year after year — and get to where you really want to be in life.
  • You'll be able to get more billable work done in less time, so you can do the things you really want to do in life.
  • You’ll be able to put together a prospecting package that will make it extremely difficult for prospective clients not to hire you.
  • You’ll have effective marketing systems in place ensuring you'll never have to worry where your next assignment is coming from.
  • You’ll learn the simple secrets to creating mutually-beneficially relationships with your clients so you always get repeat business.
  • You’ll be able to take advantage of all of the important money-saving and tax-saving strategies reserved for business owners.
  • You’ll know how to set your client's expectations so they always love what you wrote for them.
  • You’ll have daily, weekly, and monthly schedules where you'll find you're pumping out more copy than you ever thought possible.
  • You'll have defined a clear purpose for your business — and have a step-by-step roadmap on how to achieve it.
  • And much, much more.

So, how much is Freelance Writing Business Success?

Naturally, this is a program that could (and should) cost at least a $1,000.

After all, once you have it — you'll have a structure in place where your business will practically run itself, so you can focus the lion's share of your time thinking up great ideas and writing great copy.

So, it might surprise you to learn we're not charging $1,000 for this …

Not even close.

Fact is, we've managed to find a way to offer this complete program to you for just $99.

There's a very good reason for this.

It's because we think this is one of a handful of AWAI programs every freelancer should have.

It's like an investor having a subscription to The Wall Street Journal — or a lawyer getting the American Law Review.

It's just a no brainer.

After all, once you have this, a lot of the problems associated with running a small business will just "go away."

No longer will you be bogged down and overwhelmed …

You'll wake up every day with a clear-cut plan for what to do — whether it's wrapping up a project, or landing a new client.

You'll end each day having accomplished more — and your work will be stronger (you won't be worried about all the details of running your business).

Best of all, you'll avoid those dreaded "cash vacuums" where you're rushing to finish a project so you can get a badly-needed check.

In fact, I'm so confident you'll agree this program will transform your freelance business success that I’m going to do more than offer you AWAI’s standard 30-day money-back guarantee …

Buy this program today and keep it for 30 days — a full month — and if you don't feel Freelance Writing Business Success has helped you become a better, smarter, more thorough freelance writer, just let us know and you’ll get a full refund of your purchase price.

What could be fairer than that?

Here's the only program you'll ever need to run an efficient and profitable freelance business. A program that's a must-have for everyone who is serious when it comes to making six-figures as a freelance writer …

Plus, AWAI’s 30-day guarantee that if — for any reason you're not absolutely thrilled with Freelance Writing Business Success — you can request every penny you paid for the program to be sent back to you — no questions asked!

And don't forget, we're also including Nick Usborne's new income-boosting report Four Strategies for Increasing the Money You Make from Every Project You Do free of charge.

And, one more thing …

You can start benefiting from the techniques, advice, templates, and step-by-step systems in Freelance Writing Business Success right away.

Because as soon as we process your order, you’ll be able to download the complete program (and Nick's report) from the myAWAI section of our website. Which means you don’t have to pay shipping and handling, or wait days or weeks for printed materials to arrive.

Plus, down the road … if we update the program, you’ll always have instant (and free) access to all the latest information.

So, why delay?

Start running your business using the same techniques and strategies that every successful freelance writer uses.

When you do, good things will start to happen.

Everything you do seems to get easier — your attitude changes, your stress level plummets, and you're rarely seen by anyone without a big smile on your face.

Get Freelance Writing Business Success now.

Call Barb, Pat, Debbie, or Jacqueline toll-free at 1-866-879-2924 or order online.


Katie Yeakle
Executive Director, AWAI

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