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How to Become a Go-To SEO Content Writer

Businesses NEED to get found on Google.

But, competition for attention and clicks online is fiercer than ever.

Content is flooding the internet, and businesses in every industry are doubling down on content production.

The problem is, content that doesn’t rank well on Google is practically invisible.

Which means one of the most valuable assets any business can invest in is a writer who writes “discoverable content.”

That’s why 56% of all content-writing jobs now require search engine optimization (SEO) skills, according to a study from technology firm Conductor.

And, why now is the perfect time to dive into How to Become a Go-To SEO Content Writer.

How to Become a Go-To SEO Content Writer In this self-paced program, you’ll learn the key ingredients for writing helpful, unique, and exceptional content that provides the best answers to the questions people are searching for…

And, that gets found by people who need it.

The program will give you a full understanding of SEO — including how it fits into the “bigger picture” of a company’s marketing strategy and the most common types of content you’ll write.

You’ll learn all about finding the right keywords — and how to seamlessly integrate them into your content.

And, you’ll develop the right balance of making sure you always write amazing content for the reader first — while still appealing to Google, so your content ranks well.

The program also includes a quiz at the end of every section to ensure you’re mastering these SEO skills…

And, you’ll get exercises to practice your writing — including one you can submit to our team for professional feedback. Just polish it up afterward and you’ll have your first portfolio sample to show potential clients!

And, speaking of clients, there’s a whole section on getting clients, so you can start making money in just a few weeks’ time.

By the time you finish the program, not only will you be able to write “discoverable content” that clients pay $250 to $1,000 (or more) per page for…

You’ll also be able to serve as an SEO consultant who can find all the most relevant keywords for any content you write and build a full content strategy.

SEO content writing is one of the most valuable and sought-after skills writers need today — so it represents a massive opportunity for all writers.

Don’t miss your chance to learn this required skill and start using it to earn great fees from clients.

How to Become a Go-To SEO Content Writer: Get Paid to Write Discoverable Online Content: $497.00

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