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This Week from AWAI …

Write in Your Spare Time and Make Money Every Month from Home

“Spare-time writers” have it made!

They write in their spare time, choose their own topics (usually hobbies or passions), and never deal with clients.

Best of all, they make $400, $1,000, $3,500 (or more) every month.

It’s a great way to have an extra financial “cushion” to weather any storm.

Click Here for All the Details

$297 In Writing Training — for $11!!!

When you grab a subscription to Barefoot Writer magazine today, for only $11…

You’ll get FREE access to our Making the Leap program, which takes you from wherever you are today…

And shows you exactly how to make a smooth transition to paid writing, so you’ll have success right out of the gate.

It usually costs $297, but you’ll get it completely free today!

Grab It All For $11

Free Event: How to Make Passive Income with AI… Without a Single Client

Today at 3 p.m. ET, digital copywriting pioneer Nick Usborne is going to break down the step-by-step method he’s using right now to make money with the help of AI — LIVE. Don’t miss it!

Grab Access Instructions Here