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How One New Skill Can Lead You to Predictable Writing Income

Young businesswoman working with her laptop and smartphone in a modern office

If you’re still working for an employer, you probably get a steady paycheck … and there is something to be said for knowing when and how much you’re going to be paid.

It’s comforting. It’s predictable. You can count on it.

Yet more and more people are willing to give up their 40-hour per week employment in exchange for a better financial future and the freedom of the writer’s life …

The only challenge? How to replace that steady paycheck.

I was in the same boat. That’s why I was very happy to discover writing e-newsletters for professional service providers. The income is steady, the projects are short, and the writing is fun!

Plus, the paychecks from these clients are on a predictable schedule so I know exactly when and what I’m getting paid. It works well for me, and it can work for you too.

To make sure we’re on the same page, an e-newsletter — or email newsletter — is basically a formatted email that provides valuable content to the reader.

Look in your inbox … You likely already receive weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly e-newsletters from various companies. I get at least one from the church, my dentist, and my vet.

E-newsletters are informational and entertaining. They help your clients build relationships with their potential customers and nurture relationships with current and past customers too.

They’re short (usually around 1,200 to 1,500 words) and they’re non-sales-y! Yet, when the time is right — and the reader needs a service or product — the e-newsletter publisher will be the first person on the prospect’s mind.

They act as a relationship nurturing tool for current customers and help the sender stay top of mind with their prospects and customers new and old. Some people will forward these e-newsletters to family and friends. Some of those recipients may eventually become customers.

An example is a veterinarian who sends a monthly newsletter to his pet parents.

The newsletter may talk about how to protect pets from fleabites or the importance of a rabies shot. Great information for the customer. They learn how to take better care of their pet and are more likely to plan a visit.

So while the goal is to get more business, to the customer, the newsletter reads like a helpful informational article.

Now, besides the predictable income, why are e-newsletters such a great writing opportunity?

  • There are tons of clients.
  • Your clients will need to send newsletters on a consistent schedule at least once a month. This consistency means you have projects lined up that you can count on and plan for in advance. You’ll know exactly what you’re getting paid every month.
  • Once they start sending a newsletter, they have to keep going. Regular helpful contact with prospects and customers is how their business can grow. Regular newsletters lead to more business and referrals. They can’t maintain relationships if they are erratic about sending their messages.
  • Professionals are willing to pay a lot for e-newsletters ($800 to $2,000 an issue) because they are an effective marketing tool. And most professional service providers don’t want to spend time writing a newsletter when they could be doing billable work. They’re happy to pay a copywriter to draft their monthly message.

Build a Freelance Career on This One Simple Skill

The best news is that writing e-newsletters is something you can learn in a really quick amount of time. Spend a few days learning the simple, repeatable format of e-newsletters and you’ll be ready to start working with clients.

It’s that easy to get started:

  1. Learn the formula for writing short newsletters for professionals.
  2. Start by getting one client.
  3. Earn predictable, consistent paychecks every month.
  4. Add more clients. Cash more checks. Repeat.

Remember, having predictable writing income is a great way to ensure your business success. The consistent work of e-newsletters will help you avoid the “feast or famine” cycle some freelancers encounter.

If you want to learn more about e-newsletters — or join me in adding them to your services — go here.

E-newsletters are also an excellent way to get your foot in the door for other projects. For example, you could offer to write social media posts to promote the e-letter (for an additional fee, of course!). You can offer to write supporting ads or blog articles. Depending on the business, they may have all kinds of opportunities for you to help them.

If you’ve dreamed of living the writer’s life, this is one simple way to make it a reality.

Did you realize you were just one new skill away from the writer’s life? If you have any questions, please share them below so we can help you get started.

How to Write Engaging E-newsletters

How to Write Engaging E-newsletters: Earn Ongoing Income by Turning Casual Prospects into Devoted Customers

Start writing e-newsletters that build relationships and turn casual prospects into devoted customers. With this skill, you can earn thousands of dollars a month in retainer contracts. Learn More »

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Published: December 21, 2021

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