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Ultimate Site Content Audit Course Shows You How to Get Paid TWICE for Every Project

With over 1.31 billion websites competing for reader attention online, the need for quality site content auditors has never been higher. That’s doubly true for auditors who specialize in making the website content the best it can be.

As writers, we know a fancy website design is useless if the words on the page don’t grab the reader’s attention and convince them this is where they’ll find everything they need.

That’s where you come in.

Site Content Audits Made Simple

Companies will happily pay a qualified auditor $1,000 … $2,500 … or more just to look through their website and tell them how to improve it.

Then, they’ll pay you again to write the new copy they need to make their website the best it can be!

Site Content Audits Made Simple is the ultimate site content audit course to help you start earning those double paychecks faster than ever. Inside, web writing expert Pam Foster will show you …

  • A 21-point master checklist — a “cheat sheet” that covers every possible mistake and error you’ll find on websites – and how to easily fix them – so you’re guaranteed to nail it every time …
  • A step-by-step walkthrough for landing site content audit clients – plus a copy of the “script” Pam uses on her first call with prospects that leaves them asking “when can you start?!” …
  • 4 specific clues to look for on every website so you can impress clients with an “at a glance” evaluation of their site …
  • The expert-proven, 7-step approach you can use on every site content audit project from start to finish – so there’s never any guesswork on your part …
  • The 5 C’s of Content That Works™ — Use this five-step guide to measure how your client’s messages work (or don’t) when it comes to offering clear, optimized, helpful, and persuasive sales copy.
  • Pam’s Site Content Audit Proposal Template — Submit a winning proposal for your Site Content Audit services every time with this ready-to-use template, customizable for each client.
  • Strategic Site Content Audit Brief — Start each project at a huge advantage by using this checklist to get the right information from your client up front.
  • Three brand new bonus lessons on pitching your services to prospective clients … winning over web developers … saving websites from three new “tripwires” that could be hurting their business …
  • And so much more!

In this site content audit course, you’ll get everything you need to skip the learning curve and launch straight to “expert status” … and start earning those double paychecks faster than ever.

Get started with Site Content Audits Made Simple for only $497.00

Order Now!

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