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Showcase Your Writing Skills with a Portfolio One Sheet

When a client asks to see your portfolio, don’t overwhelm them with samples. Give them your Portfolio One Sheet instead.

Three Steps to Finding Your Perfect Unique Value Proposition

Do you know the difference between your unique selling proposition and your unique value proposition? It could make a big difference in your business.

6 Tips for Prospecting with Direct Mail

Land more clients when you use these six tips for prospecting with direct mail.

Two Techniques for a Winning Elevator Pitch

“What do you do?” Having a solid elevator pitch as your answer is key to impressing potential prospects. Here are two techniques to help.

7 Reasons Why You Should Send Newsletters to Your Clients and Prospects

Sending newsletters to your clients and prospects can help you keep your project pipeline brimming over. Find out 7 ways this strategy helps your business.

The Best Lead Magnet for Freelance Copywriters

There are many different formats for lead magnets. Which works best for freelance copywriters? Steve Slaunwhite gives you his advice.

Getting Clients: 5 Email Prospecting Tips

Need clients? Email prospecting is a powerful tool — when it’s done right. Here are five tips to help you be more successful when prospecting by email.

The Dangers of Relying on One Major Client

Relying on one major client for your writing work can lead to some landmines. Learn to recognize when you’re in dangerous territory and what to do about it

Want to Make More Money As a Copywriter? Do This.

Steve Maurer shows how he went from earning a few bucks an article to earning a few hundred bucks an article. Learn how to make more money as a copywriter.

Simple Steps to Boost Your Marketing Confidence

If you want a steady stream of writing gigs, you have to market yourself. Use this 3-step process to boost your marketing confidence.

How to Market Your Copywriting Business Consistently

Banish the excuses! Here’s how to market your copywriting business consistently all year long. It’s easier than you think!

Take Your Business Global: How to Work with International Clients

You’re not bound to work with local clients. Or even clients in the same country as you. Use these tips to work with international clients.

The Mechanics of Getting Paid: A Freelancer’s Guide

You landed the client! Now, what’s the best way to get paid? Here are several options for freelancers, and the pros and cons of each of them.

Benefits of Using Infographics in Your B2B Proposals

Using good infographics in your proposal can not only make your proposal stand out, it can make the difference in getting hired or not.

10 Signs You Were Meant to Work for Yourself

If you’re meant to work for yourself, you likely feel it. Deep down inside, you know you’d do better, be happier, and live a richer life as your own boss.

How to Solicit Useful Feedback on Your Writing and Why

Getting feedback is a key step in the writing process. Christine Butler discusses ways to getting useful feedback and why it's important.

Why You Should Choose a Niche

Not sure if you should choose a niche? Click through to learn about three big benefits of choosing a niche for your web-writing business.

How to Pitch Writing Projects Like a Film Producer

One success secret of great freelancers is that they pitch ideas rather than pitching themselves. Find out 6 steps to start pitching projects like a pro.

Pricing Tip #2: When to Send the Quote. When to Follow-up.

How much time do you have to send a quote to a prospect before your chances of getting the job go away? Steve Slaunwhite’s answer may surprise you.

How to Write an Email Signature that Brings You Business

Adding a professional email signature to your email programs can help you attract more referrals and more projects.

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