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Meet AWAI-Trained Writer:

Derek Coleman

Derek Coleman

Location: Compton, CA
Professions: Copywriter, Desktop Marketer
Specialties: B-to-B, Web/Internet

Derek Coleman has completed the following verification and training to the satisfaction of AWAI’s Board of Advisors, with expertise in:

AWAI Verified™

Derek Coleman is AWAI Verified™. The AWAI Verified™ seal indicates that a copywriter has …

  • Studied AWAI’s world-class The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, which covers the fundamentals of persuasive direct-response copy.
  • Passed AWAI’s robust test and demonstrated an understanding of copywriting principles and best practices.

Professional Background:

I write emails that get you paid. When you hire me it's like buying money at a discount.

Under my belt is 8 years of commission-only sales experience. I know my way around a selling process and how to handle objections. So your customers will have no objections with doing business with you.

I can meet your prospects exactly where they are on their buyer's journey. And supply you with email campaigns that cover all 4 buyer types.

Emails are a low-risk way to try out a new copywriter. It's got a low price tag and huge upside potential.

The average ROI of email marketing is $38 per $1 spent. With numbers like that, you can't lose, but you CAN 38X your investment.

Don't like the average ROI?

Me neither, let's shoot for 60X!!

I'm only interested in working alongside clients who want a surge in sales/leads. You'll get 257% effort from me with each project. I promise serious results because you don't deserve any less.

Contact me when you're ready for a landfill of sales day after day.

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