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Write with a Pro!
You Can Look Over Her Shoulder While You Tackle Your First Paid Writing Assignment …

Dip your toes into the world of paid writing …

Discover everything you need to know about being a professional writer directly from someone who’s been right where you are now — professional copywriter Bonnie Fanning …

Learn the universal writing structure you’ll want to apply to everything you write from this day on …

portrait of Bonnie And even write your very first piece — worthy of publication — right alongside Bonnie!

She’ll walk you step-by-step through her writing process on a real paid project …

One that’s ideal for your first taste of paid writing because it’s so short … so simple … and SO in demand in literally every type of business and market:

A blog post.

And since she’ll be writing her own blog post right along with you, you’ll see exactly how to come up with the idea … outline the article … craft a showstopper headline … inject proof and persuasion into every section … keep readers hooked all the way through … and more!

Which means that by the time you’ve completed your “Let’s Write!” training experience with Bonnie, not only will you have all the know-how and direction you need to start getting paid for your writing, but …

You’ll also have real experience writing the type of project your potential clients want to pay you for …

Including a finished piece for your professional writer’s portfolio!

Plus, your “Let’s Write!” training experience also comes with immediate access to your Fast Start Bonus Library, which includes career-launching video sessions like …

  • Your “Insider’s Guide” to a Lucrative Copywriting Career … where we’ll guide you all the way through the surest paths to success as a paid writer …
  • 7 Easy Steps to Landing High-Paying Writing Gigs … where you’ll discover the simple step-by-step progression from where you are right now to the writing career of your dreams …
  • Find Your “Perfect Fit” Writing Niche … where you’ll discover new ways to turn your passions and experience into an ultra-simplified writing specialty that boosts your income AND makes writing more fun …
  • How to Make a Living as a Writer WITHOUT Clients … where you’ll get to explore three powerful paths to making a very good living as a writer without ever having to land a single client …
  • And much, MUCH more!

Try it all risk-free for a full year — and if for any reason you aren’t satisfied, we’ll refund every penny.

So you have nothing to lose …

And a thrilling future as a successful paid writer to gain!

Let’s Write! Look Over My Shoulder for Your First Paid Writing Project : $249.00

Order Today!

For More Information, click here …

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