Inside AWAI Webinar and Q&A:
Make Money Writing for Professional Service Providers

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Almost a million clients are looking for writers, right this very minute …

In a "sweet spot" niche that many writers never even consider!

But with no in-house marketing team or writing staff, they rely 100% on freelancers like you to support and even guide their marketing efforts. They also NEED writing on a regular basis, which means they’re happy to pay you month after month for your help.

To get the inside scoop, join AWAI Learning Chief Pam Foster, along with special guest Michael Katz, for this Inside AWAI session. For over 20 years Michael has specialized in coaching and writing for small professional service firms and solo professionals.

During this session, you'll explore …

  • Professional Service Providers: who they are
  • Why they represent "sweet spot" clients for your freelance writing business
  • The specific kinds of projects they can use to market themselves (with your help!)
  • How you can even become their content consultant-writer, forging a lasting, lucrative relationship beyond writing projects
  • How to find Professional Service Providers who are hiring
  • How to get started now!

As always, we opened up the conversation for a Q&A at the end.

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$2,000 a Month Writing for Professional Service Providers

Write for Professional Service Providers Imagine enjoying the writer’s life — the freedom, the pay, the satisfaction of helping businesses — while writing short, fun content. Discover a little-known-but-extremely-profitable writing niche that will have you earning consistent paychecks month after month. » Learn More

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